
Master Pei Has Tons of Ideas to Trick Her Into A Marriage

After witnessing her fiancé sleeping with another woman, Su Yu got herself drunk at a bar out of sadness and rage. At the end of the night, she accidentally slept with a ‘poor scoundrel’. This poor scoundrel was stubborn, always hounding after her to take responsibility after their night together. 

Pei Tianlin said, “You took my first time, so you should take responsibility.” 

Su Yu flew into a rage. “That was my first time too!” 

Pei Tianlin retorted, “Then I’ll take responsibility. Let’s get married.” 

Su Yu was flabbergasted. “Dream on!” She had a feeling she was being tricked by the poor scoundrel, but he didn’t want money or assets. He just wanted a marriage certificate. Su Yu gritted her teeth in anger. “It’s just a marriage certificate! Sure, let’s go get it!” When her fiancé heard that she was marrying a poor scoundrel, he kept trying to persuade her. “Yu Yu, I know that I hurt you, but you can’t ruin yourself by marrying a poor scoundrel out of spite. If you’re willing, I can marry you.” Su Yu scoffed. “Go marry your mother!” Who knew that on the second day of Su Yu’s marriage to Pei Tianlin, countless jewelry pieces, diamonds, high-quality custom-made clothes, luxury cars, and deeds to extravagant manors were delivered to Su Yu. The ‘poor scoundrel’ suddenly became a domineering CEO who spoiled Su Yu to no end. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO, Pei Tianlin, was a germaphobe. But when Su Yu was eating grapes, he obediently extended his hand to catch the grape seeds she spat out. Rumor had it that Pei Corporation’s mysterious CEO was aloof and difficult to get close to. However, he was nothing but gentle in front of Su Yu. Rumor had it that Pei Tianlin was a fair and unbiased man. But he would break the rules just to protect his wife, Su Yu. Justice and law were nothing compare to his wife!

Yellow Stone · Thành thị
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110 Chs

Recovered Sense Of Taste

Dịch giả: Henyee Translations Biên tập viên: Henyee Translations

Su Yu gradually calmed down. The hesitation and confusion in her eyes began to disappear.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yu looked up at the man opposite her and said slowly, "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I—"

She was about to say that she would leave immediately when she was interrupted.

"Since you know that you've done something wrong, you have to think of a way to make up for it!"

Su Yu's beautiful eyes widened.

"Make up for it?"

'I was just being polite with you, yet you're taking it seriously?'

Although Su Yu appeared very weak, she had actually been managing the company her mother had left behind all these years. It was not an exaggeration to say that she was a career woman. She had a decent amount of experience.

It was just because of the sudden events in the past few days that she seemed a little weak now.

If it were anyone else, she would have retorted.

However, facing Pei Tianlin now, for some reason, she felt weak and guilty.

"Think about it carefully!"

Pei Tianlin decided to enlighten Su Yu.

However, Su Yu could not think of anything. Her mind was a mess.

'Maybe I should stay away from this guy and calm down first.'

Su Yu turned around and left, saying, "I'll think about it carefully. I'll get going first!"

Pei Tianlin looked at Su Yu's determined back and did not say anything to stop her.

"Am I that scary? She left in such a hurry!"

It was a traditional three-story villa.

After Su Yu walked out, she looked around before walking out of the villa.

At this moment, the old man she saw before suddenly appeared.

"Miss Su, I'm the butler here. You can call me Ninth Uncle. Third Master just instructed me to arrange a car to send you back."

Su Yu really did not want to have anything to do with these people anymore, so she blurted out, "No need. I can go back by myself."

However, she remembered that her bag was still in the hospital. She was penniless and did not even have her phone with her.

She wanted to go back and ask if her phone was inside, but she did not want to face that man.

"Miss Su, you don't have to be polite. This place is quite remote. You can't even get a taxi here, much less find a public bus. Get in! Don't let Third Master's kindness go to waste."

Su Yu was silent for a few seconds before nodding. "Thank you!"

"It's no trouble at all!"

He watched as Su Yu got into the car and the car drove out of the villa before turning around to return.

In the spacious and luxurious dining room of the villa, Pei Tianlin was sitting alone.

Then, more than ten servants dressed in the same clothes walked in with various dishes.

The portion of each dish was not much, but every dish looked, smelled, and tasted good. They were all considered to be perfect. A delicious aroma filled the entire dining room, making one's appetite increase.

Pei Tianlin was already used to this and did not mind it. However, there was an inexplicable look of anticipation in his eyes today.

Uncle Nine used a small plate as usual and started to test the dishes.

However, he was not testing the food to see if it was poisonous. He was just testing the taste of the food.

Because of an accident when his young master was still small, he became obsessed with cleanliness. He lost his sense of taste, so as the butler, he had to test the dishes first.

Although Young Master's taste buds were no longer functioning, the taste of the dishes could not be wrong.

However, today, Pei Tianlin seemed to be slightly impatient. He waved his hand and said, "Ninth Uncle, there's no need to test the dishes today."

Pei Tianlin did not explain why. Instead, he picked up his chopsticks and picked up a delicious-looking dish.

"Oh, it tastes good, but it's a little salty. Make it lighter next time!"

"Yes, Third Master!"

After Ninth Uncle replied, his body suddenly froze. Then, disbelief appeared in his eyes. His eyes widened as he cried out in surprise, "Young Master, you… Have you recovered your sense of taste?"

Pei Tianlin did not explain, but his actions proved everything.

With his appetite greatly increased, he ate faster than usual this time and ate more dishes.

Even the servants by his side revealed pleasantly surprised expressions.

"I'll get the doctor to come over and check on you!"

Uncle Nine was so excited that he almost danced.

Pei Tianlin waved his hand and stopped him. "No need!"

He had long noticed the abnormality and pattern in his taste buds.

This was not a physical illness but a psychological one.

Hence, ordinary treatment methods were useless.

The person who could recover his sense of taste was that woman—Su Yu.