

Around 30 minutes later, Andre has Arrived to the orphanage.

Andre walked trough the gate and saw around seven children playing together. One of the children noticed him and went to greet him.

" Hello sir! what are you doing here? "

" Hi, I want to meet the dean, is she here? "

" Yes! follow me I will let you meet Anna "

" thank you "

As Andre followed the kid, he notice the floor on the wall is really clean. it was amazed him, because He knew how hard to keep a place clean with that many children.

Being too focused with his own mind, Andre didn't notice He already arrived in front of a lady. From the looked of it, she was around her fifty.

" Hello Jacob, what are you doing here? "

" I am here to take our guest to meet you, Anna! "

" oh is that so? here take this candy as a reward and play outside "

" okay, Anna "

" Sir. do you want some tea? "

" yes thank you "

Andre watched her went to prepare some tea and probably snack and took a sit on one of the chair. And without waiting too long, She came back with tea and snack.

" Here your tea Sir "

" thanks "

" My name is Anna and I am The dean of this orphanage. Pardon me if this sound impolite, but who are you and what are you doing here Sir? "

"My name is Andre Wijaya from Blue Flower High School and I want to give scholarship to the children of this orphanage "

If George our beloved secretary knew that Andre already told other people about the school name without him knowing nothing about it, He will be really angry. But Andre would not cared such a trivial thing, after all He is the Boss right?

" I want to say thank you for this opportunity, but the children.... "

Looking at her difficult faces, He knew the she misunderstood his intention.

" what I mean is to give scholarship to the children that have talents in art "

" oh, if you want to give them we have some children "

Andre felt relieved hearing her answered.

" and how many of them and how old are they? "

" there are 5 in total, two of them just graduate from elementary school and the rest just graduate from middle school "

" then can I meet the three who just graduate from middle school? "

" but before you meet them, can I ask you a few questions? "

" it is alright "

" then what kind of scholarship will you give them? "

" well, I planned to give them full scholarship. they don't need to pay for the school fees, including food, uniforms, books, etc. All I want is for them to bring fame to our school with them win many rewards in championships "

" just that? "

" of course "

" thank you so much Sir! there are many other schools which focused in science come here, but it is rare to see an art school, especially in this town "

" you flatter me to much "

" wait a minute, I will call the three of them "

as she said before, Andre just need to waited around a minute and Anna came back with three teenagers. And when He saw their status, He froze.