
Mayu's Melody

Fanfic based on 'Ace Academy' by Pixelfade. An after-story I created for Mayu. Explore post-Ace Academy events with twists. Prior game experience is recommended. This fanfic continues Mayu's route from Ace Academy. Currently developing her ending, with plans for other heroines' stories. New characters will emerge, and my unique take will differentiate it from the original. The story is also much more unique as compared to its original game. As a newcomer, forgive any mistakes.

YukiVerse · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

The First Challenge

The night was one of the best memories I will always cherish. The laughter, the bonds, and the deep connections formed with friends and loved ones were like stars in the night sky, each shining brightly in my heart. But as I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling, I couldn't help but wonder what tomorrow would bring. Life has a way of surprising us, and who knows what challenges and adventures await on the horizon. All I can do is hold on to the warmth of this beautiful night and brace myself for the future.

It ended with a smile in my heart.

The next day, my peaceful slumber was interrupted by the blaring of the alarm. Ugh, did I even set my alarm for this ungodly hour? I rubbed my eyes and let out a wide yawn as I reluctantly roused myself. But what I saw in front of me took me by surprise.

Yuki: Good mworing, Nikki...

I mumbled groggily, my body yearning to return to the comforting embrace of sleep.

Nikki: Wakey, wakey! It's already 7 am. You'll miss your classes if you keep sleeping any longer.

In an instant, the realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I awoke with a start, my heart racing as I glanced at the clock. It read 7 am, and the realization hit me like a bucket of cold water. I should have been up and about much earlier, and here I was, barely making it out of bed. I stumbled to my feet, disoriented and groggy, my senses slowly catching up to the world around me. It was then that I noticed my younger sister, Nikki, standing by my bedside with an amused grin on her face.

Yuki: Nikki, why didn't you wake me up sooner?

Nikki: I did try but you looked so peaceful. Besides, you set the alarm for this time, remember?

Yuki: The heck do you mean by peaceful? I will have to stand outside class if I am late. Besides I can't miss today's classes. (Especially when Shou is about to reveal something! )

Without wasting another moment, I launched myself into my morning routine, the urgency of the situation propelling me forward. My steps were swift, and I barely took the time to savor the familiar motions of getting ready.

After I was prepared into my uniform I found myself sitting alongside Nikki at the breakfast table. I shovelled a spoonful of cereal into my mouth while casting a glance at my sister.

Yuki: So, how's this year been for you lately, Nikki?

Nikki: It's been good. This year so many transferred students are in my classes and I made so many new friends.

Yuki: That's great to hear. However, don't get muddled up too much. Studies are important too right?

Nikki: I already know about that. Just so you know I was ranked 2nd in the previous year. 

Yuki: I'm impressed.

Nikki: How about you? Is anything exciting happening at the academy?

Yuki: Well, it's been eventful, to say the least. Yesterday I got to know so much stuff and had one of my greatest memories.

A mischievous grin appeared on her face.

Nikki: With her right?

Yuki: Yea but my friends too.

Nikki: Hmm. Weird though. Something must have happened between you two.

Yuki: Nope we just hang out.

Nikki: Your face doesn't say so. 

Yuki: I have no idea what you are talking about. Anyway, I have something important to do today. So I might be late today.

Nikki: That's not even the slightest unusual. You always come late. 

Yuki: I have a few reasons...

Nikki: (Sighs!) Just don't get in any more trouble. You worried me almost twice this week.

I chose to be silent for a while. I mean what can I say to her at this moment? Your bro is now being targeted by some mysterious organization and they were the ones who were held responsible for all this. I will tell her soon but now is not the time. As we wrapped up our breakfast, I checked the time and realized I was cutting it close to being late for class. I hurriedly stood up, ready to make a speedy exit.

Yuki: I better get going, Nikki. I can't afford to be late.

Nikki: Don't worry, Yuki. I'll be fine on my own. Have a great day at the academy!

Yuki: You too, Nikki. Take care.

In record time, I was ready to head out. Grabbing my bag, I was about to dash out the door, but Nikki stopped me in my tracks.

