
Mass Effect: A Hero Rises

A Mass Effect Trilogy Novelisation. John Shepard was born on Earth, experiencing life on the streets before joining the Alliance Navy and becoming a hero of humanity. But it is only after nearly being killed by a Prothean beacon does he rise to become the only man that can stop the annihilation of the galaxy. This story will cover Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3, while touching on comics and books.

hackwriter29 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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56 Chs

Book 1, Chapter 5 - The Reporter

I should have known it would be a trap. After Therum, we explored the other three systems, looking for an emergency signal or beacon that might relate to the missing marines. We eventually found something in the Sparta System, and after sending out some probes, eventually landed on the planet of Edolus.

Heading towards the signal in the Mako, I stamped on the brakes as we could oversee an enormous expanse of flat ground. In the middle, in the distance, I could see the burned remains of an Alliance vehicle. I wasn't the only one to assume something was terribly wrong.

"What should we do, Commander?" Garrus asked.

"Keep that gun nice and ready, Garrus. Tali, make sure those shields stay up."

"What's on your mind?" Tali asked.

"No idea, but whatever did it isn't good."

It was a thresher maw. Never seen one myself. Nearly shit myself when it appeared in front of us. Wrex was very excited about it appearing, immediately opening the door and disappearing. I simply yelled at Ashley to close the door. "What about Wrex?" Alenko asked.

"I'll talk to him later. For now, Garrus, light that fucker up!"

The thresher maw spat pure acid. I only learned that when it spat right at us and I didn't move fast enough. Our shields must have dropped at least fifty percent at once, so I refused to stay still after that. Garrus assured me he could get a lock on the monster as long as we slowed down a little. I had Alenko and Ashley check to see where Wrex was, hearing both of them report that he was unloading his shotgun, the thresher maw focused on us instead of him.

"Well, he's a slight distraction at least," I muttered.

I'll say right now; thresher maws can suck my fat one. They take far too many bullets and rockets to kill. However, although it seemed to take forever, we did finally kill the monster, the Mako erupting in cheers as the giant worm collapsed to the ground. Garrus sent a couple more rockets into it, just in case. I then drove us to the wreckage, all of us clambering out, Wrex jogging up to join us.

"You're crazy!" Tali exclaimed.

"All good fun, my little friend!"

Gathering around the burned out remains, there were a few bodies around, though to call them bodies would be incorrect. Barely skeletons, parts of uniforms and weapons, it appeared the thresher maw had caught them completely by surprise. But it was what we found nearby that sent a chill down our spines.

"Commander," Alenko said, looking back at me as he crouched by the transmitter, "This isn't Alliance tech."


"These marines were lured here, sir. Someone placed this transmitter here, knowing these marines would respond to the signal, and as soon as they landed, the thresher maw would have caught them completely by surprise."

"Any idea who?"

"We can run diagnostics on the transmitter, but I'm not sure, sir."

I couldn't help sigh as it was such a waste of life. I called in the Normandy, the ship picked us up, and I immediately made a call to Admiral Kahoku, letting him know we'd found. His answers were short, no doubt pissed off with what we'd discovered, and I didn't blame him, though he assured me he would be in contact later. I told him to call me as soon as he had a lead. I think he appreciated that. I would help him regardless, being a fellow veteran of the Skyllian Blitz. It's why I had offered to help him originally.

Having spent at least a couple of weeks away, I ordered us back to the Citadel. While we could have been on the go for week after week, month after month, that would only wear out the crew and myself. Everyone needed a break to recharge the batteries, so I figured a return to the Citadel for at least a day or two would help everyone. We still had Noveria and Feros to investigate, I just had to decide which one we would tackle first.

It did take a couple of days to return to the Citadel, so by the time we'd returned, everyone was desperate to get off the ship. The Normandy was a frigate, a new build, so far more comfortable than certain other ships, but after a few weeks cooped up inside, it was little wonder nearly everyone wanted to get off to stretch their legs for a couple of days.

I was still busy at work as everyone headed out, Alenko and Garrus popping their heads through my door, stating they'd be heading to the Wards. I said I'd meet them later, finishing the report I'd send off to the Alliance, before I headed out alone. After spending my entire time around the crew, this was time I could appreciate by myself.

