
Chapter 165; TREASURE

"I called to let you know that your time has already started reading Aston. Don't keep us waiting unless you want to lose your precious son." The voice of Mr. Pearson sounded from the other end.

"Your request is ready already Mr. Pearson. Where should I bring it?"

Violet, Chad, and Layla exchanged glances and glanced back at Alpha Aston with curved-up brows because they know that he just lied.

"Let it be that you are saying the truth Aston because if you are not you already know what that entails. By the way, a message containing the address of where you should bring it will be sent to you immediately this call drops."

"I'll be waiting for the address Mr. Pearson. Meanwhile, can I talk to my son?"

"Dad!" Lyndon called out immediately he was handed the phone.

"My boy. Daddy is coming. Just hang on there."

"Ok, dad. Please come fast, I want to see you and I miss mum."