

Nico arrived twenty minutes after Zane got off the phone with a scowl on his face that made Whisper start trembling. Once he saw the girl, he softened his eyes and handed the Alpha the clothes, telling him Anton was working. Zane had Nico leave then turned to Whisper holding out a plaid red button down shirt and some blue jeans. At first, Whisper seemed frightened by the clothes, but then took them in great interest.

Zane turned away as Whisper dressed in the colorful clothes, hearing her shuffling around before she told him she was finished. He turned and smiled at the way she had to hold up the jeans with her hands. Thinking quickly, he told her he'd be back, then ran to his truck and brought out some thin twine he used for bundling up dry grass for fire.

When he returned and approached Whisper with the twine, she recoiled and almost forgot about the jeans in her haste to get away. Zane had been worried about her reaction, but showed her that the rope wasn't strong enough to hold even him. Still afraid, she stood on the opposite side of the room and let him come towards her.

Zane said some soothing words and wrapped his arms around her, letting her feel the same sensation as he knew she felt earlier when he hugged her. When she calmed down, he explained that it was going to be a makeshift belt for her until he could find one small enough for her waist. Finally, she nodded and he knelt and started threading the twine through the loop holes.

Once it was tied securely and her pants wouldn't fall, Zane had her sit down on the chair. Nico had shown him a pair of shoes Kiera also gave him, so the Alpha tried them on Whisper's feet. The girl watched him in amazement as he started tying them. When he told her to walk around the room, she did so and then started jumping, loving the feel.

Zane smiled at her, then held out his hand. Whisper stared at it for a moment, then took it when she remembered nothing happened when he hugged her. She felt safe with Zane, safe from harm, pain, and hallucinations. Zane led her out of her room and into the lobby where his friend stood waiting, the only thing not white. "Nico, this is Whisper. She will be joining us today out to dinner."

Nico looked at the young woman, transformed from the little girl he had seen in the bedroom. "Hello, Whisper."

Whisper stared at him, tightening her grip on Zane and only leaning closer to him as a way of showing some fear. Sensing it all, the Alpha looked down at her. "Whisper, I'm going to have you sit down with Nico while I go get the paperwork to let you out for a few hours. He won't touch you, okay?"

"I don't want you to go," she whispered, taking her eyes off of Nico to look up at Zane.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying in the room. I just need to grab the papers then I'll come sit beside you." He pulled her over to a couch and made her sit, Nico sitting on a chair opposite her. "There, you'll be able to watch me, okay?" he said and gestured to the desk he planned on going to. Whisper nodded and let go of his hand.

Zane backed away a couple steps to watch Whisper's face, then turned and strode up to the desk where the man from earlier sat. He looked up at the Alpha and a flicker of fear entered his eyes. "What do you want?"

"I'm taking Whisper out for a couple of hours. What do I need to sign?" He was handed a paper full of boxes and lines. Grabbing a pen, he went back to Whisper and sat beside her. Filling out his information with the destination they were going, he turned to the girl. "What room number are you in?"


"Do you have anyone here who is in charge of you?"

He caught her slight flinch before she said, "Hystola is in charge of everyone in my hall."

Zane looked at her quizzically. "Hystola?"

Whisper nodded. "Her name sounds as bad as everything else here!" He looked down to write the name, not seeing the slight smile of amusement on Whisper's lips. It was gone when he looked at her again. "Do you have a curfew or a time when lights go out?"


"Eight?" he gaped. "Why eight?"

"So we can have twelve hours of sleep," she answered robotically. Zane snorted and wrote down the time they'd be returning: ten.

He took the form to the desk then went back and helped Whisper stand up. Behind him, the man at the desk complained. "That's too late! She can't come back that late!"

"Why not?"

"It's the rules!"

Again, Zane snorted. "What rules?" The Alpha watched with appalled silence as the man brought out a thick binder full of laminated pages so they were not easily ripped and handed it over. "What the hell is this?"

He flipped the cover and read the first page:

Patient Rules:

#1. Always wear white so there is no discrimination between patients.