Heading away from the Presidium, I ended up in the Upper Wards, wandering around simply taking in the view, enjoying the atmosphere, which was so different to the rather sterile Presidium. It was while I was walking towards a nightclub called 'Flux', only because Alenko had told me everyone was there, that I ran into a reporter.

"Commander Shepard?"

I found myself walking towards an Asian woman, though given the world and the galaxy today, she might not have been. "Yes?"

"I'm Emily Wong. I'm an investigative journalist."

"Okay, and what do you want from me?"

"I believe you've dealt with the criminal known as Fist." I nodded. "Did you happen to pick up his OSD?"

"Um, no actually. We simply took care of him as he had information for us…"

"Then you killed him?"

"Oh, I didn't. But a bounty hunter who works for me did."

"Do you know where the OSD is?"

"No, but I can find out."

"If you can find that for me, Commander, I would appreciate it."

"I don't work for free."

"I can pay you." I couldn't help smirk, and she must have known as she started to blush. "Commander…"

"Please, Ms. Wong, my name is Shepard…"


"Okay, Emily. I'm not that uncouth. However, I don't need credits, so how about we meet up for a drink after I hand over the OSD?"

That made her grin. "A drink I can do, Commander."

"Where should I meet you with the OSD?"

She keyed her omni-tool, a message pining on mine the next second. "This is a coffee place that I usually frequent. Once you have the OSD, meet me there once you've let me know you have it."

There was no point heading to Chora's Den as that had been cleaned up since I lasted visited. So I headed straight for the Executor's office. I didn't know the man well, but Garrus had told me about him during the past couple of weeks. Heading to the Presidium, I ended up at C-Sec Academy and eventually found his office. He was definitely surprised to see me walk through the door.

"What can I do for you, Commander?"

"Did you find an OSD on Fist, or somewhere in his office?"

The turian simply sighed. "That's evidence, Commander, but I already know…"

I held up a hand. "I don't want to make your life any harder than it is, Executor. I'm not going to go throwing my weight around as a Spectre as I know that'll just piss everyone off. All I need is the information on it. I'm smart enough to at least copy what I need."

He met my eyes, judging my sincerity. "This to do with former Spectre Saren?"


He sighed again. "Fine, I can't deny a Council Spectre, and I really don't want Sparatus in my ear about being uncooperative."

"I appreciate it."

I'm sure he smirked, though a turian smirk was different. "I'm sure you do, Commander. I don't have the OSD here. We've already dealt with the body. All his things are currently in lock-up a couple of levels below us. Head down there. Your Spectre authorisation will make anyone co-operate."

Thanking him, I immediately headed out and downstairs, finding the lone turian who looked after the evidence lock-up. Once I let him know who I was, he was very friendly and helpful. He handed over the OSD I needed, and all I did was copy what I needed from it before handing it back. He seemed surprised that I did, I assumed figuring I would simply walk off with it.

Sending Emily a message, I grabbed a taxi and found myself heading towards Zakera Ward, eventually arriving only a short walk from the mentioned coffee shop. She had already arrived and waved me down, joining her at the table outside, an asari waitress quickly appearing to take my order.

"Do you have it?" she asked quietly once the asari took our orders. I handed over the copied OSD with a word. She downloaded the information instantly and started to look through it. "Holy shit, Shepard!"


"Fist was neck deep in… I can't believe it…"

"Well, I know he was working for the Shadow Broker at the very least."

"Yes, he was. Though it's clear that he turned his back on him. No warning from the Shadow Broker themselves, but it's clear Fist knew that he had to prepare for a response."

"Anything about Saren?"

She shook her head. "Nothing by name but there's enough here to suggest something. His OSD will prove to be a treasure trove." She finally looked, looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, Shepard."

Our drinks arrived and work took a back seat, at least for a little while. She knew nearly everything about me, so I asked about her, and I think I surprised her by showing an interest. She was born on Earth, did well in school, had always wanted to be a journalist, joined the Alliance News Network, and now worked as an independent reporter on the Citadel.

We'd talked for so long that, after a couple of drinks, the light was fading. So I asked, "Want to go for another drink elsewhere?"

The smile returned was shy. In fact, I think she even blushed. "What? Really?"

I looked around. "Well, I don't think I asked anyone else, Emily."


"Somewhere with alcohol."

"I know the perfect place!"

