
Meant to be forever

How would you feel after seeing your childhood crush after he disappeared for a long time? Wang Peng looked at the boy who was in her arms, she had saved him while swimming at the surface. This wasn't the first time she had seen him, she was already in love with him, she left him at the shore and slipped back into the ocean. Lu Thassakpa remembered that weird creature whom he saw save him, had he hallucinated? Having been not allowed to step out of the palace, Wang Peng grew curious about what was in the outside world for which she wasn't allowed to go. At the age of five, she went against her father and sneaked out of the palace, for which she encountered the handsome guy. She always went there in the hope to meet him but never saw him, her father had found out about her sneaking and kept a strict eye on her. She gazed at him lovingly and he had tears in his eyes, this was the first time she saw him cry, holding onto his face, she murmured in a low voice" Thassakpu, live forr me, continue our love, I want..you to..continue on withoutme.." her voice started to fade. "Shhh..I can't..." he tried to assure her "Promise me" she interrupted him "I...I promise" he said unwillingly He stared at her lifeless body. Volume two. Having lived for more than a thousand years, he was reborn again but as the same person with his memories, Lu Thassakpu had tried to end his life for years but never succeeded. ... He stared at the young girl before him, she looked somewhat familiar although he couldn't remember where.

Dessy_Success · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Atlantic Kingdom

Down in the deepest part of the Fang ocean, a human-like fish with the upper part of a human and the lower part as a fish, with fair skin and silver hair swam fast across a turtle. It had a pink tail and it seemed she was escaping from something. Another thing in the form of her but a male soon swam past across the turtle. It had brownish hair and a red tail.

"Wang Peng!" ,a deep male voice shouted behind her. Pretending to not have heard him, she continued her speed.

"Your father wants to see you", he echoed behind her again causing her to come to an immediate stop. Her father wanted to see her? he must have heard about it. This was big trouble, which meant she would be grounded from leaving her room! The other man named Fang Lang managed to reach where she was panting for breath, the princess was extremely fast, he was exhausted now. He was also in trouble since as a personal guard he wasn't able to watch over the princess. She was just 10 years old but very naive, though he was just three years older than her.

"Wang Peng, do you know I'm in grave trouble?" he asked in a worried voice

"So? it's because you couldn't watch over me" ,she replied in an unconcerned manner

"What? is this how you repay me? after helping you all this while?" he answered looking at her angrily.

"It's not like I haven't helped you before", she said in a harsh voice.

"Princess" , two-deep male voices were heard behind

Wang Peng turned to see two palace guards, she turned pale, oh no! her father had now sent guards after her.

"The king requests to see you immediately", they continued.

"Okay," she bowed down her head, looked at Fang Lang angrily and followed the guards.

No one in the Atlantic kingdom had seen the princess before, she was kept as a mystery from them. This was to prevent anyone from trying to harm her, unfortunately, the princess was not conceding, she was a naive little girl, who wanted to see what the outside world was like. She would sneak out most times disguised and go out of the kingdom. The King had found out at times and warned her or either punished her by grounding her and preventing her from going out. Unfortunately, she had gone to the most forbidden place a mermaid was not supposed to go, the surface. Her dad found out and had summoned her now.

Soon they reached the palace, the princess felt reluctant to go in feeling a bit scared but had no other choice since the guards wouldn't allow her to escape. She saw her father sitting on the throne holding his head in his hands, he seemed to be in deep thought. After seeing his daughter he stood up on his big blue tail. With the crown on his head and the trident in his hands, only a true chosen person with royal blood had the power to hold the magical and powerful trident.

"Princess Wang Peng!", he called out her name in an angry voice.

"Father", she replied as if not knowing what she had done, having an innocent look on her face.

"Do you know you could have been seen by those wicked humans?", he asked in both an angry and worried voice. His silver hair flowed in the air as if dancing to a rhythm. Only true royals had silver hair. Her father loved her very much just that she was so naive and always got into trouble.

"But father they...", Wang Peng tried to explain.

"You are not allowed to go out for two weeks", he interrupted her.

"Father it's unfair, I just want to see the outside world, what's so wrong about that?", she asked feeling wronged.

"If only you knew, those humans are very wicked and would have no mercy on you after setting their eyes on you"

"But I can protect myself", she tried to protest but her father would listen no more.

"I'm not going to say another word...guards! take her to her room", he ordered and sat back on the throne.

In a corner not very far away, a woman eyed him with jealousy in her eyes, her husband was supposed to be on the throne and not this man.