
Citadel Position: Samara

I don't own Mass Effect

Commander Shepard lay on his couch, gazing up at the ceiling looking thoughtful, his hands behind his head and his cock un-sucked… In fact, he was wearing his boxers… BOXERS!

Where was the sexy train of slutty fucktoys? Where was Miranda and her fat fuckable ass genetically designed to be perfect? Where was Ashley and that sweet breedable Marine body, ready to squeeze out his future troops? Jack and that cute tuft of hair he was getting used to yanking on while he destroyed her as? Liara and her massive blue TITS? Perfect for tiftucking and shooting cum on, Samara had those to cum to think of it… where was her sweet milf ass? Or Kasumi and those sweet japanese hips? Perfect for a subserviently little cocksucking geisha slut…

Actually, she was probably around here somewhere… Fucktoy too for that matter but that wasn't the point… Shepard was in his apartment NOT Fucking someone… he must be sick.

"Hey, Shepard." Teased Tali as she loomed over the back of the couch, blocking her boyfriend's view of the ceiling and he smiled up at her fondly, as if her mere presence brightened his day. "I almost didn't recognize you without someone's face in your crotch." She teased, "Is something wrong? Are you feeling sick?"

"Nah." Shepard replied, "…Maybe a little chaffed, but I'm not sick." He joked as Tali strutted around the couch, sitting on the arm and gently playing with her boyfriend's hair as he sighed. "…I was just… THINKING."

"Thinking? You? Don't you think better with your cock stuffed in something?"

"Yes. But I was trying to do my thinking without mindlessly fucking someone…" he teased right back as then Tali slid onto his body, sliding like she was greased up and laying on top of him. "…You're making it VERY hard right now to do that."

"Yeah? Are you going to treat me like one of your whores?" she teased as one of his hands began to rub that sexy quarrian backside.

"Don't tempt me…" he replied as she began grinding on him, slowly, sensually as he moaned. "…Do you WANT me to? Because I'm seriously thinking I'm going to have to…" She then sat up, sitting on his massive cock and crossing her legs, bouncing one over the other as she crossed her arms under her breasts.

"…Not really." She noted crisply as Shepard frowned.

"Well don't poke the bear…" he replied indignantly but she giggled.

"Geeze Shepard, calm down."

"There is a sexy quarrian woman on my lap, you're making it hard!" he declared, meaning that in more than one way. He sat up, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist and lifting her up.

"Oh!" her legs kicked playfully as he hoisted her into a bridal carry.

"I'm trying to THINK my dear… and now I have to deal with this rock-hard COCK." He noted lazily, "Now what am I going to do about that? Who's going to take care of this?" he said.

"Hmmn… then would you say you're riled up?"

"I would. I would say that." He grumbled, somewhat cranky.

"…Well I have an idea to help with that. Want me to help you?"

"…Are you going to take care of my cock?" he asked as she played with his hair again, he was easily holding her in his arms, like she weighed nothing… he could snap her like a twig if he fucked her too hard… and he didn't want to snap his Tali like a twig.

"Yes." She replied, leaping from his arms and grabbing at his throbbing member in his tight boxers. "…Listen, go upstairs and empty the hot tub water… it's due for a bit of cleaning anyway… it's supposed to be self-cleaning but not if you gunk up the pipes tossing in skanky cum-covered bitches every night.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to be a great girlfriend, also a fantastic supplier and a good pen pal."

"…What?" he replied, but then grunted as she smacked his ass, heading for the front door.

"Love you! Back in a bit!" he frowned, but sighed, he was such a sucker for a great ass… watching Tali's vanish out his front door he scratched his balls and went to follow her commands… He might be Commander Shepard and might fuck his female squadmates like they're his personal property but there was no question…

Tali had him by the balls… and right now they were full to bursting. So almost mechanically he went upstairs and began draining the hot tub… Tali was right it WAS kinda scuzzy.

An hour later after Shepard wiped down the inside of the tub himself… he needed SOMETHING to do and cleaning was a pretty good one. "I'm back Shepard!" declared his beautiful girlfriend as she walked into the bathroom carrying a basket of… what is that? Liquid soaps?" he got up onto his knees, sweating and glistening with his hands smelling like cleaning product.

"What are those?" he asked, only mildly curious as he got out of the tub, rubbing his neck as Tali stared at him, frozen. "…Tali?"