We actually ended up in Flux, where I was meant to meet everyone before. I did see Alenko and some others in there, but once they saw me enter with Emily, they left me alone. I ordered us a drink each before we found a booth in a corner. Despite the loud music, we could lean into each other and still chat, Emily taking a chance to ask me a few questions. I was honest in my responses. I didn't go into detail about Annie, knowing she would always be part of my history, but once she realised I was single, something in her eyes changed.

Once I realised she was perhaps interested, I took a chance to lean down and kiss her. She responded immediately, feeling her move into my body as I wrapped an arm around her. Once the kiss deepened, tongues introduced, I definitely smiled when she whimpered from a simple kiss. Eventually having to break it, she reached up to caress my cheek. "Okay, been a long time since someone kissed me like that," she said quietly.

"I'm going to take a chance, but want to get out of here?"

"God yes, Shepard."

I stood up, grabbed her hand, and we casually walked out. A few of the Normandy crew was still in the same club, but they didn't even notice us leave, or if they did, they ignored it. Emily led me towards the nearest taxi rank, and somehow we managed to behave in the backseat as her apartment complex came into view. Once landed, she led me by the hand towards the complex, walking in past the concierge before boarding the elevator. Only in there did she leap on me again, her mouth eager for mine and I soon had her pressed against the side, feeling her leap up so she could wrap her legs around me, one of my hands going to her arse, giving it a squeeze.

Once the elevator dinged, I simply carried her out towards her apartment, and once inside, there was no suggestion of anything except heading towards her bedroom, giving me directions so I knew where I was going. Sitting her down on the bed, clothing was rather quickly removed, and once my cock was revealed, I heard the gasp and she smiled up at me. "Well, consider me impressed, Shepard," she whispered, her hand immediately starting to stroke me.

"Yeah, if you think I'm just going to stand here and get blown, you're going to be disappointed."

She looked up at me with such a smile, and also surprise, I couldn't help chuckle. Picking her up again, she wrapped her legs around me as I crawled on my knees down the bed before I flipped onto my back, Emily now above me. She broke the kiss and looked down at me. "So…"

"Oh, I think you should flip around right about now, Emily." She all of sudden turned very shy, placing a finger under her chin, so she met my eyes. "Don't tell me you're having second thoughts? If you are, that's fine. I can…"

"No, not that… It's just… You're him…"


"Commander Shepard. Elysium. Eden Prime. The first human Spectre."

I leaned up to kiss her. "And I'm here right now with you, Emily, so that's all that matters." I paused before adding, "And during the next however long it lasts, my name is John. Or Shepard. So spin that fine body of yours around, as I want something in my face."

That made her giggle, but she did what I asked, her legs to either side of my head as she lowered her pussy. No surprise she was already wet. A surprise she was completely shaved. Didn't see that too often nowadays. Touching her with my tongue, she nearly jumped off my body as she was starting to pleasure me with her mouth.

"God, Shepard, you truly are blessed."

"I've had compliments before."

"Compliments? Once we're done here, I'm definitely going to want this inside me"

I couldn't help chuckle before wrapping hands around her thighs and dragging her pussy to my mouth. By all that is holy, she tasted divine. And I used all the expertise I'd learned to get her off. I ran my tongue along her lips, noticing they were engorged and no doubt sensitive, before running my tongue along her entrance, dipping my tongue and causing her to moan even louder despite the fact my cock filled her mouth.

I took a chance to even tickle her arsehole at the same time. That just made her giggle before I moved back down. I wasn't going to suggest something like that the first time, simply enjoying her taste and I loved eating pussy anyway. While I did that, I couldn't ignore what she did to me. Her tongue rang along my shaft for a few minutes before I felt her lips wrap around my cock, and she slowly but surely took my length. Whether she took my entire length, I'm not sure, but she sure did a fine job regardless.

I made her cum first, which is always a good feeling as a man. I ate her out for a while, ignoring her clit entirely, but once I touched that, her orgasm was assured, as turned on as she was. All I needed to do was touch her clit a few times over the next few minutes, and once she told me she was close, I focused on her clit entirely and when I felt her shudder, I knew she was close if not about to cum. When she breathed my name and couldn't focus on me anymore, I knew she was ready to cum, and going to cum hard. And that's just what happened.

