

[Mom's Perspective]

I will call you.....Leon.

I think your father would like this name.

[Leon's Perspective]

"I can't believe I have such a beautiful mother!

Oh and Um System can I see my stats now?"

[Yes Leon....


Age: 0 yrs 0 months 1 hour

Str: 19

Agi: 21

Dex: 32

Mag Potential: 100

Str Potential: 100

Mag: 11

Manual: God Life & Death Manual

SP: 904,271,538,096,362,192]

"Thank you System."

I can't see much right now but I can see that my mom is a definite beauty!!!

[Time skip to elementary school]

Right Now Leon is starting elementary school and when he gets there, he meets his soon to be Best Friend and talks with her

Leon: "Hewwo I am Leon and I am Six

The girl: "Hewwo I am Daisy and I am fiwe."

Leon: "Do you want to be mwy fwiend?

Daisy: "Ok Leon"