

“What is the meaning of this?!” Mirko’s father asked.

“ Seize them…. Until we resolve this foolish act of my son , no one is going anywhere” Alpha Hunter was approached me .

“ Stop this foolishness and let us leave otherwise I would take this as a declaration of war and would have no option than to strike back”

“ Ohh nooo Alpha Gerald this is not an act of war . This is me simply trying to make things right . So once again I apologize but nobody is leaving “ He kept on scrutinizing me .

“ What is there to resolve , Your son rejected her and now she’s mine . End of story!!” Mirko shielded me from the strange gaze of Alpha Hunter.

“ For the life of me , I can’t still fathom why the moon goddess would pair such a good for nothing wolf with my son. I’m sure it was a mistake but we would have to make due with it “ Alpha Hunter dared to question the moon goddess workings .

Mirko growled and was ready to strike but I held him back with everything I had.