
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Tranh châm biếm
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143 Chs

Chapter 19: Minato and Jiraiya

Minato Namikaze: A name etched in legend. Rising from humble beginnings, he graduated at the top of his class, securing a coveted apprenticeship under Jiraiya, one of the esteemed Sannin.

Mastering the awe-inspiring Flying Thunder God technique, he earned the moniker "Golden Flash" and ultimately ascended to the esteemed position of Fourth Hokage. His achievements were undeniable.

After his selfless sacrifice to protect Konohagakure, Minato Namikaze's son, Naruto Uzumaki, became the prophesied child destined to save the world. Golden Flash, Fourth Hokage, father of the prophecy's child – Minato Namikaze would hold many titles.

But for Kakashi, Obito, and Rin, he was simply their ever-optimistic teacher, a man with an unfortunate tendency to arrive late at critical moments.

"Kakashi, Obito, Rin, my apologies for the delay once again," Minato announced as he pushed open the door. The atmosphere in the room was heavy with a seriousness that instantly put him on guard.

The three students seemed engrossed in a tense conversation, and Kakashi now sported a new eyepatch over his left eye.

"Teacher Minato, thank goodness you're here! We need your help convincing Rin. She… she wants to quit being a ninja," Obito blurted out.

In normal circumstances, he'd definitely voice his frustration about Minato's tardiness, but the gravity of the situation demanded his full attention.

Minato's brow furrowed in concern. "Rin wants to leave the ninja life? Tell me everything in detail first."

He was well aware that quitting wasn't an option during wartime. Even if she submitted a formal request to the Third Hokage, it would likely be rejected. Holding onto these feelings of inadequacy would only hinder her performance and put her team at a disadvantage on future missions.

Emboldened by Minato's presence, Obito launched into a detailed account of their recent ordeal. He recounted their team's ambush by the Iwa ninja, the harrowing rescue of Rin, and their return to Konoha for recuperation.

Minato listened intently, piecing together the events that led to Rin's internal struggle. He understood the root of her desire to leave. It wasn't fear of death that haunted her, but the crushing weight of being a burden to her teammates.

This time, her capture had resulted in Kakashi losing his eye. The guilt gnawed at her. What if the next mission ended in tragedy, costing them their lives?

The blame, however, rested solely with the enemy who had targeted them, not on Rin herself. Her bravery and unwavering loyalty were beyond question.

The question now was, how could Minato help her overcome this emotional hurdle and continue her ninja path with confidence?

Minato's brow remained furrowed in deep thought. Finally, he spoke, his voice earnest, "Rin, do you recall the three core principles that guide medical-ninjutsu? Saving lives, protecting comrades, and unwavering determination. Your actions during this mission embodied each of these principles flawlessly. There's no shame in how you handled the situation. In fact, I believe both Obito and Kakashi would rather have you by their side than any other medical-nin. If your heart is truly set on retiring, I can submit a formal request for you after the war concludes. But remember, whatever path you choose, your teacher will always support your decision."

With those words, Minato left the room, giving Kakashi's team the space they needed to process his guidance. He understood his role had shifted – after all, Kakashi was now a jonin, and Rin and Obito had risen to the rank of chunin. He was no longer just their leader, but a trusted mentor.

The silence stretched after Minato's departure. Finally, Obito burst out, "Rin, take some time to think this through carefully. Minato's right – you need to be sure about your decision. Kakashi and I can't imagine this team without you." He reached out, placing a hand on Kakashi's shoulder in a gesture of solidarity. Kakashi, ever stoic, nodded in agreement. "Obito's right, Rin."

Rin, buoyed by the unwavering support of her teammates, felt a surge of warmth spread through her. "Then I'll do as Minato suggested," she declared. "I'll wait until we return to the village before making a final decision. But no matter what I choose, you both will always be my most cherished companions."

"Companions, huh?" Obito echoed, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. He wanted to be more than just companions.

On the other side.

Minato emerged from his students' quarters, his brow still etched with concern. He sought out his own teacher, Jiraiya, who sat hunched over a cluttered map in the heart of the Konohagakure command center.

Jiraiya, entrusted with the critical role of overseeing Konoha's war effort against Iwagakure, bore a heavy burden. While the Nara clan provided invaluable strategic support, the weight of countless decisions rested solely on his shoulders.

A man accustomed to a carefree, nomadic lifestyle, Jiraiya yearned to be on the front lines, battling alongside his comrades.

However, his current duty held paramount importance – to contain the threat posed by Iwagakure's two jinchuriki and prevent a surprise offensive. This meant delegating the task of dismantling Iwagakure's stronghold in the Land of Grass to his most trusted disciple, Minato Namikaze.

A weary smile stretched across Jiraiya's face as Minato entered. "Minato, your performance was exceptional! Destroying that stronghold in the Land of Grass will significantly disrupt Iwagakure's supply lines and threaten their rear flank."

"It was simply my duty," Minato replied with a faint smile, his voice betraying a hint of worry.

Jiraiya, a keen observer of his student, didn't miss the underlying concern. "Something troubles you, Minato. Is it your students? Were they injured during their mission? Perhaps I should send someone to check on them."

Minato nodded. "There was an incident, but I believe they can handle it. Interestingly, they mentioned receiving assistance from several ninjas from Rain Country. Based on their descriptions, they could very well be your former students who have found refuge there."

Jiraiya's eyes lit up at this revelation. "Tell me everything," he urged.

Minato readily shared details about Konan and Nagato, and the mysterious Byakuya and Uzumaki girl. He emphasized their final encounter, particularly the blue-haired girl wielding paper jutsu and the red-haired boy who strongly resembled Nagato.

"The girl with blue hair… that must be Konan and the red-haired boy… Nagato? This is truly surprising news." A wave of nostalgia washed over him, transporting him back to the three years he had spent with Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato – a cherished yet bittersweet memory.

He couldn't help but wonder about the circumstances that led his former students to join an organization in Rain Country.

A thoughtful silence descended upon the room after Minato finished recounting his encounter with his students. Jiraiya finally broke it, his voice laced with a hint of amusement, "Hmm, that Byakuya fellow. Interesting. Perhaps he sensed the connection between Kakashi and your students, and maybe even you and me. Maybe the invitation to join them was more of a playful nudge than a serious offer."

Minato chuckled softly. "Thanks to your guidance, Teacher. Without your past training, my students might have been in far greater danger."

Jiraiya waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense, Minato. Don't credit me with everything." But his playful demeanor vanished, replaced by an air of seriousness. "Speaking of the future, Minato, any thoughts on the Fourth Hokage position? The Third has been hinting at retirement lately. There could be a selection process after this war."

Minato let out a short laugh. "Rest assured, Teacher. I fully intend to participate in the Hokage election. If I can leverage my contributions in this war and earn the respect of the village, I'm confident the Third Hokage will consider me."

"Confidence is key. As your teacher, I'm firmly behind you in this! Though," He added with a mischievous chuckle, "If Orochimaru throws his hat in the ring, I suppose I'd have to offer him my congratulations too."

Minato, accustomed to his teacher's unpredictable nature, simply smiled faintly. Yet, beneath that smile, a steely resolve burned. The position of Fourth Hokage was a prize he was determined to claim.

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