
Meadow Moon The charmed Ones.

Three young women find out on their 18 birthday. That they are adopted. They are triplets. Their mother had to put them up for adoption because of a special gift that was given to them when she was pregnant with them Their power only work when to together. What is this power? Can they learn to use it. They go through a series of trials learning how to live with each other. They even meet a young werewolf princess Sue Ann whos pack was cursed. They remain in wolf form all month and only turn human every full moon. Can the sisters help her? They have to find away to reverse the cursed.

Christina_Felan · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


  Daisy decides to meet Selena. She leaves before Gabe wakes because she know he will want to go with her. This is something she needs to alone. She loves Gabe but sometimes he is a little over protective.

             She put Selena address on gps and starts to drive. She really hopes that her truck will make it. Alvin got the 2022 Lambingan while she was stuck with a 1994 Ford truck. It was always braking down on her. She couldn't but wonder what her sisters would be like would they like her? Would she like them. Then she heard the words You destination is on the right. She found a place to park.

           Selena's house was very simple. It was a tiny brick home with a garden in front of it. She spotted a blue haired girl and a blonde hair girl talking. They must be Aria and Emily. She walked up to them. They quick talking and stared at her. " Hi. You must be Aria  and Emily. Is so nice to meet you." She said exceeding her hand out to shake theirs. It was Aria who shook her hand first. " Hi I am Aria. I don't mean to be so Rude I just have never had sisters so I am trying to get use to the idea. That and the fact that we are triplets." Emily was the next to shake her hand. " I am Emily. I do have a sister her name is Raven. I also have a niece name Sofie. I just have to get use to the idea of being triplet. Daisy laugh " I know the feeling. I say we get this over with." "Yes" Aria and Daisy agreed.

       They knocked on the door and they all hoped no one would answer . A small petite woman answer the door. She had Emily blue eyes and blood hair. She had her hair up in the most perfect bun. " Oh my" she scream with excitement. " I knew you would come. I have waited 18 long years to see you again. I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer all of you questions. I just want to explain everything. Come in the kitchens ready. I have tea on the stove."

           The kitchen was small and very cozy. It reminded them of a cottage kitchen it was painted yellow and seem very friendly and warming. They sat down in the kitchen and Selena began her story.

  "I was 6 months pregnant with you. One day I was out in my herb garden. A young woman came running up me. She pleased with me to help. She said a hunter was after her. I took her I side and hid her. She said her name was Emily. Emily and became fast friends. She ended up living with me for awhile. When it close to time for me to deliver you Emily feared that her presence should put you in danger. So she decide to leave. Before she left she gave each of you a special power. She said you power wouldn't fully developed untill you turn 18 and the only way for it to truly work is if you were together. Two weeks after Emily left a hunter came to my door. He said he knew I been hiding a witch and he needed to search the house. I told him no. He left but promised to be back. I knew that the only was to keep you truly safe was to put up for adoption and to separate you."

   The girl listened to Selena. " Look I am sure you had good intentions and all but I was safer with you my adopted parents treated me like crap." Aria said  Her eyes filled with tears. Emily put her hand on daisy's shoulder for comfort. " Aria is right. We want to forgive you but I think we all need time.." " Emily I do have one question for you. Where was our father durning all of this.

Selena eyes filled with tears but she tried to smile. " You father name is Conrad Johnson. We fell in love in highschool. I got pregnant he said he wasn't ready to be a father and left. I heard that's he moved to Redwood. and I knew you would need time. I have one more gift for you.

         Selena got up and went and grabbed a key. "Since you powers won't work unless your together. This house is the house I grew up in. It was left to me when my mother died. I want you three to live it."she said. All three girls looked shocked you want us to live together we barely know each other." She complained If you want your power to work then you have no choice."  We will give some thought" Aria replied trying not to sound aggregated. The girls then up to leave. Before they left they exchange numbers and agreed to meet for lunch in a couple of days. They had alot to talk about and they really wanted to get to know each other.

After the girls left Selena knew this day would come that why she never moved from the house the girls were born in. She had to be when it was time for her reunite with her daughter.