
Me and my mind, in the apocalypse

I transmigrated into a world where humans struggle to survive against beasts far more terrifying than I could have ever imagined. Yet humans have awakened and developed superpowers. My arrival in this world will upset the balance especially when one day [Beep... system activated].

Le_Merwen · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Back to class :

The white light faded and I was back in bed. I hadn't moved a millimeter.

As I tried to move, a great pain assaulted my arms and ribs.

[Ding.. Dungeon return heal will be applied]

[3..2..1.. Startup]

Immediately, a white light surrounded me like a cocoon and a mad good came over me.

I prayed that no one came into my room at the same time.

Eventually the light faded and no one came to interrupt the process. I got up to prepare for my return to class.

Later will be my first day of class since waking up and I have changed a lot since the start of the weekend.

In terms of strength, skills, and combat experience, I must be superior to all the Awakened in high school. Those who think I'm trash, they're going to have a nice surprise.

A few hours later I went to join Sam in front of my house.

"So your weekend?" he said cheerfully.

Flashbacks of the goblin slaughter, my bones breaking, my fear of dying every moment, and the goblin leader's last murderous gaze came flooding back to me. I shivered

"It went pretty well and you?" I said lowering my head.

"Superbly good even though I can't wait to attend these new Awakened classes !"

Sam was a physical-type Awakened and primarily into defense. Given its roundness it was not surprising. He will make a terrifying tank.

We finally arrived in front of the school gate and when we got there the taunts were already ringing out.

"Look, the smell has changed, hasn't it? Oh, by chance, it's when the trash comes"

Nico Gray looked at me saying his petty and childish "joke". His even dumber boyfriends laughed to lick his shoes.

Without a word, I ignored him.

"Hey where do you think you're going, immediately apologize to the boss for ignoring him"

Sam wanted to intervene but I stopped him.

With a look of disappointment, my killing intent that had begun to develop after the goblin slaughter unfolded.

My silver eyes flickered.

The minion took three steps back with a terrified look. I could see cold sweat dripping from his neck.

Who thought it was so powerful.

I continued my walk and this time no one stopped me.

"What's happening to you Fred, getting bullied by a trash can ahahha"

The bell rang, it was time to join our respective classes

Installed on my chair, the head teacher finally returned.

"Well it would seem that the majority of you have awakened even though you are not the cream of the crop and even though there are some disappointments you will transfer into the awakened groups. Within these groups you will learn to master your powers and become stronger for the great competition of the newly awakened.

At this announcement, the students whispered among themselves.

"Silence! stand up and divide into two groups. The physical type awakened ones on the right and the others on the left. Those without powers may remain seated.

The students obeyed and got up in a noise of chairs to break the ears. Personally, I'm on the left. In my group, there were few awakened. After all, having powers other than physical powers is rare.

The teacher listed the students.

"Well from tomorrow you will be in new classes that will correspond to your powers"

He then left the room and we took a history lesson. I already knew because of all my research to know more about the world in which I had transmigrated.

"Children, let's now move on to a subject discovered very recently by powerful warriors. They had left to uproot a nest of ghost ants when on the way, they saw a kind of blue portal through which monsters came out. The researchers who had wind of this news have shared their guesses. Are the monsters coming from other worlds to invade ours? This discovery will change history but remember this, the next phase in our fight against the monsters is to find the way to close these portals and then become strong enough to kill the monsters that have reached a level capable of exterminating us with one breath"

I jumped. A portal, other worlds??? It oddly reminds me of the Goblin Dungeon. Would the system have teleported me to a dungeon that would later appear on our world or another through a blue portal when the time was right?

Too many questions went through my head.

"System can you tell me more?"

[Access to information not authorized]

"Great! thank you very much for the uselessness!"

The day passed rather quickly, without too much other news that could really attract attention. I was on my way home when suddenly I remembered.

"Shit, daily quests" slapping my forehead.

[Don't panic host, it's your day off today. You just got back from the dungeon]


Relief coursed through my body. Torture isn't really my thing, so if we could avoid it, that would be a huge help for me.

It was time to go home and quickly go to bed because tomorrow promised to be rewarding in terms of experience. Especially since I have to get up early to do my daily chores.

I wonder if the difficulty will be adapted or not to my increase in statistics.

Well, it's gonna take too long if I keep walking, why don't I use my skills?

I stretched my mental threads and my body soared. I put on my hood so as not to be recognized and everyone I passed was all laughing my ass off.

I'm so weak but it's incredibly satisfying to be so much stronger than normal people.

"DAD, MOM, I'm back !"