Nikki: Yuki, can you drop me off at my school on your way to the academy?

Yuki: Of course, Nikki. Hop in, and let's get going.

With those words, We headed to the garage to retrieve my bike, my trusty companion for countless journeys. The machine stood there, a sleek and powerful presence, patiently awaiting our next adventure. The gentle morning light filtered through the windows, casting a soft radiance on the bike's metallic surface.

As I swung my leg over the bike, the engine roared to life, and the comforting vibrations of the machine surged through me. Nikki hopped onto the seat behind me, securing her grip on my waist. With a nod and a shared understanding, we set off towards Nikki's school, which was conveniently located just opposite my academy.

The ride was a symphony of sensations. The wind rushed past us, tousling our hair and carrying with it the scents of the morning. The world was alive with vibrant colours, the sun casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. The road stretched out before us, an inviting ribbon of asphalt, curving and winding through the picturesque surroundings.

We passed by verdant parks and charming neighborhoods, where people were just beginning to stir. The chirping of birds filled the air, and the distant hum of city life served as a backdrop to the natural serenity that surrounded us.

Nikki's laughter danced in the wind, her excitement evident as she soaked in the mesmerizing view. We shared smiles and exchanged a few words about her day, making the most of our brief journey.

After a few enjoyable minutes, we arrived at Nikki's school, a place buzzing with youthful energy and boundless possibilities. I helped her off the bike, and she gave me a quick hug.

Nikki: Thanks, Big bro. Have a fantastic day at the academy!

Yuki: You too, Nikki. 

In the meantime, I saw a few students approaching her. Judging by the looks of them, they must be her classmates. And also I spotted Ken amongst them. One of the girls spoke up to Nikki.

Girl: Is that your brother?

Nikki: Yeah?

Girl: He seems pretty cool.

Nikki, her playful smile vanishing in an instant, suddenly pushed me playfully.

Nikki: Hey, hands off! He's my brother!

The group of students shared a laugh as Nikki quickly regained her cheerful composure.

Nikki: But seriously, I've got to get to class. Yuki, you'd better head off to the academy. It's getting late.

The group of students wished Nikki goodbye, and as they dispersed to head inside the school, I couldn't resist waving to Ken, who was standing behind Nikki.

Yuki: Focus on your classes for now. Everything can wait.

Ken: Yes Sir!

Nikki: Jeez! Stop that bro! Or you are not getting any dinner tonight.

Yuki: Understand m'lady.

With a playful wink and a broad grin, I observed their lively figures vanish into the bustling schoolyard, her infectious joy injecting an extra burst of radiance into the morning. I revved up the engine, eager to embrace the day's offerings as I continued my journey to the academy.

As the wheels rolled on, the scenery transformed into a breathtaking panorama. The morning sun generously bathed the surroundings in a warm, golden glow, weaving long, graceful shadows and painting the world in a palette of amber and emerald hues. Crossing a bridge that spanned a serene river, the vast, sparkling ocean unfolded to my left, its waves shimmering under the sun's affectionate gaze.

Opting for a detour from my usual path, I embarked on a scenic adventure through picturesque landscapes. The road wound its way through rolling hills adorned with lush greenery and vibrant wildflowers, creating a symphony of colours and life.

After about ten minutes of this tranquil journey, the gates of our academy came into view. Easing into the parking area, I expertly manoeuvred my bike into its designated spot. With the engine now hushed, a sense of accomplishment washed over me as I dismounted.

At the entrance, familiar faces awaited my arrival. Kaori, Shou, Mayu, and Valerie stood there, their smiles and cheerful waves extending a warm welcome to another day of camaraderie and shared adventures.

Today, like any other, felt promising. Despite the small business dealings with Shou, everything else seemed to fall into place sooner or later. Anticipating a brighter tomorrow, I couldn't help but marvel at the thought that these days of warmth and companionship would stretch on endlessly...

