
Flashback : Shock To Raizada

This thing actually greatly alarmed two big countries because fromCountry M, Aansh Singh Raizada and his sister Aadya Singh Raizada came.

They both bought the file of Aanya, where nothing seemed to be wrong other than an accident when she was in comas for nearly a year but when they checked the same place where she was hurt at that time nothing seemed to happen to her, also Aadya as the one of the doctors who was there when Aanya was hospitalized, and she knows more than anyone what happened to her at that time, when she checks, Aanya was healthy, other than looking like sleeping nothing is wrong.

This thing actually scared Aadya more because if something really happened like something that they can find then that would have been better, as they can have treated Aanya, but if there really nothing happened like they can't find even after looking through the most advanced medical equipment.