It was beautiful, feeling her writhe in my hands, continuing to pleasure her before she simply had to ask me to stop. Taking a few deep breaths, she lifted herself up and swung herself around, straddling my body and immediately kissing me, not desperately, more in appreciation for what I'd just done. "Gods, Shepard," she moaned.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"I haven't had my pussy treated like that in ages." The smile on my face simply broadened. "I should finish you…"

"Oh no, I'd rather something else."

That made Emily smile. "Oh… And what would you like, Shepard?"

I faked looking at my watch. "Well, let's just say, I wouldn't mind doing certain things that would leave us hot, sweaty and sticky over the next few hours."

That made her giggle. "Hours?"

"Well, we'll need a break for a drink every so often."

She leaned down to kiss me, lifting herself up, reaching back to grab the base of my cock before I felt the tip placed at her entrance. "Shepard, I've never been with a man on the first date," she whispered.

"So I'm special then?"

She kissed me softly again. "You're Commander Shepard," she whispered, "I'm not the only one who wants this."

Lowering herself slowly on my cock, I couldn't help groan once I was buried inside her. By god, she was tight, feeling her shudder and shuffle as I didn't even trust myself to move. If I did, I'd probably cum really hard. She took at least a minute to get comfortable, her knees to either side of my body, as she leaned forward. I ran my hands down her body, eventually resting one on her arse, the other running up and down her body. Otherwise, she simply met my eyes as she slowly rode me, moving my legs so I could thrust up into her at the right angle.

"Shepard," she breathed.

"Won't last long," I muttered.

The smirk reappeared. "Oh, I'm sure you'll recover quickly."

I moved my other hand down to her arse and started to fuck her. She grabbed the headboard and simply settled in for the duration. I enjoyed all the noises she made, but I was more focused on my orgasm by now. Watching her face, she loved being fucked, urging me on to finally cum inside her. I can only last so long until I needed to finish, letting her know I was close. That's when she leaned down to give me a soft kiss before resting her forehead against mine. "Don't worry, Shepard. It's fine," she whispered.

So I came inside her, and I'll admit, I came really hard. The sort of toe-curling orgasm that causes one, a male, to nearly if not pass out from the euphoria. Relaxing back on her bed, I heard Emily giggle as she rested on top of me, feeling her breasts press into my chest, with it enough to run a hand up and down her back. We lay together in silence, both of us now having enjoyed at least one orgasm.


"How long until you can go again, Shepard?" I couldn't help chuckle. That made her look up. "Oh, trust me on this one, I want you to fuck me now."

"On your back, legs in the air?"

"Something that like." I felt her squeeze me with her pussy, always a good thing. "All I know is that I don't plan on sleeping until later."

So Emily ended up on her back around fifteen minutes later. Wrapping her hands under her knees, she spread herself wide, as all I did was slide my cock inside her, lean down to give her a gentle kiss… and then I fucked her. And I mean properly fucked her. However, while I was going hard, I could rest on one arm and still tease her, managing to play with her clit at the same time. That just drove her wild, and she eventually had to release her legs, wrapping them around me as her arms wrapped around me, dragging me down to kiss her.

"Oh my god!" she cried. Grabbing a pillow, I placed it under her arse, knowing it would change the angle. Once I started to fuck her again, she cried, "Holy shit, Shepard!"

"What?" I managed to ask casually.

I swear, I think she was close to getting emotional. "Holy shit, I'm about to cum again!"

Leaning down to her ear, I whispered, "Then cum for me, Emily. Cum for your Commander."

Arms wrapped around me again, her legs wrapped around me tightly as I heard her start to groan into my ear. I was utterly pounding her by now, lifting her off the bed by now, but she was loving every second. When I felt her shake in my arms, I knew she was enjoying another orgasm, hearing her whisper for me not to stop until, around a minute later, she did ask me to stop. I stayed still, buried inside her, as she lay back and sucked in a few deep breaths.

She looked up and smiled once again. "Holy shit!" I'll admit, I felt a little embarrassed. She was the first I'd been with since Annie who wasn't a woman or asari I'd paid for, so hearing all her genuine comments felt good. "Hang on, you haven't finished…"

"Don't need…"

She smiled as she gently pushed on my chest so I sat up. She then gestured for what I should do, lying on my back as she kneeled between my legs, gently stroking my cock. "Now Shepard, I'm going to suck your cock until you finish. And all you need do is cum. Trust me, I will take whatever you give me." I couldn't help smile as she leaned up to kiss me. "Do you know how long it's been since a man gave me a few orgasms?" I shook my head. "Never, so trust me, this is my treat."