Transitioning from the tranquil morning to the eerie events of the previous night, the setting changed to an old warehouse. The air hung heavy with silence, broken only by the occasional hum of machinery and the distant drip of liquid. The warehouse, a relic of the past, displayed rusted beams and dusty crates, a testament to years of neglect. A solitary bulb flickered overhead, casting irregular shadows that danced through the forgotten corners.

At the centre of this forgotten space was a disturbing sight. In a container, a disembodied head floated in a liquid, connected to the container by tubes and wires. The room echoed with the unsettling hum of machinery, emphasizing the macabre nature of the scene.

Beside this disturbing setup, a mysterious figure bent over a laptop, fingers dancing across the keys. The glow of the screen illuminated the person, revealing a calculated intent that hung in the air. The identity of this enigmatic figure remained hidden in the shadows of the warehouse.

Facing this odd display was Mahiru, hands behind her back, her expression a mix of determination and curiosity. The sporadic light revealed a resolute look in her eyes, standing out against the weirdness around her.

Mysterious Guy: Mahiru. You failed. Any excuses?

Mahiru: There was someone else there. Someone with powers like mine. I couldn't anticipate it.

Mysterious Guy: (pauses, the glow of the laptop reflecting in their eyes) Someone with powers like yours?

Mahiru: (tense) I don't know who she was. She appeared out of nowhere and she ended up defeating me.

Mysterious Guy: This complicates things. Never mind the details for now. There's been a change in plans. Head to Akarimori, the other end of Japan. In a tunnel there, you'll find a Blue gemstone with a crucial device. However, it's heavily guarded by barriers. I need you to come up with a plan to retrieve it.

Mahiru: (nodding) Akarimori? That's quite a distance. What kind of barriers are we talking about?

Mysterious Guy: (cryptic) Barriers beyond the ordinary. Energy fields, automated defences—you name it. The gemstone is essential for the next phase. Time is of the essence.

Mysterious Guy: Then it's impossible to breach those barriers.

At that moment, another mysterious figure emerges from the shadows near the front gate.

New Mysterious Figure: (confident) It's not impossible. 

The henchmen in the shadows quickly aim their weapons toward the new arrival.

Mysterious Guy: (firmly) Hold your fire! Stand down!

The tension lingers for a moment before the mysterious guy calls out to the new mysterious figure.

Mysterious Guy: You, come forward.

The new mysterious figure steps into the dim light, revealing herself. Mahiru, observing from a distance, calls out to her.

Mahiru: Wait a sec! Aren't you-

The two mysterious figures exchange a brief, intense gaze before the new arrival responds.

Kanoe: (Smirking) I am Kanoe Nishimiya. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

Mahiru: I remember you.

Kanoe: You can ask me questions later.

She takes out her tab and displays it on the table.

Kanoe: Here's the plan I've come up with. There's a train leaving for Akarimori.

Mysterious Guy: How is that supposed to help us?

Kanoe: I've mass-produced about 300 explosives. Install them on that train. And for the route, I already changed those so it will go along with the track. In the end, there is a fall and according to my calculations, it will land straight in the tunnel destroying every single barrier in the way.

Mysterious Guy: What about the civilians? Do you think they're blind and won't notice anything?

Kanoe: I've thought about that. That's why-

She opens the map on her tab and shows a few codes which she had done.

Kanoe: I've made a few changes in the ticket system. Anyone who will try to board this train will only find it to be fully occupied. It will take at least an hour for the train to reach Isokaze, Let's say around 5 pm. At that time there wasn't any city nearby, So we didn't have to worry about any soul observing the scene. And the train will reach Akarimori at 11 pm. And using this-

She takes out another device resembling a wall cutter.

Kanoe: We can cut the walls of that train. First of all, the walls are thick, so there's a gap between them, and we can install it there. Also, there's nothing to worry about regarding marks or dents; it self-heals after a bit. And from outside it will just seem like a normal empty train.

Mysterious Guy: That's impressive. But how are we supposed to trust you?

Kanoe: Isn't this what you wanted?

She shows a picture of another ruby gemstone.

Mysterious Guy: Hmm, interesting. That is one of the five gemstones we need to make a suitable body for our boss.