"Hmmn?" she replied, jumping slightly, she had been staring…

"Oh! These are various scented oils." She said, "This is Raspberry, this one is Strawberry, this one is GlicktaBerry, that one's turian…"

"…Is that one safe more me?"

"Hmm? Oh these are Asari Oils, they're made specifically for universal appeal."

"…What?" Shepard asked surprised as Tali bent over to put the basket down, bending over and presenting her quarian hips.

"They're asari oils." She then held one close to her face like she was in a commercial. "Sensual, Aromatic, Exotic." She said, before tossing the bottle to Shepard who easily caught it and examined it… it had a spray nozzle, some of it squirted on his muscular chest.

"So… what are we doing with them?" Shepard chuckled, "…Want to see me glistening?" he laughed as Tali giggled grabbing the other matching bottle, there were two of each.

"No… but that would be hot." She noted, "SAMARA!" she suddenly yelled, to no response. "…Get the picture?"

Shepard eyed the bottle in his hand only for a moment before deducing Tali's ENTIRE plan, then he chuckled. Grinning eagerly as his cock began furiously throbbing again. "Oh yeah." Just in time for his sexy blue MILF to strut into the hot tub room. Looking Curiously at Tali.

"Did you call for me Tali?" she asked as Shepard smiled, got out of the tub, and approached Samara, grabbing her face with his free hand and tilting her beautiful features to face him.

"STRIP." He ordered coolly and Samara didn't even hesitate. Her stony face didn't even change as she grabbed the inside of her suit and yanked it apart, freeing her big milf TITS to the room as Tali's mask flicked… she was recording this. Samara's beautiful Matriarch body soon displayed as her suit crumpled to the tiled floor. Her big full breasts, her thick round blue ass… Shepard grabbed the back of her head and forcefully kissed her. Samara, wide-eyed, moaning into his mouth as her tongue thrashed about against his… but otherwise, she seemed unaffected by his lecherous advantages… though her hands did instinctively move to his thick, throbbing member. Caressing and Tending to Shepard's appendage as if that was merely another part of the Justicar code.

Tend to your owner's cock while he tonguefucks your mouth. "Mmgh… mhaah-mmn…" sloppily slurping as Tali then lightly swatted Samara's ass, bringing her and Shepard back to reality as he guided Samara's nude form into the tub.

"Hands behind your head." He ordered firmly as Samara obeyed, her feet placed shoulder length apart, her hands behind her head as her big breasts wobbled distractingly, gazing straight ahead at Tali as Shepard fondled Samara's thick ass.

"Are you going to arrest me Commander?" she joked but Shepard smacked her backside, "Mmgh…" she grunted but silenced herself as he held the spray bottle towards her and squirted her in a sweet-smelling mist, first her right breast, then she left, then her cleavage before he then took his free hand and began to rub the silky fluid onto her blue skin. There was a noticeable difference once he applied the scented oil. Her skin looked like it belonged to an Asari stripper half her age. It glistened and shined erotically, making her already matured body look positively supple with an attractive sheen as she gasped. He continued to spray her body, before rubbing it into her skin, on her arms, her beautiful ass and thighs… then smacked her ass loudly. "Ah!" she gasped erotically as Shepard growled.

"Fuck this stuff is good! You look amazing…" he praised as Samara gazed at Tali, who only stared as Shepard tossed the oil bottle away and began to furiously fondle and rub Samara's body, making the Justicar shamefully moan, quivering and trembling as Shepard once again played with her body like toy. "Makes me want to fuck you all night…" he declared before sliding his hand around her and between her legs, rubbing her silky azure until it glistened like a gemstone with the oil. "Do you want that? Do you want me to FUCK you all night Samara?"

"Yes." She said obediently, no hesitation, no shame. This was her life now, she was Shepard's woman.

"Yes what?" he replied firmly, furiously fingering her azure as she trembled and gasped. "Yes what!?" he repeated angrily. "Say it!" he ripped his hand from her azure, grabbed her chin, and forced her to look at Tali. "SAY IT!"

"I want you to fuck me all night." She declared at Tali, right into the camera.

