
Mated to the Devil

"Careful," the man whispered that sent shiver down her spine. He is positioned behind her and no matter how hard she uses her strength and try to break free from his grasp-- the man's hand were chained to her neck stopping her to move away from him. "I can feel nothing but the desire to kill me," he muttered. "You are not going to succeed." Her heart hammered inside her chest when she felt a pair of sharp fangs in her neck. "You crossed the line and now you are mine, woman." *** An order to kill a man named Valerian Fenrir was pointed upon the she-wolf Natasha by her father alpha Acanthus ever since she was little. When it is finally the time for her to go to the city to fulfill the wishes of her father- she thought it was going to be easy, little did she know, a couple of surprises awaits her.

DaoistZFglkD · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 15: A Day With The Sister

Natasha's POV

We're sitting in this beautiful resto inside the mall having breakfast but I can't help but think about what Elyse saw when she hold my hand.

As she said, it wasn't clear but it is still something and I really wonder what is it. It can be something interesting or something about me-- something important.

I need to know what is it but I don't know how to ask Elyse because she already dismissed the topic and I don't want to bug her because we were just getting along just now and we might end up trying to kill each other again if ever.

Now that I think about it, if I were to stay with Valerian or in his lair, I need an ally, or at least just someone I can run to if things get ugly.

I mean, of course, I can't say that I can trust Elyse for now since we don't know each other that much yet and he's Valerian's sister but she can be that someone.

She might give off rich bitchy vibes but she's nice after all. We just happened to meet in the wrong situation and scenario. I think I will never forget how we met.

"Do you like the food?" she suddenly asked.

"Yeah, it's really good," I answered as I nodded at her.

Elyse swallowed her food before she leaned on the table closer to me.

"You know we can't really taste normal food, right?" she whispered. "I mean, not the way humans do."

I creased my forehead at her because of what she just said. "You can't?"

She nodded. "Yeah, at least human food-- what we are eating right now. Vampires can't really taste them. We can eat it but it can't sustain us. You know we have a different diet."

I fell silent because of what she said.

If vampires can't taste food then that means. . .

The food I cooked for Valerian is human food because I have a normal diet and those were the only recipe I know.

Aside from knowing that I put poison in the food, he can't really taste anything as he eats it.

But, I remember him commenting on my dish; saying how good it tasted.

Oh gosh.

I cleared my throat and tried to divert my attention from Valerian because I'm not liking the thoughts that are starting to form in my mind.

"Then why are we here? If it doesn't taste good for you?" I asked Elyse trying to bring back my focus on our topic. "Are you making yourself suffer?"

Elyse chuckled at what I said.

"Did you ever wonder how we live here in the humans' world for such a long time already and never had encountered a single conflict? It's because we know how to be careful in terms of fitting in. It's important. I'll teach you." She winked at me.

Okay, I got to admit, that was a good one.

They're actually really smart in their ways to try to fit in with humans. Every little thing is important for their secret to not get revealed and they're doing a really good job in hiding it.

"Are there any vampires here aside from you and Valerian?" I questioned.

"Yeah, of course. Our people live here but they're on the other side of the city. Only me and some of our relatives are here," she answered. "You know what, you should visit me in my place sometime."

I nodded. "Yeah, let's do that."

Hanging out with Elyse has an advantage. She's talkative and she shares information about their kind and that's exactly what I want. She might share some personal information about Valerian too that I can use.

"Don't you feel weird?" she suddenly asked.

I creased my forehead. "About what?"

"You know, me. Well, in my defense, I didn't really have someone close to a sister in law and I'm just glad you're here." She smiled.

"Um, did Valerian never have a girlfriend before or a wife?" I asked.

Valerian lived a hundred years in this world already, I can't be the first woman.

"Well, if I tell you stories, you wouldn't get jealous?" She looked at me teasingly.

I quickly shook my head.

I want to say 'of course not' right away but I stopped myself.

In Elyse's mind, I and Valerian are mates and we're on good terms.

"Valerian had this woman in his life before and I thought they were mates-- we all thought, but they were not and I didn't think I will get to meet the woman he was meant to be with after all that, and that's you," Elyse said.

"What happened? You know, to the woman before?" I asked subtly, trying not to sound so into her story about the woman in Valerian's life before.