Kanoe: This is the 2nd most valuable gemstone that you will need.

The Mysterious Guy thinks for a moment before answering.

Mysterious Guy: Then it's a deal, under two conditions. First, here is a wristband. Wear it. (He hands her a sleek black wristband.) So, we'll be sure that you don't have ulterior motives. Second, Mahiru will accompany you. She'll have a remote that can detonate an explosive on your wristband whenever she presses it.

He hands Mahiru a small remote, and Kanoe puts on the black wristband without hesitation.

As for the remote Mahiru receives, it's a small, compact device with a single, unassuming button.

Mysterious Guy: This remote is a fail-safe. If there's any hint of betrayal, Mahiru has the means to ensure her safety and ours. Just a press of the button and the explosive on Kanoe's wristband will be activated.

Mahiru glances at the remote, her expression firm. The Mysterious Guy continues- 

Mysterious Guy: The wristband Kanoe is wearing is equipped with advanced technology. It not only tracks her location through GPS but also allows us to monitor her conversations through the built-in microphone. We can't afford any surprises.

Kanoe nods, accepting the conditions and the technology that comes with them. The room remains tense, each person aware of the stakes involved in this unusual alliance.

Now that I finally have a break, I think it's high time for lunch before the next round of classes. I glance at Shou.

Yuki: Let's grab lunch while we have time.

Shou: Absolutely, I'm starving.

As we make our way down the stairs, we unexpectedly run into Mayu and Kaori.

Mayu: Oh. Your classes finished too?

Yuki: Yes. What about you, Kaori?

Kaori: I'm just going to return the book to the library.

Shou: You read books?

Kaori: Want me to hit you again?

Shou: I'm just kidding!

Yuki: Well, should we all get lunch then?

Shou: Yeah, the more, the merrier.

Kaori: If Shou will stay silent, I'm up for it.

Shou: Hey! That's rude.

And here, another one of their playful quarrels takes off. Never mind that.

Yuki: Anyway, let's go. It will be late if you guys don't put an end to your quarrel.

Mayu: He's right.

Kaori and Shou go silent after that, but they return to being their original selves a few moments later. With the decision made, we set off for the cafeteria, sharing laughter and conversation along the way. Lunchtime becomes not just a refuelling break but a chance to catch up and enjoy each other's company.

At the cafeteria,

Everyone orders their usual. Kaori, as I thought, buys a healthy salad. Shou opts for a crispy burger. Mayu, on the other hand, chooses some creamy white sauce pasta. Now that everyone has ordered, I glance through the menu, and one thing catches my eye: 'Sushi.' I haven't had that in a while. I decide to order sushi, and when it's served, I take it and sit on an empty seat beside Shou. The tantalizing aroma of the freshly prepared sushi fills the air, and I can't help but savour the anticipation before taking the first delightful bite.

Delicate slices of fresh fish sit atop perfectly seasoned rice, adorned with a drizzle of soy sauce and a sprinkle of sesame seeds. Each piece is a culinary masterpiece, a blend of flavours that dance on the taste buds. As I savour the first bite, the silence is broken once again by Shou and Kaori's banter. Shou, with a mouthful of burger, manages to throw in a witty remark, eliciting a playful punch from Kaori. Mayu chuckles, and soon, the atmosphere is filled with laughter and lively conversation. However, the camaraderie is interrupted when my phone rings unexpectedly. I excuse myself to take the call, leaving my friends engaged in their banter, the sounds of their laughter lingering as I step away from the table.

Yuki: Hello Uncle!

Uncle: Can you get home quickly?

Yuki: What's the matter?

Uncle: Just come here I will explain everything.

With that, he cuts off the phone. What could be the matter now? 

My heart races as I end the call with my uncle. The urgency in his voice raises a whirlwind of questions in my mind. What could it be this time, I murmur to myself, exchanging concerned glances with my friends. Shou, Kaori, and Mayu look at me, their expressions reflecting the worry that now clouds our once-lighthearted lunch gathering. Without a moment's hesitation, I grab my belongings, hastily bidding my friends farewell.