My new life has only just begun yet I'm starting to really appreciate it. The monsters should eliminate me now, I will become the biggest threat of all their lives

The next morning, I was going to discover my new class. The teacher called us all by our names and dispersed them to several different classes.

The poor trash that I am was in class F of the magic power section. Suffice to say that there is not much hope for me in the New Awakened competition.

A pretty blonde teacher in a tight black combat outfit came to pick us up. With her slightly almond-shaped eyes, she looked at us one by one.

"I'm not going to lie to you, but if you're here in class F, it's because your potential isn't great according to the other teachers. HOWEVER! I'll take care of you to teach you the basics of magic and body full body. My name is Séraphine. Follow me!"

She took us to a small classroom but with a huge blackboard.

"Sit down, we start this morning with a theoretical lesson then we will move on to practice right after."

I sat in the third row from the left next to a girl with glasses.

"Don't get too close, you stink" she told me


Either she is looking for death or she is completely crazy this one. His condescending gaze challenged me to say or do anything. When I was about to slap him, the teacher resumed.

"This morning we will therefore see meditation. Useful to every magician, it allows him to advance his cultivation. For elementary magicians, when they enter this state, they will see dots of all colors. Each color represents an element, so absorbing the element he has an affinity with will advance his cultivation. However if he absorbs another element, his mana circuits in his body will become unstable and he may even explode. SO BE VERY CAREFUL!"

She caught her breath.

"For others who don't depend on the elements, you should only absorb pure mana. Simple to recognize, it comes in the form of pretty white strands. You then guide it through you to your mana reservoir for the enlarge and strengthen it. We recognize a ranked warrior because he has succeeded in creating mana circuits in his body to strengthen each part of his body but also to make the magic machine work faster, more powerfully. The more complex circuits you have and strengthened the more powerful you are."

Hearing these words, I wondered where my tank was. I only increased my spirit stat without looking inside if anything had changed.

It will serve as a lesson to me to be so careless.

"You will tell me, but how do you get into this state? Well, dear students, it's very simple. Just sit cross-legged, close your eyes and empty your mind. Depending on the quality of your talent, it will take you more or less time to get into this state. Maybe one day you can even get into this state without getting into position and even maybe meditate while moving."

An instant form of energy recovery, it must be quite useful in combat.

I saw it with the goblins if [Shield shield] hadn't been so powerful I would have died because I couldn't defend myself anymore due to lack of energy. I thank my exceptional talent which made it easier for me to understand the technique.

Without realizing it, I was unconsciously making gestures of prayer towards the sky.

Girl with glasses looked at me as if I was possessed.

"hum hum hum" I coughed looking away.

"Let's go to the training room for class F, it's time to practice what we have just seen" She said while clapping her hands.

Seeing all the students without much desire because he knew that their efforts would be useless, I suddenly wanted to have a little fun.

A thread slipped from my mind and attached itself to the pants of a boy named Carl.

And hop I lowered his pants thanks to my telekinesis.

Problem I underestimated my power and his pants instead of just coming down, swept over his legs.

He fell face first on the professor with his buttocks in the air.

Unfortunately for him, Seraphine was a trained warrior and her body was anything but soft.

Falling on top of her, Carl shattered his jaw.

"My God Carl but what are you doing???" She said as he cried in pain like a pig being slaughtered.

"Joseph, get to the infirmary quickly. Fight practice hasn't even started and I see you're already a bunch of broken arms. Pull yourself together!"

A hand over my mouth, I watched with horror the turn of events. Poor Carl, I'll give him some chocolates as an apology.

Carl was evacuated, myself and the rest of the class took the direction of the practice room.

We entered a small room, just big enough to seat fifty people.

"Alala when I think class A has the right to a gymnasium." she sighed.

We lined up, arm's length away.

"Okay, sit down and assume the position seen in class. The first to successfully meditate will earn an Advanced Apprentice Grade Cultivation Serum.

The others got excited like fleas and I felt curious about the effectiveness of such a potion.

Back to the point, my butt hit the cold floor and I got into a meditation position.

My eyes closed and without even a second of delay, I saw points of light of all colors as well as a multitude of strands of mana. My mind expanded and I tried to manipulate them without absorbing them.

I stitched several red dots together in a simple ball pattern and suddenly a ball of fire ignited inches from my head.

"WHAT.." exclaimed the professor, turning around.

[Ding...Congratulations to the host for figuring out the skill [Spell creation and destruction by the mind]]

[+2 on all stats]

"How did you do that" suddenly asked the teacher who had appeared right in front of me in a split second.

"Looks like I've figured out an interesting skill," I said with a gleam in my ebony eyes.

How are you today ? '_'

Le_Merwencreators' thoughts