

"Ok class, that's all for today, have a good day!" Sweta ma'am declared as the bell rang indicating the time of the class was over.

I shoved the books inside the bag in a hurry while my eyes roamed over the classroom, searching for Neel.

Neel Agarwal.

My best friend.

We have been friends for three years. Three years ago he transferred here, "The Purple Valley High Secondary School ", where I studied.

We became friends after one day I helped him with the notes needed for the upcoming test. Then gradually we started to sit together in class, at the canteen. We started to hang out, even though it was almost impossible for my strict parents.

It's not like I didn't have friends before him, but I refrained from getting too close to them cause...I don't know...my gut feeling always screamed to me to not do that, I guess?

Anyway, right now I needed him.

Like I very needed him.

I didn't have anyone else to share this with. And if I only keep this to myself any longer, I am afraid I would die in terror. I contemplated enough.

There he is! At the exit, in the crowd. His tall figure and silky brown hair made him stand out. I zipped my bag and rushed towards him, throwing the bag over my shoulder on the way.

" Neel, wait ! '

His steps halted as he looked over his shoulder. I stopped once I stood in front of him. My breathing is uneven.

" Hey.. "

" are you going to the canteen? "

" isn't where everyone suppose to go to eat at a school on lunch break? "

Oh boy.

He was in his cranky mood phase again. Lately, he had been a little distant, he talked less and would reply with annoying remarks, it's something he would do when he is bothered by a certain thought.

I tried to ask him what was wrong, and he just replied with two words "Family issues".So, I did not press him further knowing he didn't want to talk about it.

" yeah, but can we go a little after?.... Please? "

The place between his eyebrows squeezed, "Why? " he asked.

"There is something I need to talk to you " I replied, desperation noticeable in my voice.

A sigh left his mouth, " can we eat first, please? I am very hungry "

" Please Neel, it will take five minutes only. It has been bothering me for a couple of days, I can't keep it to myself any longer "

" Okay then, we can talk about it while eating, "

" No! I can't tell you this with people around! It is serious. "

" And I know what is the definition of the last word in your dictionary. You can whine about your parents as much as you want but let me eat first. "

" what do you mean by whining Neel? Do you think I overreact over small things? I am not a kid, Neel! "

" For god's sake, Neh! You may not be a kid but sometimes you behave like one! Everyone has their own life and own problems to deal with! I have my problems too okay!? So please kindly try to handle your problems by yourself sometimes! "

His certain outburst caught me off-guard. Thankfully, there was no one in the hallway. I felt a pang in my chest. Tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them away as I looked up at him.

I saw Regret glinting through his eyes, " I - I am sorry,"

His palm ran over his face as he inhaled a deep breath before breathing it out and continuing-

"my mind is messed up right now. I didn't mean that... I am sorry. Just...just give me some time alone. I want to be alone for a while"

Being said that he fled.

I skipped lunch and spent the lunch break alone in the classroom mourning over the argument happened just before a while between me and Neel.

I lost the mood of attending the not-so-interesting lessons so I ditched them and grabbed the most deserted corner in the library and waited until the school broke up.

I made my way toward the school gate. So stupid of me to expect Neel to wait there for me as he always used to do. Of course, he was upset and he said that he wanted to be alone. My shoulders slouched down.

The sun was going down when the bus arrived. I hesitantly got down from the bus. I wished the bus never stopped.

With every step forward my breathing got unstable. The scariest place to cross was the dark, abandoned alley.

The half-broken street light, going on and off then on and again off was the only source of light. The chilly wind passing by made a 'shoo' sound.

I wrapped the coat tighter around me as I shivered. With every step forward my stomach churned. A shadow appeared beneath the street light and my steps halted.

A shiver ran down my spine. I stepped backward with trembling legs as I saw it approaching me.




My brain screamed but my body didn't co-operate. By the time I gathered myself and hurled around to run it was too late. I was pulled back. My back slammed against the wall and a moan left my mouth.

" where where where ?.... Where do you think you are running, little rabbit? Huh?"

he whispered in my ear. I felt like someone just poured a pail of ice on me.

Oh no no,

No...no way!!

The voice, I remembered it, too well. No way I could ever forget that voice. My knees were on the edge of giving up as I gasped for air.

I struggled under his grip. I tried pushing him but he was stronger than me.

" let me go..."

It came out like a whisper.

" is little rabbit scared? "

Not again! Not again! Not again !!

I struggled to free myself. The lack of air made it difficult for breathing, my lungs were not earning enough air. He abruptly grabbed my jaw harshly, forcing me to look up.

" don't ignore me, little rabbit. I don't like it when you ignore me. It's been long since I've seen your pretty face. "