Yuki: I need to go. My uncle sounded urgent.

Shou: Is everything okay?

Yuki: I don't know. He just told me to come home quickly.

With that, I rush out of the cafeteria, my heart pounding with a mixture of curiosity and anxiety. The parking lot is a short sprint away, and soon I'm at my bike, fumbling for the keys in my pocket. The engine roars to life as I rev it up, the familiar sound drowned by the rapid thoughts racing through my mind. I speed through the city streets, the scenery blurring in my peripheral vision. There's an unusual tension in the air as if the very atmosphere knows something I don't. I can't shake the feeling that whatever awaits me at home is more than just a routine matter.

The journey is a blur of colours and fleeting images. I navigate the streets, my mind in a whirlwind of speculation. What could be so urgent that Uncle Kaito would summon me like this? As I approach home, the tension in my chest tightens, and I park the bike in the garage, the engine's growl fading away. I rush inside and find Uncle Kaito on the sofa, his expression unreadable. I sense an air of gravity in the room, and for a moment, time seems to stand still.

Uncle Kaito looks up as I enter, his eyes holding a mix of concern and something else I can't quite decipher. I sit down beside him, my mind racing with a torrent of questions. 

Yuki: What's going on, Uncle?

I manage to ask, my voice betraying a hint of unease. The room hangs in a heavy silence, waiting for the revelation that will unravel the mystery behind his urgent call.

Kaito: Time has come to put your device to work.

Yuki: You mean Steelbyte?

Kaito: Yeah. Let's head downstairs. I will show you everything, what's been going on.

With those words, we head to the garage. The atmosphere is charged with a palpable sense of anticipation. Once inside, I guide Uncle Kaito to a seemingly ordinary table tucked away in the corner. Pressing a concealed lever at the bottom of the table, the familiar door smoothly slides open, revealing a hidden room. It's not a portal, but a discreet entrance, a gateway to a space beneath our everyday lives that I've been privy to before.

As we step through the doorway, we enter a dimly lit room filled with the soft hum of technology. The air is thick with the scent of machinery, and the room is dominated by the presence of Steelbyte, its sleek surface gleaming in the subdued lighting. Moments later, the room illuminates, screens and holographic displays coming to life.

Yuki: It looks changed.

Kaito: I have changed the software a bit. It can sync with any device I have previously calibrated with, Including Yours.

Yuki: That's amazing!

Kaito: Anyway, we don't have much time. Stand in the chamber. I will run a few diagnostics.

He points towards the chamber, its interior bathed in the soft, pulsating glow of Steelbyte. The chamber is a sleek, cylindrical structure with a series of embedded sensors and holographic interfaces. As I step inside, the door closes behind me with a whisper, enclosing me in a cocoon of technology. The walls seem to come alive with a display of intricate patterns, responding to Steelbyte's activation.

Inside the chamber, I feel a gentle hum, a connection forming between the device in my hands and the sophisticated network of Steelbyte. Uncle Kaito, operating the controls from outside, initiates the diagnostics. The room is filled with the soft glow of holographic displays, projecting a cascade of data that dances around me. It's a surreal experience, standing at the epicentre of technology that transcends the ordinary.

During the process, mechanical hands emerge from concealed compartments, delicately checking and calibrating the device on my back. The hands move with precision, a ballet of mechanical expertise ensuring that the synchronization between Steelbyte and my device is seamless. It's both mesmerizing and reassuring, a reminder of the intricacies involved in harnessing the potential of advanced technology for a crucial task. As the diagnostics were near completion, the chamber opened, and I stepped out...

Yuki: You are ready for the mission now.

Kaito: Mission?

Yuki: There's a train heading towards Akarimori. There are bombs inside it. You have to defuse every single one of them.

Yuki: What!?

Kaito: I know it's sudden. But you are the only one who can do this.

Yuki: How am I supposed to do that? It's not even—

Kaito: I installed that device on you because of this.

Yuki: Huh!?"

