

And so being teary and keeping a sad face to welcome her immediately she walks in was part of her plan because she knows Violet cares for her and will never see her in such a mood and just overlook her.

Just as she had planned it Violet got to her mid-way and held her back.

The photo album in her hand slipped off and she pulled her into an embrace.

The maid seeing how good her plan is coming out increased her sob making Violet pull her deeper into her and start rubbing her back.

She also held her mouth and neck and slowly disengaged from the hug.

"Come," Violet whispered and slowly led her to one of the couches in her chambers and gently sat her down.

Violet walked off immediately she sat her down and came back almost immediately with a hand towel. She helped wipe off her tears and then sat before her.

"What happened to you?" She asked staring softly at the maid.

"It is.. It is." The maid stuttered and deliberately began crying all over again louder this time.