
Chapter 128; LUST OR LOVE

"Do I have to leave?" Tabitha said staring at the huge male with soft eyes. "I just want to stay with you." She sighed.

A moment with him has made her get so attracted to him that she couldn't even see herself staying away from him.

If it is after sex hormone working or real love she didn't even care. All she knows is that staying away from him is nothing she can take.

For several hours he had fucked her until she fainted. It was a terrifying moment for him because he was shivering thinking he might have killed her but a blissful one for her that even when she woke up all she did was ask for more and more.

And that was exactly the point that blew her mind away and made her fall totally for him.

He was so tired and scared when she requested that. She had expected him to decline but then he shocked her by saying yes not because he wanted it but because he just wanted to please her.