Kaito: You're not a normal human anymore, kiddo. When that day the liquid dropped on you, your body was undergone several mutations.

Yuki: Mutations? What are you talking about, Uncle?

Kaito: The liquid was part of an experiment, one that was supposed to enhance human capabilities. And it worked. Your body now has unique abilities, and the device I installed is designed to channel and control those abilities.

Yuki: But defusing bombs on a moving train? That's insane!

Kaito: There is no other way. Or would you like to watch the whole city get destroyed?

Yuki: You are joking right?

Kaito: I wouldn't have gone this far if I was joking. Now, time is of the essence, and you are the city's best hope. We can't contact anyone for external support as it might bring chaos. Now, Choose!

This is all too sudden for me to take in. But there is no option other than doing it. Maybe this was what everyone calls 'Fate'. The line 'You will never know what life throws at you at unexpected times' came to be true. Backing down now will only leave me with regrets.

Yuki: Okay Uncle. I will do as you say. What's the plan?

Kaito: I'll guide you through the process. 

Uncle Kaito proceeds to explain the intricacies of the mission. He details the layout of the train, the locations of bombs planted, and the urgency of the situation. He warns me that there might be adversaries on board, and he'll handle them using Steelbyte's newly integrated blaster. The device now boasts a blaster with the capability to fire 20 bullets before overheating, and it also features a Shadowbolt, armed with three missiles that can render a target unconscious. The catch is that the enemy has to be in close proximity for the Shadowbolt to be effective. As the gravity of the mission sinks in, I nod, acknowledging the risks and responsibilities that come with holding this much power.

Kaito: Now that you know everything get some rest while you can as you have to leave by 4 pm. And board the train at 6 pm sharp. Surprisingly there are no passengers on that train so you don't have to worry much about saving any. Your only goal is to protect the tunnel. No matter what happens don't let the train get close to it.

Yuki: What if the train explodes midway?

Kaito: That will be much better. But only if it does not explode near an area with civilians.

Yuki: I will keep that in mind.

The evening air in Yokushire station was eerily quiet as Mahiru and Kanoe, shrouded in the shadows, approached the unassuming train at 5 p.m. The platform, typically bustling with commuters, now lay empty, a stark contrast to the sinister purpose Kanoe and Mahiru harboured. The duo, masked and clad in dark attire, moved with calculated stealth, their every step echoing the impending danger they intended to unleash.

Underneath the cover of the deserted station, Kanoe produced a sophisticated device from a concealed pocket. This device, a sinister creation designed for destruction, housed the means to install the explosives strategically. As the device hummed to life, a malevolent aura seemed to cloak the pair, their intentions veiled in secrecy.

With Mahiru standing guard, Kanoe approached the train, the cutting laser emanating a red glow in the dimly lit station. The device sliced through the train's walls with ruthless efficiency, creating openings for the placement of carefully concealed explosives. The duo worked swiftly, their actions orchestrated to inflict maximum damage upon Akarimori.

The atmosphere grew tenser with each installed explosive, the malevolence of their plan veiled by the stillness of the quiet evening. Shadows clung to the train, mirroring the ominous purpose of Mahiru and Kanoe's actions. The metallic clinks and whirrs of the device melded with the silence, creating an unsettling symphony of impending disaster.

As the train turned into a secret weapon, the air felt heavy with the weight of the dangerous mission. The silent Yokushire station saw the train starting its journey, and its wheels rolled ominously on the tracks. The night swallowed the sinister secret carried by the moving train.

After a short trip, the train reached Isokaze station. Unaware of the peril inside, Yuki prepared to board, the train giving off an illusion of normalcy. Once Yuki entered, the apparently ordinary train concealed the hazardous reality beneath its surface.

Now, in Yuki's view,

My mind raced as I stepped onto the train. "Now that I'm inside, let's find the bombs," I thought, feeling the weight of the mission. The train's everyday look contrasted sharply with the unseen threats that could harm Akarimori.

