
Middle School

Its the first day I will finally be entering middle school. I'm so excited to finally be going to school with my favorite cousin. Today we are going to be getting our schedules and looking for our classes. Unfortunately I don't have much classes with my cousin but while we were walking, we both met a girl who seemed nice. Her name is Lucia, she moved here over the summer and she was with her cousin who was showing her around. "Are you going with her?" I asked. She looked at me and said "we're cousins but I don't know her that well so I'll hangout with you guys." She looked shy as she walked with us. I was kind of a confused on why she would hangout with us rather than her own cousin but I was fine with it. I just thought "wow, we made a new friend and it's only the first day of school."

A few days past by and I got closer to Lucia. She was really fun to hangout with and she also lived close to me so we got to have a lot of sleepovers. We hung out a lot but I started to notice how she never had money on her. Every time we would go out to the mall or something, I would be the one to buy things that we wanted and even though I was the one paying, if I didn't have enough for our snacks, she would take my snacks away and keep all of her snacks. I didn't realize it at the time but I was being manipulated. Slowly my friends started to ignore me and essentially stopped contacting me. I felt left out.

I was still hanging out with them and they kept telling me these things about this girl we hung out with. They were saying things like "she's such a bitch" or "she's a whore" because she was with a guy that we all didn't like but since we were all friends, I was comforting her while her boyfriend went to talk to my friends and when he came back he told her about how horrible she is. I told her to go to the office and calm down. I guess it was a bad idea. Eventually I was the one at fault. Although I was the one to comfort her and help her, I was the mean one. I didn't know what I had done and no one told me. They just continued to ignore me to the point where I just didn't want to be with them anymore so I left them and found a new friend group.