Damn, she was good before, but now that I wasn't returning the favour and she could concentrate on my cock, she was brilliant. I was never going to last long, but the fact she could swallow my length? I was above average, I knew that, and previous lovers knew that. Annie loved the fact. But it was clear to me, then and there, that Emily had no gag reflex. And she seemed to love going down on me, her eyes looking up as my nearly my entire cock disappeared inside her mouth.

No man would last forever being shown the sort of appreciation Emily was showing me. I warned her I was about to cum, but all she did was look up again and seemed to smile. My arms were long enough to run a hand through her hair, which she definitely seemed to appreciate, before warning her again I was about to cum. I groaned loudly as the first shot would have taken her by surprise, but I never felt her lips remove. In fact, I'm sure they tightened around my cock as I felt my cock fire at least half a dozen good shots into her mouth before it quivered and finally seemed to be empty.

Emily kept pleasuring me until she was sure I was empty, one of her hands caressing my chest, the other gently caressing my cock. Finally removing her lips, I couldn't help be slightly startled at the fact she had swallowed my cum as she kissed my chest before she straddled my groin once again, leaning down to kiss me. "Well, you don't taste half bad, Shepard," she whispered.

I dragged her down so I could kiss her again. "I'm eating your pussy again in the morning," I growled. That just made her giggle. "But I'm thinking we should shower right now."

She had a luxurious bathroom, the shower large enough that we could relax together under the water. After washing each other, we simply hugged under the water, both of us no doubt feeling incredibly relaxed. "Can this happen again"? she finally asked.

"I don't see why not. I just… I don't…"

"I understand, Shepard. Honestly, all I need is a little stress relief myself. And if someone like you were to knock on my door every so often…"

"I can agree to that arrangement."

We dried each other off then headed to her bed. When she spooned herself against me, wrapping my arms around her, it felt nice. Better than nice. Unlike the numerous other partners I'd been with since Annie, Emily wanted to be with me at that moment because she genuinely wanted to. I gave her a gentle squeeze, feeling her run a hand up and down one my arms. "Don't get attached," she whispered.

"What? Me?"

"No… Me, Shepard. I'm a professional…."

That made me chuckle. "Well, most of the time."

She flipped around to face me, wrapping me arms around her as she nestled her head under my chin. "I can separate my job and this. Can you?"

"Easily. Though I now have a reason to return to the Citadel every so often if this is going to happen."

"Maybe not just straight to bed though? Perhaps you could treat me to dinner first?"

"I can do that."

She smiled again before turning around, shuffling back into my body. I heard her sigh and I think she was rather content with life. She was the first woman I'd been with since Annie who wasn't bought and paid for. I'd practically avoided any sort of personal life, and if I'd wanted to get off, I'd find a place of ill-repute, though somewhere classy, similar to the Consort though less expensive than her.

Waking in the morning, I kept my promise of eating her pussy, giving her a couple of orgasms that had her smiling all the way through the shower we shared again and definitely through breakfast. Nothing more than some toast and coffee, but she certainly had a spring in her step as we headed out of the building. We had to part at the taxi rank, she would be heading to work, while I would head to the Normandy. Hugging her tightly to me, I heard her whisper again, "Don't get attached," before I leaned down to kiss her.

"Thinking the same, but I had a great night, Ms. Wong."

"You had better come back and see me, Commander Shepard."


I already had her contact details, so she simply told me to call her whenever I was back before she slid inside a cab and disappeared. I took a taxi back towards the docks, getting out early so I could simply stroll along for a little while, whistling a tune to myself. I probably looked rather happy and relaxed, noticing the occasional grin from people passing by me.

It was while I was heading back to the ship that I found myself stopped by an incredibly well spoken woman. No idea who she was but she definitely seemed to recognise me, though considering my face was now all over the news, I guess that was little wonder. "Commander Shepard, I was hoping to meet you here."

"Oh, and why is that, Miss…?"

