

'Havana Damien

32 years of age

Her Father, missing

Her Mother, dead

She has a step sister and mother'

This is all you need to know for now


Step mothers and siblings are kind in most cases and Havana never thought that hers would be exceptional but the fact was that they were exceptional but not in a good way. You see when Havana's mother died in Lesotho (her hometown) Havana's dad suggested that they move to California to start a new life. Her Dad remarried and just two months later he went to work and never returned. Her step mother(Camilla) and her step sister (Cleopathra) took excessive control of all her father's account and maltreated Havana who later found a better job that changed her life.

It was on that fateful day.....

"Havana order 37. He said the usual". Havana sighted the man from far and sighed,'This Man that always have a problem with the order'. She brought the black coffee hot, with two(2) cubes of sugar and a sausage. She walked carefully not to spill a drop and said " Here's your order sir "

It hadn't taken long after Havana left that the customer started groaning. Havana was pissed, the morning hadn't been the best for her,and immediately the customer started whining she gave him a slap and of course got fired on the spot and was told to wash the plates in other to get the salary for the month. She grumbled as she washed the dishes. Half way the job another girl came to join her, her name was Skylar. Skylar also got fired from her job that day also and couldn't pay. After Skylar heard Havana's sob story she suggested that they exchange jobs even though Havana's job paid lower than Skylars'

Havana simply agreed and was happy that she had made a new friend in California because since she moved there she had no friend


"I'm home" Havana announced as she entered their apartment.

"Where is everyone...and everything!"Havana wondered as every where was dark and empty.she started becoming afraid,

"Ypu don't think they moved without me do you?" She spoke to no one. She suddenly stopped cold, sighting a flash light coming from behind the bend. A man walked in "What are you doing here?"He barked. "This is my house" Havana managed to say. "It's obviously not. If it is you would have known that the inhabitants has moved" He spake.

'They moved!' Havana screamed inwardly. What was she going to do now! "Hey kid you better leave cause by tomorrow the new inhabitants of this house would arrive" The man sid jolting Havana from her thoughts.

Havana walked reluctantly out of the house. What was she going to do. She had no friends except..... SKYLAR. 'That's it I'll call Skylar'

"Um hello

This is my first book. pardon me if you notice any mistakes. Tell me what you think of this first chapter. I promise that this story would be very interesting for you

❤️ Author

Milicent_2000creators' thoughts