"That's my fucking whore." Shepard grinned proudly, smacking her ass and walking around her. "Dance, whore. Entertain me." He ordered, throwing down his boxers and sitting down on the edge of the tub, grabbing his cock and stroking it shamelessly, "Shake your tits! Bounce your ass! We all know you can do it." Samara shamelessly twisted her torso, gazing at Shepard and Tali as her big blue glistening milf tits jiggled about, flopping side to side as she squirmed in place. But Shepard wasn't having it. "Move that body whore! Shake it!" he ordered greedily, grinning at her body as she began to gyrate and dance like a proper maiden, gyrating and writhing her nude seductive body, glistening with scented oils for Shepard's twisted sexual amusement…

Her azure dripped more than just oil down her inner thighs as she did.

Shepard furiously stroked his cock with a scented oil-covered hand until it too glistened, throbbing in his grip as he watched Samara shamelessly thrust her azure toward him, humping the air before turning around in place, bending over slightly and twerking like an earth stripper, not an asari stripper… still it got the same results. "I'm going to fucking breed you tonight Samara." Shepard declared coldly as she continued to dance. "Do you hear me?"

"Yes Commander." She replied simply, but Shepard snarled

"Yes commander." He repeated mocking. "Bring those lips over here." He ordered as Samara stopped gyrating and drop to her knees in the tub, the oil from her body made the floor slightly slippery and she crawled towards Shepard, as he opened his legs. "I said, I'm going to BREED you Samara…"

"I heard you commander." She replied, smelling the strawberry on his cock as he began smacking her face with it, over and over, smearing her beautiful complexion with the oils. He grabbed her head firmly, forcing her to look up at him as he continued to flog her face with his cock.

"You are not listening!… I'm not playing around. I'm not saying random hot words to turn your sweet milf body on." He declared, "I mean. You are not getting out of this tub until you are fucking PREGNANT. Do you understand!?"

Samara suddenly trembled and her stony expression finally broke as Tali, watching silently all the while suddenly SQUEALED delightedly, as if Shepard just revealed some sort of deep secret on a soap opera. "Commander… Shepard, I can't…" she began but he smacked her face particularly hard with his cock before prying her lips open. "MMGH!" ramming his cock into her mouth, grabbing the back of her head, and gliding her face up and down his shaft until she started to do it herself.

"Can't? CAN'T?! The galaxy is fucking BURNING Samara and we all have to do our part to repopulate." He crammed her face full of his cock, holding her to the base. "And you got plenty of years left for a good breeding." He noted, "…I'm not playing around anymore. I've been thinking about this all day." He snarled, "You." Slamming her face into his crotch, "Kasumi. Liara. Ashley. Jack." Slamming her face over and over into his crotch. "None of you are leaving this apartment until you are properly knocked up and carrying my babies. Do you understand me?!" he demanded, ripping from her throat as she coughed, spluttered, and moaned Whorishly.

"Shepard… I can't-"

"Fucking selfish whore." He stood up and over her, standing bowlegged over her body before grabbing under her arms and throwing her upper body out of the tub, pinning her down and thrusting up into her Azure roughly.

"GODDESS!" she screamed, shaking in pleasure as his fingers hooked the corners of her mouth and stretched her lips comically up, "Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!!"

"You're a selfish! WHORE! Did you know Miranda's been trying to have a fucking baby ever since she woke my scarred ass up!? Huh?! But she CAN'T! and she REALLY wants one! And here you are with a fertile fucking empty womb!" he snarled, turning Samara into a jelly-like mess as he furiously pummeled said empty womb with his massive cock, ramming roughly away relentlessly into her body. Before roughly slamming her down.

"UUgh!!" she shuddered and moaned as he manhandled her, still railing relentlessly into her body.

"You have a duty! A FUCKING! DUTY!" Shepard declared as Tali watched unsurely, she was still rubbing herself but Shepard might be tapping into some dark recesses. "To have as many fucking children as you can! You owe it to the galaxy! Your daughters! And to Miranda! To have! MY! FUCKING! KIDS!!" he roared roughly feeling Samara collapse limply beneath him. SCREAMING in orgasm.

"BY THE GODDESS!" shrieking like a made as Shepard made her cum, HARD… "GODDESS! GREAT GODDESS, PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!" screaming for forgiveness as Shepard claimed her body as his own… But the Asari 'Goddess' didn't exist so her pleas fell on deaf ears. Her only deity now was Shepard's cock and it demanded her womb as penance.

