

I reincarnated in Naruto .

I don't know how to react. To be happy that I reincarnated in Naruto world or to be sad that i left my family. my family loves me lot.my death will bring them a great sorrow 😭😭. any way I am not married even I don't have a girlfriend and my brothers will take care of our parents. God given me second life that to even in one of my favourite anime so I should live my life to fullest with no regrets.

I decided I will become a strong shinobi and travel around Naruto world.

First thing I need to do right now is finding the current time line and to know am I reincarnated or transmigrated ( I think you guys know the difference ).

While thinking about my situation I felt very tired. May be due to child body. So I slept. Next day morning when I woke up I saw the same man from yesterday sitting next to my bed. After seeing me wake.

??? : oh oh my sweet son rock lee woke up early. today i show you our village.

After listening to those words my mind gone blank. My dream to learn some cool jutsu had destroyed. My second life is also doomed. It's not like rock lee is week. In anime rock lee became one of strongest shinobi through sheer hard work. I am not like original rock lee I can't work hard like him. With rock lee's body and with my mind I am doomed. I can't even become a genin. I don't even have good looks, Even in this life I will be single, my dream to marry a beautiful girl like tsunade and ino got destroyed. In boruto lee got married and had a son, so let's hope atleast getting married to beautiful civilian. I think I will be a ordinary person even in my second life.

Even while seeing some great places like hokage building, academy and places in leaf village I didn't find it interesting because I know I can't be a part of it. That entire day I felt dejected. That night As last hope I checked to see any system attached to my dial while transmigration, so that I can achieve my dream. I tried calling system so many time with so many name but it is to no avail. With that disappointment I slept.

Next morning when I woke up I did feel sad or depressed infact I felt my self determined to work hard. I think this is because of rock lee's sole merging with my sole. I got his determination, hardworking and positive nature. Even I know the future events of this world with this as an advantage I will be a strong shinobi and travel the Naruto world.

From today I should start training and strengthening by body. In anime rock lee don't know he can't perform ninjutsu and genjutsu until joining the academy. From last day I got to know that my dad is an chunin level ninja ( In anime kishimoto didn't mention about lee's family so I made it up) with his help i can start training and can become stronger than original lee.