
Mated To The Cruel Prince

[Matured Content] Saving an injured Fae in the forest had not been Islinda's plan, and worse, he turns out to be royalty, Prince Valerie of the summer court, heir and crown prince to the throne of Astaria. But then, humans were wary of those otherworldly creatures while the Fae looked down on the humans, thinking of them as lesser creatures. Islinda and the prince were worlds apart but that didn't stop them from falling in love.  Unfortunately, Prince Valerie couldn't stay in the human realm forever and had to return to his kingdom with a promise to come back for her. And she believed him.  But then, the other one comes instead.  Dark, broody, ruthless yet dangerously handsome, everyone feared Prince Aldric. Even as a fierce warrior and son to the king of Astaria, Aldric is denied his right to the throne and cursed never to take his place because of his dark heritage.  Twisted from the inside and starved of affection, Prince Aldric does what he is best at, causing misery. He captured  Islinda - the woman who has drawn his brother's attention. He stole her from her home for his cruel purpose. If he couldn't have the throne, he could at least play around with his brother's love interest. His new prize.  Islinda hated him. Loathed him for taking away everything that she could have had with the summer prince. He's the villain. Now she has been dragged into the middle of the dirty politics played in the courts of Astaria, not to mention surviving the cold games played by the prince.  But all hope wasn't lost because the cruel prince could tempt her all he wants but he was never going to get the one thing he wants the most. To be loved. He would never have her heart!  Or could he?  ________ "What can you offer me, little human," He grinned, slow and cruel. She would make such a wonderful plaything.  "Please," She begged him, tears now gathering in her eyes, "Just let me go."  "Fine," He shrugged as if it was an easy request, "You can go."  "W-what?" She croaked, finding it hard to believe.  "Little human, you would find out my mind changes very easily." Those words sounded merciful yet she could sense the threat beneath.  But did he really mean?  Islinda didn't sit around to find out as she broke into a sprint. If there was even the slightest chance of him changing his mind, then she would take it. She would not give up hope yet.  She didn't know why but Islinda spared a look over her shoulder after a while and the blood drained from her face at what she saw coming.  Oh no, she just made a terrible mistake.  This was never freedom.  It was a hunt.  And she just became the prey.  _________ Note: This is a dark fantasy book and the male lead is a villain, so don't expect fluffy romance. What to expect? Death, gore, thick sexual tension, and explicit scenes. Also, it is not reverse harem. Gift magic castle = 5 bonus chapters! Come, let us have a wild hunt! 

Glimmy · Kỳ huyễn
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862 Chs

She Felt Alive For The First Time

Islinda tightened her grip around Eli's small hand, as if afraid that it would slip and she would abandon him like his mother did. Yes, she has bought the idea of him being abandoned by his mother and trusted the boy now. 

Children don't lie. 

There was no way a Fae trickster would follow her to the village without fear of being found out and overpowered by the humans. Moreover, no Fae could be as adorable as this kid, especially with his chubby cheeks that she was almost tempted to pinch  - well, maybe Valerie. 

Islinda's cheeks heated up, why would she think about the Fae that kissed her at this point? Clearing her throat, Islinda focused on her journey and cleared her improper thoughts. She was a lady for crying out loud. 

Islinda walked on for a while when she turned back and realized that Eli was struggling to match her pace. Ahh, she must walk quickly and his small legs couldn't keep up with her.  So she suddenly stopped and the boy stopped too, glancing up at her with questioning eyes. 

"What is it, big sister?" 

"Forgive me for being ignorant," Islinda said, "It must have been hard for you to walk with me all this while. But don't worry…" She stretched out her hand with a big smile, "Come on, let me carry you and hasten our journey." 

"What?" His lips twitched and there was a stormy look in his eyes, not that Islinda noticed. How dare this mortal…?! 

"Come now, don't be shy," She cajoled him and before Eli could protest or even think of escaping, she had already hunched down in front of him and tugged him forward by wrapping his small arms around her neck. Hence, he was left with no other choice but to let her piggyback him. 

Damn, Islinda broke out in a sweat. For a young child, he was quite heavy. Islinda thought her hip was going to break in two. However, she couldn't give up, that would be embarrassing and the boy would be disappointed with her. Hence, she gritted her teeth and stood up, slightly jerking him forward and balancing him on her back. 

"Big sister…." The boy said timidly as if afraid to speak up, "I am quite heavy, aren't I?" 

"What?" Her cheeks were flushed and her heart began to race, "Of course not! You are perfect." She lied through her teeth. Damn it, he was quite heavy but she couldn't say it to his face and traumatize the young child. 

"You can put me down, big sister. I eat a lot and my mother says I look like a bloated steamed bun." Eli said emotionally, fiddling with his hands wrapped around her neck. 

Pity and anger stirred inside of Islinda because of his words. What kind of mother says that to her child? Islinda hadn't even met his mother and she decided she hated her. She would give that woman a piece of her mind when she finds her. 

Thanks to the anger now coursing through her veins, it fired her up and she continued the journey back to the village with Eli perked on her back. It was almost sundown, she had to get the child to the safety of the village. Islinda's protective instinct was roused and she was grateful to have been the one to stumble upon the child and not a trickster Fae. If only she knew. 

She heard humans captured by those creatures end up as their slaves for the rest of their lives. Islinda couldn't imagine poor Eli being maltreated from a young age, it broke her heart. Perhaps, she was good to a fault, but Islinda believed fate brought him to her for a reason. 

It was nearly sundown by the time she arrived and the snow had stopped which meant more people were out. As a hunter, Islinda was well known in the village and curious eyes wondered about the child she carried on her back.  Thankfully, none of them bothered her and she could tell Eli didn't like their scrutinizing gazes because his grip tightened around her neck. 

"Don't worry, you're safe with me. No one would lay a hand on you, I'll protect you." She gave him a reassuring smile from over her shoulder. But the boy gave her a blank look and it made her wonder if he was not used to kindness from strangers. He intrigued her. 

The village chief's red brick house came into view and Islinda was filled with nostalgia when she remembered having once lived in a house as large as this. But that was all in the past and she was scared of what her future looks like with her step-family. 

Some of the villagers had come to meet the village chief with one of their problems or more, which meant that Islinda had to wait her turn. Islinda put Eli down and heard a crack in her waist. The gods knew it took her everything not to crumble on the ground and rest without care. 

Instead, she leaned against the wall by her side and caught her breath. Her hips hurt. Her body hurts. Everywhere ached. 

A small hand clasped hers, "Big sister, are you alright?" He pouted his lips, looking at her with big, pitiful eyes. 

"Of course, I'm alright!" She was dying right now.  Islinda needed to go home and get a rest while someone massaged and rubbed her aching back with a warm towel.  Unfortunately, none of that was impossible. The closest to that wish would be her stepmother scalding her with hot water instead. 

Islinda shivered involuntarily, having realized she had been away from home for hours and knew not what awaited her there. She swallowed nervously. Yet Islinda did not regret her actions because, for the first time since her father's death, she felt alive. 

Her first kiss was given to Valerie, a Fae and perhaps, it thrilled her because it was a forbidden affair, and she couldn't wait to see where it led. Probably heartbreak, they were worlds apart. 

But then, what is the fun of living If she doesn't take the risk? The future is unknown and anything could happen. 

She needed something to happen. 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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