Shepard grabbed her face and lifted her up, she hung limply as her eyes rolled, her tongue lolled and she was turned into a virgin maiden being FUCKED for the first time by a pack of Krogan. "Look! Look right into Tali's face and you fucking tell her you're having my children!"

"Shepard please!" she begged before he began furiously thrusting into her again. "Oh GODDESS! GODDESS! PLEASE! SHEPARD! Y-you'll ruin me!" Pleading as Shepard broke her body, her spirit, and worthless code… with the galaxy burning it was meaningless. "Pl-ple-please!" she screamed as he kept fucking, kept pounding! A relentless machine.

"TELL HER! SAY IT! NO MORE FORGIVENESS! YOU! ARE! MY! BREEDING! SLUT!" His hips relentlessly proved his point as he destroyed her resolve.

"His Babies!!" she suddenly screamed out like a two-credit asari porn star. "I'M GOING TO HAVE HIS BABIES!!"

Shepard ripped out of her spasming, shaking body before he threw her onto her back into the tub, he grabbed her legs, lifted them and spread them firmly open pinning them down before ramming his throbbing cock into her. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!!"

"Embrace eternity Samara!" he roared, "I'm not kidding! I'm not joking! I'm being dead! Fucking! Serious!" ramming into her, pounding down HARD into her, squeezing her big blue tits in his hands. "DO IT! SAY IT! GET! FUCKING! PREGNANT!!!" Samara screamed, and screamed, howling in unforgiving pleasure as Shepard determinedly fucked on, holding his release, destroying her insides… no more fun and games… she now fully understood, as she slipped in and out of consciousness… he wasn't kidding around anymore…

She wasn't leaving this apartment again until she was carrying his child…

"I'm sorry!" she suddenly declared, gazing maddeningly up at the ceiling as Shepard continued his assault, not listening to her apologies whether she was doing so to him or not… and she wasn't. "Morinth! Falere! Rila!" she gasped breathlessly, pleadingly. "Forgive your mother! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!" squealing her orgasm as Shepard kept pounding, thrusting and fucking on her glistening body, sliding around in the empty tub. "I'm sorry I'm such a whore!!" she declared brokenly, "Forgive me!" before finally-

"EMBRACE ETERNITY!" Her eyes went black and a biotic charge pulsed in the tub as Shepard released a triumphant ROAR along with his thick plentiful seed into her alien womb… he biologically didn't NEED to do that… but if felt so fucking good. Shepard held her down in the tub, they were body shaking and trembling, Shepard grunting like a bull as she squealed softly like a pig…

He glared down at her, pushing his cock determinedly into her body. Unloading into her. INSEMINATING her. He came inside her as much as he wanted whenever he wanted, there was no mistake but this time it was different… this time there was purpose… "Are you fucking pregnant?" he snarled down at her, balls deep in her body, the last drops of his seed spurting inside her where it belong.

"…Yes John… yes I am…" she declared with confidence and broken finality as he leaned down and forcefully kissed her, still pinning her down as she moaned into his lips… then he pulled away, and out of her… standing over her before grabbing his cock and shaking off the fluid over her limp body.

"Good." He declared proudly, as Tali gasped.

"That… was so… fucking HOT." She declared, "Just wait until I edit this!" she grinned as Shepard sighed, "…Falare is going to freak it." She mumbled under her breath as Samara sat slowly upright, leaned between Shepard's legs and began tending to his cock as he rested a hand on the back of her head… relaxedly sighing and gazing up at the ceiling again. "Shepard is that what you were thinking about?" Tali asked curiously as Shepard shrugged.

"Kinda… here I am fucking a plethora of beautiful women, the peak of genetic perfection and I'm thinking maybe it's time I capitalize on that…" he noted, "…Got to repopulate after all and there's no time like the present to do it…" he then glanced down at the submissively sucking Samara. "…There's no need to apologize to your daughters Samara… you'll have PLENTY more in time…" he declared. Burying her face into his crotch and groaning… "…Now who should we oil up next?"


There cums a time in every story where the author must think of the future... and I'm just going to say it. I don't think I have a lot of chapters left in me for this. I know, that's sad, but fact is fact... I'm going to try very hard to keep going, sure, but I'm pretty sure I'm emptying the creative barrel for the Citadel position... like the original DLC, eventually we're going to have to leave and get back to saving the Galaxy...

But these are just my musings... who knows? I might pull far more chapters out of my brain than I ever intended to