
Mated To The Queen Of The Sea

Blurb An Alpha male who is originally a lover of Alliana, the Queen of Morrasta gets entangled with fate to another female lover friend. Alpha Herdy Moderno first seeks to protect Alliana and goes through several experiences, from which he learns more about his life. Even though he has discovered he is yet to meet with his soulmate, he maintains his smooth relationship with others, both male and female. Diana, the queen of the sea on her part is also a very strong mate, empowered with the magic of fire and water which strengthens her enough to join hands with Herdy to fight their enemies and gain their triumph. As Herdy keeps on walking through Manelda, he daringly encounters beings and occurrences which keeps him as a persistent warrior Alpha, ready to stoop to conquer. Will the unity he embraces with Diana give the both of them a large hand of victory at last, or only himself? Can they destroy enemies and free the Diliuni Sea innocent victims completely? Characterization Herdy Moderno Lychillus (28 years, 6'1") Personality: A strong and supportive Alpha mate to Diana. Backstory: He was born with fate to be mated to Diana, who was from a settlement around the seashore of Diliuni. Diana Glamorry (25 years, 5'8") Personality: A demanding, attractive, intelligent, magically powerful, skillful and clingy woman. Backstory: She was a fated mate to Alpha Herdy. She was also the one born and bred on Diliuni seashore, to rescue the people. Alliana Peters (26 years, 5'6") Personality: A gentle, pretty, passionate, determined, agile and swift woman. Backstory: She was the lady Herdy first crushes on and falls in love with, until the latter discovers his fate to switch. Clara Joseph (23 years, 5'7") Personality: A beautiful, plumpy, caring, medically and magically inciting woman. Backstory: She was the Luna lady born to be mated to Alpha Arnold, and has always been a supporter of Herdy's mission. Pappo Reye Moderno (Immortal, 6'

Author Sammy Phylo · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

A Man Called Coldier

The memory of a man dropped onto my mind. He was a strong man and was called Coldier.

Coldier was born in 1976 and was nicknamed Our Lord. That sobriquet always put him off, especially whenever he was preaching. He was a chubby man who always sweated under his neck.

He gave birth to two beautiful bountiful kids after raping a ghetto lady. That time, he was still an "unbeliever" as he would say. This man was the richest in the Azu Mountains where he lived with all kinds of monsters. His beautiful mansion was always haunted by demons and ghost whites.

It was said that this man was an addict of partying, bullying and extravagance. A pointer to the truth was the large liquor bar he built and managed, which he called: Ya Extravaganza. Prostitutes, tycoons, even fake preachers of the same Jesus came to dine and wine, in there.

Sadly enough, it was there he met this lady that hailed from a quasi-deserted ghetto. The lady was slim, light skinned, round-shaped, rich, wanton, pretty. She was a white, from the Blue Kingdom.

It didn't mean that Coldier was black. No, he wasn't. He was deep yellow in complexion, as anyone else in our world and, he never loved to date a yellow person like him. He surely wanted a difference.

Coldier had three guns, bomb and money in dollars, all in his wardrobe. He never invited anyone into his house save the ones he would preach to. Even as an unbeliever, he still preached, claiming that he knew one Jesus who came to save our world.

Many people hailed this man and, he was almost worshipped as a god. There was no time he loved all these. He was regarded as a Celebrity and so, he was. There was some set of people who created a Pixel account and gained numerous followers, for him. He was usernamed: Coldier Phillips Jero (that was his full name plus the Jero, that people added to his name).

I was so happy the day I first met him. Well, it wasn't an especial experience knowing him. He was also known like I was. We were in a meeting in Blue Kingdom that night, deliberating about the need to divide Morrasta into five countries. But, this man opposed that motion and walked out of the meeting. He later made his dreams come true by creating 100 temporary countries and regions in same Morrasta.

The lady she married because of his fornication offence was called Patricia, a very beautiful but halfly educated woman in her twenties. Patricia was the one who caused everything that night.

That was one thing that made Coldier lose followers and even real people, by him. Almost everyone left him, including his family members. His father who often claimed to love him than his temples also did.

Later, those people unfollowed him on Pixel, the commonest social media platform then. They also deleted his account and discouraged others not to add him on any other social media any longer.

Patricia was at Coldier's bar, for a lunch that red-letter afternoon as she came to mark his record with more deadly memories. She came with eight hundred dollars, her purse and her Google Pixel XLphone (one could snap pictures with any side of the phone. Also, it's possible to write, draw and make some sounds with your hands on the phone, especially while on calls).

The XL meant Xpecial Lively from: "Special Lively".

She quickly unlocked her phone and started seeing some bad videos of celebrities online. She visited a site which her mother had long warned her against.

Patricia was a member of the Anglican Church. So, her mother was very strict whenever she was warning her.

Few minutes later, Patricia opened her purse, picked up some notes and paid for a bogus lunch. She bought thirty rolls of vegetable sticks, two plates of cream, fifteen cones of ice cream, a plate of coconut rice, seven bunches of bananas, a thick beef and three bottles of beer. That meant, she was probably a drunkard.

Not that Coldier actually met with the wrong woman or gave birth to wrong children. No! It was just that he did all he did illegally. And, he wasn't any remorseful even when the lady's mother scolded him and threatened with court case. That was him. He never feared court case. No, so surprising!

The next thing was the scene where Patricia was already removing the transparent shirt she wore on her. She moved Coldier close to her and touched his chest romantically. All of a sudden, she began to shake her breasts here and there. Next was that, she pushed the innocent man into a separate room, in the bar.

Coldier was being seduced by this ghetto illiterate. Well, she was a bit educated as she read the secondary section of school. Patricia undressed herself in seconds and threw her breasts towards him.

In few minutes, Coldier, having locked the door behind them, was sucking from her breasts seriously. Patricia never had this taste of love before, in her entire life. At least, romance.

Coldier delved deep into her in the soft bed. He played with her all the while, winking at her intermittently. And in return, she fed him even more, with the milk that came out from her body. But, this lady wasn't any scared of her Anglican Fathers. She kept behaving like a bitch.

When Coldier's customers finished eating what they ordered and paid for, they left the place without getting their receipt that showed that they settled all their bills. That was indeed compulsory as eating on credit was banned all over that region. It was better one was fed gratis than that.

She moved closer to him and did every bad thing with him and Coldier did vice versa, as well. It was like a dream until they slept in another bed and had sex together that day! They did that evil from that afternoon till night! He didn't even care if he would grow very weak after all. I knew too well that after then, he started losing his customers.

"Coldier... What a wonderful man, I'm sure Diana would know about him too" I said to myself.

Being held by the gravity of what was happening to him as I was thinking, I sighed.