The focus shifts to Mahiru and Kanoe, stationed at the train's end. In a hushed conversation

Mahiru: Let's check the train to make sure everything's okay. We can't have any surprises once we've set this plan in motion.

Kanoe: Chill, we have just finished installing every single one of them. My back hurts. Let's rest a bit. We can leave an hour later.

Mahiru: You are not planning something, Are you?

Kanoe: You can go check if you don't believe me.

Mahiru: I hope you are not lying.

Kanoe: You have the remote you know that. Why would I do something reckless?

Mahiru: Fine but after an hour we will be patrolling.

Kanoe: You got it.

Kanoe, considering the idea, nods in agreement. The two take a little nap but end up falling asleep for a while. But... Who knows one wasn't feeling sleepy at all. 

Turning back to Yuki-

With the device my uncle provided, I started cutting through the train's walls. Well, I can already see the locations of the bombs. The soft hum of the device is drowned out by the rhythmic clattering of the moving train. The neurotransmitter, a cutting-edge addition, links seamlessly with my enhanced senses, revealing the locations of the hidden bombs like ethereal beacons in my mind. As I move through the train, the weight of the mission intensifies, and a bead of sweat trickles down my forehead.

In the next hour, I defused a few explosive devices. The process demanded a delicate touch, a fusion of my enhanced reflexes and the precision of the device. The dimly lit train transformed into a battleground of shadows as I worked tirelessly to neutralize the imminent threat. The rhythmic clattering of the train now harmonized with the soft beeping of defused bombs, marking each small victory in the race against time.

Yet, progress felt slow, and doubt crept in. I feared I might not make it in time. There wasn't any alternative; I had to finish this quickly.

A few moments later, a gentle touch on my shoulder interrupted my focus. I turned around to see a blonde-haired girl standing before me. Recognition dawned on me.

Yuki: Huh? Kanoe!

In the middle of diffusing a bomb, the sudden interruption caused the device to slip from my hands. With swift reflexes, Kanoe managed to catch it just in time.

Kanoe: Careful! A single mistake can destroy the whole train.

Yuki: Sorry. Hey! Wait a sec, don't change the topic. Why are you here?

Kanoe: More importantly, you should ask how to defuse this.

I shifted into a defensive posture. There is something wrong with this situation. 

Yuki: Are you behind all of this?

Kanoe: Woah! slow down. I am not here to fight, but to help.

Yuki: (Skeptical) Help? Why would I do that after you did all this?

Kanoe: I know it's hard to believe, but I've got my reasons. There's more to this than you think.

Yuki: (Narrowing eyes) Explain, and it better be good.

Kanoe: If I start explaining now we will arrive at Akarimori soon. We already have no time to waste.

Yuki: (Reluctantly) Fine, but one wrong move, and you'll have more than just bombs to worry about.

Kanoe: (Sighs)

Kanoe sighed and rolled up her suit sleeves, revealing a unique bracelet on her wrist. I couldn't help but wonder about its meaning.

Yuki: A bracelet?

Kanoe: It's a death device.

Yuki: You kidding me right?

Kanoe: Even if you succeed or this mission of yours fails. I will die. It can't be changed.

Yuki: Wait. You sound like, you are serious.

Her expression changed into a bit of sadness. While she stood there speechless I saw tears welling up in her eyes. With a trembling voice-

Kanoe: I can't be saved no matter what. But you still can save Isokaze.

Is she for real? I haven't even gotten acquainted with her properly. And now she says it's the end of her?

Yuki: Here sit down and explain to me everything in detail.

We sat down on the seats. Only a few days ago, Kanoe was a cheerful girl, but as she unfolded her tragic reality, I felt a stark change. With every word, a growing sense of fear gripped me. The transformation from her lively self to the sombre figure before me left me deeply unsettled, pondering the ominous turn of events that was coming to face us.

Minutes passed in a heavy silence.

Kanoe: That's all I can share for now. Well in the second place, you don't have to worry about the bombs. They're fake.

Yuki: But what about you?

Kanoe: I'll be a memory, I guess.

Yuki: Don't say that. Kaori will be devastated if she finds out.

