
Master Pei, Slow down on your Doting.

"It has always been a lifetime dream to marry the root of all evil."  Mosi Abena is a scholarship student at University of C in country C. Abena has always been a money grubber and her next goal is to marry rich. Just like her mother did. Valentine was the perfect opportunity to carry out her plan on Pei Feng, her coursemate from a wealthy background. Her plan was simple. She would lure her way to his bed during the Valentine staycation his family was hosting and knowing Pei Feng he would definitely take responsibility.  Except that she landed into the wrong bed. "Pei Shangdi? Aren't you….you...you are…"  "Little Peis older cousin? Yes."  "Ahhh…" her mouth was quickly covered by another. His palm smelled of her. Of course. This man had his hands roaming her body two minutes ago. Angrily...she threw the pillow at him. "You virile man."  Because it was dark, she couldn't see his expression and couldn't tell if he found her amusing or if he was mad. The man turned on the bedside lamp and Abena was caught in his smoldering eyes. Forehead glistening with sweat.  "You plan to cheat little Pei off his money right?" He reached for a box of cigarettes and placed one between  his lips. "Of course not. I am not that kind of person." She lied.  Knowing how she was like when they were kids, he scoffed. Removed the cigarette and said. "I am Pei Shangdi. Money and I are one. Together we are the root of all evil."  Such great introduction!  Her expression totally changed and she cupped her breasts and sat upright. "Actually it has been my lifetime dream to marry the root of all evil."  Pei Shangdi didn't know if he should feel happy or sad. The val package he has always wanted fell right into his hands. But this kid...does she even know what she is getting herself into?  ________________ The book cover does not belong to me. I saw it and liked it. please support my book and I promise to take you on a roller coaster of emotions. ^.^

Anime001 · Huyền huyễn
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With the absence of his so  called Personal assistant, the room became eerily quiet. Abena was still lying in bed while Pei Shangdi stood by the beside, staring at her. She didnt want to speak to him anymore especially now that she was sure it was him from back then. Getting up, she hurriedly adjusts her night wear and walks away from the bed.

"Ermmm...Evil Pei...I mean Mr Pei...President Pei...ahahahha..." she quickly adds an awkward laughter that earned her a scoff from the man. "I will get going now. I am sorry for intruding." Since he didnt say anything and just kept staring at her, she turns her back and kept tip toeing towards the door, looking back every second to make sure the man wasnt glaring at her. Abena placed her hands on the door knob and twisted it, Pei Shangdi still didnt stop her.

As she had thought, he was still emotionless a before. Abena suddenly straightened her back. Squeezing the door knob, she asked him. "It is you right?" she didn't hear a response. "You...you were at that orphanage too right?" no response again. When she turned around, she realised he was no longer where she had thought him to be. "oh...oh..." she was starting to panick. Did he vanish? 

"Looking for me?" Pei Shangdi whispered into her ears. 

Behind her. 

"Ahhh..." frightened she almost hit her head again the door if Pei Shangdi had not pulled her to himself at the moment. With his arm around her waist, and her chest directly to his, Abena could not stop her heart from breathing too loud. 

"Orphanage? Were you not going to pretend to not know me?"

Staring a his gorgeous face that has been specially carved by the Almighty, she almost started to blame God.Whoy do the psychos have to be very good looking? 

"Or...orphanage? What is that? I dont quiet understand what you are trying to say sir." She lies trying to wriggle out of his hold but his grip only got stronger. 

"You are now a little liar." He calmly said. Releasing her, he reached behind for the door knob and opened the door for her. "Go."Abena didnt even think twice before dashing out of the room and rushing to the nearest elevator. 

Pei Shangid didnt tear his gaze away from the door till he could no longer feel the presence of the girl. Was he that scary? He had practiced his emotions and even facial expressions to make sure he looked like the type of guy girls would like. He had just closed his door when his assistant knocked again. 

"What is it?" he sounded annoyed. 

"Nothing..." Pei Shangdi turned a glaring look at him. Lu Ming could feel the hair on his body rising. He suddenly felt as if he had entered the cold palace. "I mean...I wanted to inform that Madam is going to the first floor. She just spoke to Young Master Pei." 

