
Me and God of Wibu

Hai_Thi · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs

Nameless Counter Guardian

In the darkroom sat two people.

"Dr. Agasa. Why don't you turn on the light." Yuusaku Kudou asked.

"It's not that I don't want to. I just can't find the switch," Dr. Agasa replied.

"Alright, Dr. Agasa. This room is isolated from the technology. I know you have something important want to tell me directly. What is it?" Yuusaku Kudou inquired.

A cold sweat run down Agasa's forehead.

"Recently, I received a call from Shinichi Kudou." 

"A call??? From the game world. How can it be possible?" Yuusaku asked calmly.

"I don't know but your son did it" Dr. Agasa affirmed.

Yuusaku Kudou was skeptical. Sword Art Online didn't have a function to call outside the game. Even if it did, it would be limited to in-game communication, not real life. 

Games should focus on the gaming experience, not integrate unnecessary features.

"He told me there is a way to save everyone including those who were disqualified due to suicide."

"Are you sure, Dr. Agasa? You and I know that players who die in the game enter a vegetative state after dying in the game."

"I don't know. That is what Conan told me?"

Dr. Agasa paused before continuing.

"But if it's the truth then we still have the chance to save them."

Dr. Agasa's voice held a glimmer of hope.

Yuusaku Kudou furrowed his brows.

Although he had confidence in his son's abilities, the feat of defeating AI in their home field wasn't something that humans could do.

In other words, the AI named BB allowed this. There must be a reason behind its action.

The more he thought about it, the more it gave him a headache.

He is smart but without information, he couldn't crack his opponent's weakness.

"Let me think," Yuusaku Kudou said, holding his chin and immersing himself in thought.

The unknown AI's personality was troubling. It imprisoned 5 billion players and turned the game into a death game, making everyone a hardcore player in both real and virtual worlds.

Yet, her action also brought some hope to players in the game. However, that hope didn't do much.

"Dr. Agasa. I am afraid this is a deceit of hope and endless despair. This AI is more terrifying than I thought."

"You mean it's a lie."

"I'm not sure but I'm sure that she wants something from us." 

"About that" Dr. Agasa moved closer to Yuusaku's ears and whispered.

His brows raised when listening to Dr. Agasa's secret deal.

"Dr. Agasa. Why you disclose this thing? Aren't you afraid that AI will eavesdrop on our conversation?"

"Don't worry about that. I don't bring my phone to this place. So what do you think?"

Yuusaku Kudou tried to guess BB's intention.

"For now, I suggest you should accept her deal so that we can uncover her true motives. Our understanding is still too shallow."

"I understand" Dr. Agasa nodded his head.

He had intended to accept the deal from the beginning.

If he didn't accept this deal, BB would find another person. The world didn't lack genius scientists.

Yuusaku Kudou let out a deep breath. He had never felt this tired before.

Suddenly, the door opened, and several people entered the room.

"Greeting, Mrs. Kudou and Dr. Agasa. I am Hyoue Kuroda, a police superintendent." A menacing man with a burnt mark on his right eye introduced himself.

"And this is James Black. An FBI agent who will support us this time." 

"Greetings," James said in Japanese.

Besides James, a black hair boy looked at Yuusaku with curious eyes.

"You can call me, L. Greetings, everyone."

Yuusaku received a very competitive look from L.

"There will be more people in the future. For now, let's get familiar with each other."

Five people observed each other. 

Dr. Agasa felt his existence was out of place.

"Alright, Dr. Agasa. Please share what you have discovered and the process of your deciphering," Kuroda requested.

"Well," Dr. Agasa scratched his head. "Nothing significant has been made so far."

"I see. By the way, Yuusaku. I want to ask you something" L observed Yuusaku's expression.

"What do you want to ask?"

"The attack of AI this time. What is its name?"

"BB" Yuusaku answered.

"BB. Such a simple name. So have you found the mastermind behind this case?"

"Sadly, there is no mastermind behind it. Only a rogue AI is causing chaos."

"I see" L nonchalantly replied.

"Okay, you guys keep trying to analyze BB. I have another matter that requires my attendance."

Hyoue Kuroda left the room, leaving it in absolute silence.

"It's awkward to remain silent like this so I want to ask" James was the one breaking the silence.

"What do you think about AI named BB this time? Is she mindless, or is she a sentient AI?"

"That is an interesting question" L held his chin.

"In my opinion, she is …"

In the game world.

Conan was hunting a wild boar to reset his penalty.

Of course, he wasn't hunting alone. Haibara Ai was watching him from behind.

"So Conan. What have you found so far? Any clues to the hidden ending."

"Not so much. The only thing I found at beginner tower after solving all the puzzles was a name of someone."

"Can you tell me that name?"

"Okay, but before I tell that name. Have you found a Beta player?"

"I found one. Why."

"Because it is a dangerous quest. I need an experienced player to ensure our safety." Conan explained, stabbing the boar in its left side.

"And why it's dangerous"

"The quest allows levels from 10 to 20, but the recommended level is 40."

"I see. The gap of level is huge."

"Just to be sure. Is he a good man?" Conan asked to confirm the partner that he would cooperate in the future.

"There is no need to worry. I know how to distinguish a good man and a bad man."

"Alright, don't tell this name to anyone carelessly. Because this name will lead us to the hidden quest."

Haibara Ai looked at Conan's serious eyes.

"A nameless Counter Guardian"

"Sitting on the mountain filled with swords"

"With many swords stabbing his back"

"By the people he swears to protect."

"His name is Emiya Shirou"

Haibara Ai: ???

"I have one question. Isn't he nameless? Why does he have a name?"

"I don't know. That is his description. Or maybe BB's description" Conan shrugged.

"I see. And the reward of this hidden quest"

"It's an ability named Unlimited Blade Works."