
Chapter 14 She died

"Meeting means fate, and fate is not easy to come by. God has given you and me talents, and also gave us fate, why not take good care of the chances of encountering one after another in the past few months?"

"You haven't heard anyone say that once men and women have a deep friendship, all the most beautiful pictures will be destroyed."

"Then we can learn to find new touches from imperfections."

"I didn't expect you to be so straightforward."

"You mean, I wasn't straightforward before?" Tanisha changed her chin with one hand, her delicate lips flashing with a faint smile.

Seeing her sincere smile like this, Hadwin could feel his heart beating faster.

"Don't be shy, sir, if you are not active at this time, the girl will run away!"

"You have confused all the readers who support you, including me of course." Hadwin lowered his hand from the steering wheel and slowly slid to the passenger seat.