"So quick?" he wondered what the relationship between the two was. "Okay." Lu Ming quicily turned around to leave but was stopped. "look at me." 

The assistant almost wanted to cry. He didnt want to look at him. "Boss..." 

"Do I look scary? With this gorgeous face?" 

You look like the reincarnation of the devil and you are pure evil as well. You also lack emotions. 

Were the things he wanted to say but..."No Boss. You dont." 

"Lies. You may leave." 

He quickly scurried away from the room. If the income werent fat, he would never put himself in such situation. 

At the reception, the Pei elders had gathered and were speaking to the hotels General manager. Since the hotel owner himself refused to handle situations, they had no choice. Afterall if wasnt properly handled, it would affect the Pei Family. 

Abena who had just gotten to the reception was pulled aside by Pei Fang. 

"You...where were you coming from when I saw you?" 

Abena quickly hit his shoulder like always and laughed it off. "Where else, I was asking around to check the hotel. Poor people like me only get to come here once in a lifetime." 

Pei Fang knew that she didnt want to talk about it right now and dropped the topic. "you are weird." 

"What is with the commotion?" a cold voice questioned. The Elders quickly turn their old backs and saw him. 

"Ahhhh...Shangdi good you are here. You have heard of the unfortunate incident right? We were about to take care of it." his father informs. 

Pei Shangdi walks towards the elders and looked from one elder to another.The hotel manager was already shaking where he stood. The last time the big boss came here he clearly said to not let anyone who isnt a staff deal with matters of the hotel. But it should be fine since they are family right? 

Pei Shangdi rubs his neck and calls for his assistant. "Lu Ming, the position of the General manager is open right?" 

Lu Ming who understood what he meant quickly responds. "Of course. I will filter the candidates and submit it." 

The hotels general Manager couldn't control himself and fell to his knees. "Chairman Pei...I..i only let them..because they are family." 

Pei Shangdi didnt even act like he saw him and turns to his father. "You all are getting old, you shouldn't be bothering yourself with things like this." 

"Still...it is such an unfortunate incident." 

"Unfortunate things may happen to you but it doesnt happen to me." He clearly explains. Third Elder Pei could not believe what he had just said and started to cough. "Should I take care of you? Do you want me to walk you to your rooms?" 

The elders quickly shake their heads and leave. Abena was shocked. Even his father had to hurry away. 

"Lu Ming, follow through with the plan and contact the victims family. The ambulance has packed it, right?" the question was directed to Pei Fang. 

"Yes yes..." 

"It?" Abena mutters to herself. He said it like it was just some ceramic cup or a broken mirror. The man was about to walk to the elevator when he stops in front of Abena. Taking off his coat, he places it around the girls trembling shoulders. 

He didnt utter a single word and left. The staff members who was present were shocked. They have never seen the big boss treat anyone like that. Immediately all eyes were on Abena. Pei Fang quickly drags her to the next elevator.

He didnt say a word to her till they both went to their separate rooms. The first thing Abena did was to take a good long bath. It was just three hours to six. The night has been long enough and she had a feeling the day would be as well. 

The following morning, she woke up to Pei Fang knocking on her door. 

"Good morning." 

"Can I come in?" He politely asked. 

Abena left the door open for him. 

"Happy Valentine." Pei Fang greeted. 

"Oh...yea. happy valentine." She replied. 

He walked back to the door. "I will leave you to get ready. Meet me at the main Val hall soon." 

Abena forced a smile till he left the room. Now that her plans were gone and she is still poor, she would have to come up with something else. But she was definitely not messing with the Pei family again.  

An hour later, Abena met with Pei Fang in the val hall. Dressed in a skin tight red dress, she sat next to Pei Fang who passed her some snack to munch on. 

"The staff really did a huge work organising all this." 

"You have no idea. It took a lot of report writing to finally get my brother to approve this." He paused and  looked around the crowd for a while. "Abena...last night you were with my brother werent you?"

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