
Time Well Spent-1

Ukala had made a large breakfast, eggs, meat, seasoning, and a few wild herbs, mushrooms, and berries to balance out a proper diet that she would start them on now.

She even made sure she made Hestia lunch, fashioning her a sandwich and sweet treat with berries.

Eventually, the smell of the food had awoken Bell and he walked in rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

''Hestia...?'' He called before his hands lowered and he came face to back, his eyes landing on the rippling muscles that made Ukala's back.

''Sorry, guess it's going to take a bit to realize there is one more person now... Where did you get all this food, and is it fine for us to be eating like this?'' Bell asked as he sat down at what he assumed was his portion, purely because it LOOKED to be the smaller portion.

Ukala let out a low chuckle that sounded pleasant. ''It's fine, and most of it was scavenged from the forest. The meat was something I had to run to get, but that's fine. Yes, it is fine to be eating all of this, we're adventures, we delve into the dungeon, and that requires a lot of calories to fuel us, plus proper meals and a better diet will increase our stats as well with time.''

Ukala had finished packing her and Bell's lunch as she sat down and started to eat.

''You sure know a lot about how to get stronger.'' Bell was hesitant, but soon he started to eat as well, digging in once the flavor of the food made its way to him, it was really good.

''My whole tribe is built around becoming as strong as we can, it is why despite our secluded nature, information is pretty easy to obtain about us. Most other Orc tribes are dumb, no beating around the bush about it, and some are even akin to monsters. But my clan, the Clan descended from Beol Mountain is 'smart'. With time and effort dedicated to finding the best way to become stronger. Diet, training, working out, experience. I am the Chieftan's Daughter, who is technically next in line for Chieftan. Earned due to my own strength, as the many generations of knowledge, skills, and craft perfected over time with my clan have led down to me. Making me the best suited to see how far our combined strength in all aspects can lead our clan in the outside world, how far we can go with the knowledge presented to us.''

Bell watched interested in her story, not knowing to much of his new family member but glad to have the chance to learn. Hearing the story caused him to laugh softly to himself, shaking his head. ''Well, when compared to you, all I am is just a normal farmer's kid, my grandpa taught me the basics of fighting, farming, and how to read and write along with elementary knowledge, but after that, it ends there.''

''Don't humble yourself, simply strive to be more. Some of the greatest adventurers of previous generations started out as normal people who one day decided to become one, it is the journey, the resolve, and the effort you put in while on this path that matters. Yes, I may seem to have some grand and noble background when compared to some, but we are family now. I will make sure that all knowledge, strength, and ability I can pass onto you, will be done so. So the both of us can grow as strong as we can be, together.''

Bell smiled at that, letting his thoughts wander as he focused on eating his meal.

Despite having not thought he was that hungry, he finished all of it and felt like he still had room left. It was like Ukala had divided the portions up exactly.

Once they were finished Bell helped Ukala with the dishes before he was led outside and a thin book was handed to him.

Opening it as he began to read it as Ukala spoke.

''This is a training regime specifically designed with your current body and fighting style in mind, it includes a strict schedule, rest, and time spent reading included. I am not asking you to blindly trust my methods, so in a week. If you follow this method exactly, I will take you to the dungeon to personally show you the difference from you as you are now, and in a week's time after following my methods.''

''I already have strong faith that this will work, in the little time I've been a Dungeon Explorer, I've come to realize things. The people who are truly dangerous, you can feel. I know you're only level one, like me, but I can feel a danger from you I only feel from higher leveled Adventurer."

''Then, I am going to guide you through each workout, then once I feel you understand how to do them as I need you to do them, I will leave you for the day, I need to deliver Hestia's lunch, as well as head through the dungeon to collect expenses for today, I will also need to register as a proper Adventurer. Who is your Guild Contact?''

''Eina Tulle, why?'' Bell asked, looking up from the book.

''It makes it easier for guild employees if the people assigned to them are from the same familia.''

Bell nodded, returning back to the reading.

It took them a little under 35 minutes to finish properly showing Bell each exercise, and when she was sure he had it down she left him with the simply motion that if he had any questions or concerns they could wait until she got back later in the day.

At full sprinting speed it took Ukala 15 minutes to be able to drop Hestia's lunch off, who bubbled with excitement when she noticed, even pulling Ukala down so she could jump up and kiss her cheek.

Hestia's stall had better sales that day.

Once Ukala made it into the Adventurer Guild she made her way to one of the free receptionists. Who immediately noticed her and took note this was the person that another Employee had met yesterday, right before coming out on cloud nine.

''I'm looking for Eina Tulle?''

The guild Employee nodded before turning and walking off and about five minutes later came back with Eina who Ukala knew well.

''I heard you were looking for me?'' Eina asked.

''I'm newly registered under the Hestia Familia, I've come to update the guild Registery. My Goddess should be here later today to sign off on it as well.''

Eina let out a breath that she had been holding, having worried that after her daring promise to keep Bell alive for a year, someone was already seeking her out.

Nodding she lead Ukala over to do all the necessary paper work before she spoke.

''What clan are you descended from?''

''Beol Mountain Clan.''

When Ukala answered that, Eina's eyes widened a bit, it wasn't often they got Orc's, and it was even more rare someone from that Clan descended the mountain, it seems this woman was on a proving.

''Is it as bad as they say it is?'' Eina asked, all her guild training coming in handy as she poked softly at the Orcess to learn more about her, so she could serve her better.

''Mm... For civilians? Yes, for anyone with training, and people who put the proper effort into confirming what type of monsters they might find, and preparing thoroughly for it? No. The mountains are dangerous, but anyone with the sense to prepare for the trip, and to train for it can get through alive, since most monsters can be avoided as long as you're smart. Any monster with a danger higher than three is usually dealt with swiftly by the clans... Then again, that's usually just a party.'' Ukala snorted heavily with amusement, chuckling softly as she continued to sign the documentation.

''And what of Bell?''

''Still at home, as someone from the Beol Mountain's, I know he isn't properly ready, at least not to the best of his ability to be ready. So I have him staying there for the time while reading all of the updated guild reference materials and training his body and reflexes.''

Eina nodded, letting out a quiet sigh of relief, glad that it seemed she had some proper help in making sure Bell remained safe... OR at least alive.


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