
Matters Of The Throne

"Hold on..." The rustling of falling clothes magnifies under the silence of the night. Lying in the midst of torn corpses and bloody soil the couple entwines under the moon. Protected only by the clothes spread out beneath her the young woman shivers. Feeling the touch of his slippery tongue running across the curve of her back. "Wait." She murmurs... "I can't." The man answers as callused hands slip into the fabrics of her dress. It's not that, she tries but unable to express. "They're... watching..." The man laughs instead, "is this another way for you to reject me?" No. That's not it the young woman thought as she listens to the voices overhead. "Hey! Move over, I can't see!" "See?! What are you watching!? Roll to the side, she's my representative!" "Shut up! I can't hear the sounds!!" "Calm down everyone." Tears gather at the corner of her eyes as the young lady listen to the conversation above. Biting on her lips she really wanted to shout to the sky, "you shameless deities!! Stop watching!!!"

Xing_Yue · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
143 Chs

Chapter 36: Do You Need Something?

The morning of artificial light shone through the window and into the chamber still lingering with a strange scent of muskiness. 

Xin Yue's slender figure awoke from the sensation of warm light caressing her face. Almond eyes open to take in the sight of a handsome face inches away from her's.

"... …"

Images from last night's flashes pass within the blink of an eye. The young lady stares at the man's sleeping visage for a few more moments before moving to leave. 

This slight movement triggered the pain and discomfort of her aching jaws.


Shuffling away from the warmth of his embrace, the young woman stepped down from the bed. Clothes from last night could be seen crumpled like a piece of discarded trash on the ground collecting dust.

"... …"

She strides in its direction to pick up the item stain with faint traces of suspicious markings.