"You're curious, huh? Don't blame me if you suddenly get jealous." She let out a laugh.

I mentally groaned.

I literally tried so hard to not show the slightest interest.

"Well, as much as I want to tell you stories about his love life, it's not my story to tell and even though my brother can be a pain in the ass sometimes, I don't want him to get mad at me. And besides, that happened a long time ago," she added.

I just nodded at her.

She's right.

I want to know what happened to them-- to her. I wonder why they didn't work and where is she now.

Not that I'm really interested in Valerian's life or love life before we've met but I can't help but wonder what was he like to his previous girlfriend-- to the woman before; because the way Elyse talks about it-- seems like he was a really good man to his partners before and they had something really serious.

Well, it's funny because, the first time I met him, I witnessed how he was towards women.

He was a jerk to women.

"I'm just really glad you're here now. If only our parents are here, they will surely like you too." Elyse smiled at me.

"Do they live on the other side of the city too?" I asked referring to their parents.

Elyse smiled at me again but it was a different smile this time. A glint of sadness flashed in her eyes and I regret asking about her parents upon realizing it.


"I'm sorry," I quickly apologized.

She shook her head. "No, it's okay. Our parents vanished in this world a long time ago and I miss them so much."

I chewed on my lower lip.

I don't know what to say right now to make her feel better because I was never good at comforting someone.

Darn it.

Elyse suddenly drew a deep breath as she shrugged her shoulders. "But oh well, that's life. We have to deal with it."

I just smiled at her.

I could have said something that will help her feel better but I really don't know what to say.

I didn't know she was this sweet, really. But too bad, I didn't come here to make friends, I just have to do my mission-- the right way this time and leave. I have no plans in staying here. My life is in our town. With my friends and family.

I don't know what to do to execute my plan properly now since I have already failed several times. But, I just know I have to be really careful this time and I guess. . . go with the flow.


"Here, try this." Elyse handed me another dress as she gently pushed me back inside the fitting room.

We're now at the boutique after we had breakfast and I already lost count of how many dresses and pairs of clothes I already tried.

Elyse just keeps on shoving them at me and I can't do anything but try them and go out and show her.

I just came to terms with being her dress up doll today.

After putting on the dress, I went out of the fitting room.

As expected, Elyse was waiting for me outside.

She automatically scanned me from head to toe for a couple of seconds before she raised a thumbs up.

That's her way of saying the dress suits me and she approved it.

"Here, try this on too." She handed me another piece again.

I accepted it.

"Wait, this one is too revealing," I said as I stared at the dress she had just given me.

I was okay with all the dresses she gave me before this one because the previous ones are all just sundresses, there are above the knee dresses but they are all don't show skin as much as this one will if I will wear it.

This one is a red seductive dress that has a slit in the belly area and a plunging neckline. Not to mention that it is also so short.

"Well, duh! We aren't in the old generation anymore, we're literally in the 21st century, you need to upgrade your clothing. Hell, you need to change your whole wardrobe!" Elyse dramatically rolled her eyes at me and pushed me back to the fitting room before I could protest.

I just knew she was judging my jeans and shirt outfit the first time we met.

I put on the dress and was hesitant to go out of the fitting room because I felt too exposed.

Gosh, this is the second time I wore something like this after that party I went to where I met Valerian.

"Come on out!" I heard Elyse yell outside.

I heaved a sigh of defeat before opening the door.

Elyse's eyes widened upon seeing me.

"Oh gosh! You look so good! I know you have a killer body under your old fashion clothes," she said as she grabbed my arms and twirled me around.

I gave her a deadpan look because of what she said. She just smiled at me and raised a peace sign.

She can't blame me, the kinds of clothes I wear are so comfy!

Elyse got more pieces of revealing dresses and tops, and she couldn't be stopped until it was time to pay for them.

I could just sigh at the sight of so many paper bags of everything we've got.

Well, I can't really whine because this woman can't seriously be stopped if she wants something.

She got me a ton of clothes, and I honestly can't complain. She paid for all of them, after all.

Seeing Elyse hand the same black card as Valerian to the cashier made me realize how rich they really are.

"My brother will surely love to see you wear everything we got." She winked at me.

My heart pounded inside my chest at the mention of Valerian.

We're going home now, and that means I will see him again. . . after what happened in his room.
