
767. Metal Bones

Walker gave in to Midnights' pushing. He wasn't sure why she was reacting so strongly. He thought that it might have been the fact that she just wanted to help Gil faster. But then he heard the rushing of dwarves and the chaos. 

"Grey requested folded steel. Folded!"

"Cut those wires and braid them you fool!"

"You think steel vines is strong enough? Use giants hair!"

The calls for materials while dwarves worked was constant. Su and Walker came in to a much more chaotic scene than they had before. Midnight had pushed them directly in to the ones making parts and preparing materials for Grey. "Brother, They are all receiving orders from Grey's work shop." Onyx started asking around and easily found out what was happening. 

"Then I guess we are going to Grey's work shop so we can see what's going on." Walker was sure there was more than he thought but also remembered that he was making a dragon style shedding golem.