
Master of Lust

Rick hardly had any hope to find a girlfriend. There were swarms of beautiful women around him, but no one was actually interested in a dull, boy like him. They didn't even pay attention to his existence. But everything changed when he was handed over a rod. Yes, a metal rod. Carrying that metal rod he had hardly taken a few steps when he was struck by lightening. As he lost consciousness, Rick wanted to beat the shit out of bloody bastard who gave him that rod, but when he woke up, he had a surprise waiting. He got a system which would help him get girls and make him stronger. Read my other story: The Devil's Harem (200+ chapters) [Discord: https://discord.gg/thWfhRdpqy]

The_Lonely_Guy · Thành thị
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243 Chs

Rick and Linda [1] (18+)

Chapter - 168

Rick flipped the script like a seasoned pro, sending Linda crashing to the floor with a force that knocked the wind out of her. Before she could even catch her breath, he pounced, pinning her down with a grip like a vice, trapping her beneath him.

Linda fought like a wildcat, thrashing and twisting, but it was like trying to break free from a steel trap. The interrogation room, with its thick layers of soundproof plaster, became their own personal hell, sealing them in with no hope of escape.

"Let me go, you son of a bitch! You have no idea what I'm capable of," Linda spat, her voice strained with effort as she strained against his hold.

But Rick was beyond caring. What started as a desire for revenge had morphed into something darker, something twisted. Now, as he pressed his weight down on her writhing form, he found himself relishing the sensation of her body beneath his.