#2. Keep facility properties white and clean for easy clean up.

#3. Patients are not allowed to bring anything personal, or it will be taken away.

#4. There are to be no pencils, markers, crayons, pens, etc., found in patient's room.

#5. Patients are not allowed ANY type of object without supervision.

#6. Patients must follow schedule at all times. NO exceptions.

#7. All patients WILL shower when asked.

#8. All patients will be in bed, eyes closed, and asleep by 8:00 pm.

#9. All patients will see the Doctor on a weekly basis at their scheduled appointment.

#10. Patients will eat the food provided and ONLY the food provided.

Zane flipped to the end of the book. "You have got to be joking!" he snapped. "How can this place have over ten thousand rules for patients who hardly get to do anything! This is stupid!"

"Rules are rules. Whisper must be back by at least seven-thirty to be ready for bed. No later."

The Alpha glared at the man and handed the heavy binder to Nico. "Take pictures of some of the worst rules and send them to Anton. He can use them as evidence." Turning to Whisper who was hiding behind him, he softened his eyes. "Ready?"

"What time are you bringing me back?" she asked softly.

"Whenever you're tired," he replied, giving a dark glare to the man. Zane grabbed Whisper's hand and led her outside where the sun was beginning to set. "Take it all in, Whisper."

He looked down at the girl and smiled at her delighted expression. He finally saw that smile he's been waiting for appear slowly with every little detail she took in. It seemed like her eyes were going fast, not wanting to miss anything, yet going back over them to lock them in memory. Nico walked past with a small chuckle and opened the passenger door of Zane's truck, gesturing for Whisper to get in.

Slowly, she walked over, her fear of the man forgotten. Zane waited until she was in the seat before going to the driver's side and getting in. When he looked over, Whisper was staring at the interior of the vehicle with awe. "Do you know how to buckle your seat belt?" he asked with a chuckle.

She looked at him with confusion, and he leaned over and belted her securely down. For a moment, Whisper looked ready to flee, then found that it moved with her, letting her do what she pleased. Her fear dissipated as Zane started the truck. At the roar of the engine, her eyes got wide and her mouth went into a small "o" with silent reverence.

Zane backed out, then drove over to the parking lot exit, and got onto the road. He glanced over at the girl to see her leaning forward, not one spark of fear in the green eyes. She was lost in adoration of everything she could see, all the colors and shapes around them, all the sounds soft and loud. When he opened her window, Whisper closed her eyes and let the wind whip her hair about her face. He didn't think he'd ever seen such wonderment on one's face before, such pleasure, such thrill.

It was a short drive to the Italian restaurant he liked. He knew she'd appraise the food for the flavors and uniqueness. Zane wanted her to eat as much as she could handle, as much as she wanted. He wanted her to go back to the place with a full stomach and dream of pasta with delicious sauces. He wanted her to forget tasteless mush and everything white. He wanted her to be in pure bliss and to be ready for more the next time he came by.

'One day…' he thought to himself. 'One day, she won't have to go back. She can be free of that place, as well as everyone else who is a patient there. One day, he'd have her so far gone, so far into happiness, she won't remember what fear is. One day…'

He pulled into the parking lot and turned the truck off, looking at Whisper. She was staring at the building in curiosity. "What is this place?" she asked.

Zane undid their seat belts and grabbed his wallet. "The best place to get delicious food."

"Who's in there?" she wondered softly.

"People like us," he said and grabbed her hand."No one will bother you, Whisper. Here, no one knows who you are or where you've been. Here, people eat and don't have a care in the world."

"Is this…" she paused, wondering whether or not to say it. "Is this…your family?"



He shrugged. "Maybe a few, but they won't hurt you."

Whisper seemed skeptical. "Zane?" she whispered and it sounded strained.

Zane immediately wrapped his hands around her tiny waist and pulled her onto his lap. "Whisper, I will not let one person lay a hand on you. I will not let one person say one mean word to you or insult you in any way. I will be there beside you the whole time, and I will not leave you alone."

Instantly, Whisper relaxed.