Kanoe: You'll help me with that, right?

My mind went blank for a moment. My gaze fixated on her. Did she really go through all of this alone? Now I know that she is an ally, but that doesn't mean she should sacrifice herself.

Yuki: No...

Kanoe: No?

Yuki: Don't say that.

A surge of fierceness enveloped me. I gripped her suit collar.

Yuki: DON'T SAY IT LIKE THAT. You know how much Kaori cares about you? You think you can just leave her like it's nothing? What about her? Learning that the girl she just met, made memories with, and considered a friend, has passed away? She'll be shattered.

Her eyes dimmed a palpable fear emanating from her.

Kanoe: Whatever I did was all planned. I wasn't forced into this. It is all of my own will.

Yuki: Then why plan something like this? There must have been a better way, a less drastic way.

She retrieved a pendrive from her left pocket. With a solemn expression, she placed it in my hand, a gesture loaded with unspoken meaning.

Kanoe: Hand this over to your uncle when you get back home. It contains every bit of information I managed to gather from them.

While I released her from my grasp, the next moment, shock seized me as I witnessed a blade sticking out from her stomach. Time seemed to freeze as the reality of the situation sank in. The vivid red of her blood began to stain her pristine suit, a stark and harrowing contrast to the once-controlled atmosphere. The air thickened with a chilling realization.

Kanoe: (while spilling out blood) It came sooner than i expected.....

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀!!To Be Continued!! 

Took a bit of while to release this. Sorry i was kinda fixated on writing my own novel - Shadowveil. Well no worries i will continue this fanfic later on. But i have got inspirations and also have the story plot done. Shadowveil will be a 12 volume novel each consisting 20-30 chapters. It will be a Action, Adventure, Isekai, Reincarnation, Romance, Harem story. And yea i have added a few topics like gore, foul language. Well thats all i can say for now. 

Last chapter of Phase 1 will be coming around december. Stay tuned till then.


Kaori lay sprawled on her cozy dorm bed, surrounded by a nest of plush pillows and soft blankets. The glow of her laptop illuminated her face as she indulged in her favorite pastime—watching anime. The room was filled with the rhythmic sounds of laughter and dramatic music from the animated world on the screen.

Her eyes were fixed on the colorful characters dancing across the monitor, completely captivated by the unfolding story. The soft hum of the air conditioner provided a comforting background noise, creating a haven of relaxation in her small dorm room.

As Kaori enjoyed the vibrant scenes playing out before her, a gentle knock echoed through the door. Startled, she paused the anime and looked towards the entrance. A mischievous smile played on her lips as her roommate, Mei, peeked inside.

Kaori: This episode is getting intense, Mei! Can you believe that plot twist?

Mei: I know, right? I never saw it coming! Anime always keeps us on our toes.

Kaori: That's what makes it so addictive. I love the unpredictability.

They both shared a laugh as they settled in for the next episode.

Mei: By the way, have you started that history assignment?

Kaori: Ugh, don't remind me. It's on my to-do list for tonight. But for now, anime takes priority.

Mei: Fair enough. We all need a break sometimes.

Kaori: I wish our lives were as exciting as these characters'. No exams, no stress—just epic adventures.

Mei: If only, right? But hey, at least we have each other and anime to make college life a bit more bearable.

Kaori: True that. Friends and anime make everything better.

Mei: Do you remember the first anime we watched together?

Kaori: Oh, for sure! It feels like a lifetime ago. We've come a long way since then.

Mei: And we're still here, binge-watching like pros.

Kaori: (laughs) I think we've officially become anime connoisseurs.

Mei: It's a prestigious title. We should get certificates or something.

Kaori: We'll make our own. "Certified Anime Aficionados."

Mei: Alright, last episode before we hit the books. Deal?

Kaori: Deal! But only if we grab some snacks on the way. Can't survive an anime marathon without snacks.

Mei: Agreed. Let's make it a snack run and anime night combo.

They share a high-five as the next episode begins, sealing the pact for one more adventure in the animated realm before tackling the responsibilities of the real world.