"My name is Helena Blake. And, well, I will admit that I am in the need of some help. I cannot go to the regular authorities due to the nature of my business. Therefore, I have a business proposition for the lone human Spectre that can operate outside the rules."

I couldn't help chuckle. "Listen, lady, all you need say is you run some sort of criminal enterprise. Everyone knows my record by now."

She smiled. "Very well. I am part of a rather successful criminal syndicate. I won't go into details, but I do have a matter which should concern you. Two of my business partners have decided to change the course of our organisation, doing things I can simply not agree with."

"Such as?"

"Well, for one, they have started dealing in red sand. I cannot abide by drug taking. The second thing is that they have started dealing with batarians and the slave trade. I figured those two things alone would gain your interest and perhaps you would be willing to deal with them."

"What do you get out of it?"

"Complete control of the organisation and I can guide it the way I see fit."

"And what do I get out of it?"

"Would credits do?" I simply gave her a look she couldn't misinterpret. She started to blush before stepping forward. "My, Commander, I'm old enough to know this could be a very bad idea," she said softly.

"Possibly, but I can assure you we'll also have a hell of a lot of fun."

"And you're serious? That's all you'd want?"

"Fine woman such as yourself, all you need do is join me for dinner, a drink, and if you're interested, we can do other things after that." She was speechless for a moment; I think honestly not believing me. "So you don't think I'm a complete arse, I'm not actually expecting the third thing. But dinner and drinks would be nice."

"I could get your credits, weapons... Yet all you want is, what, my company?"


"Despite who I am?"

"Oh, definitely because of who you are. Might learn a thing or two." That made her laugh, the sort of sound that definitely made me feel funny. "So, is that your agreement?"

She stepped forward, resting a hand on my chest before leaning up to kiss my cheek. "Dinner and drinks does sound very nice, Commander. And if you were to sweep me off my feet, as they say, I think I could find the third thing rather enjoyable too." She stepped back and keyed her omni-tool, sending me some information. "For protection, the two work on separate planets, in separate systems, in separate clusters. Once you've taken care of them, you'll find me on the planet of Amaranthine, in the Horse Head Nebula. That's my base of operations."

"Okay. I have a few other things to do obviously, but if I'm in the area, I'll certainly take care of these two fools."

"You have my thanks, Commander," she said, before catching me slightly by surprise when she kissed my cheek. "I look forward to seeing you again soon."

She turned and walked away, and I definitely watched her go. I wouldn't guess picking her age. Older than me, but younger than say Chakwas. I knew how old she was, and I already knew I'd have some fun with her if the opportunity presented itself. Considering humans now lived much longer, and thanks to genetic engineering, you only started to look old once you were past triple figures. Did leave me wondering why some people let their hair go grey or silver at a young age though.

Upon approaching the ship, there was a gaggle of people waiting to board, including all my new team, noticing them all turn towards me as I walked towards them. "Good night, Commander?" Alenko asked.

"It was, Lieutenant. And you?"

"Oh, we had a few drinks, some of us danced, but we noticed you enter and leave with someone."

"Emily Wong," Garrus stated, "I've read one or two of her articles. Good at her job."

"I helped her with something," I said with a shrug.

"Uh-huh," Alenko stated.

"You fuck her?" Wrex asked.

"A gentleman never tells, Wrex. Then again, I'm not exactly a gentleman, but I'm not one to speak of private moments either."

"Yeah, you fucked her alright."

"Where are we heading next, Shepard?" Ashley asked.

Gesturing to the air lock, I suggested we board and get ready to depart and I'll let them know. Wrex continued to make a joke or two at my expense, making note of the fact I seemed to be in a rather good mood. Joker was already in place; aware he didn't move around all that much due to his disease. The rest of the crew was in position, Pressly standing in his usual place by the galaxy map.

"Have an idea of where to go next, Shepard?" the Navigator asked.

"I'm thinking Feros. I've done a little reading about it. Zhu's Hope is a small colony there, apparently based within the remains of an enormous Prothean city. Why it wasn't completely destroyed, I'm not sure. Might have to ask Liara about that. And part of me thinks a colony like that could be the perfect target for Saren and his geth."

"Any other messages or requests of help?"

"I've just had someone ask for some help but, for now, I think we'll focus on Feros. The other thing we can worry about afterwards."

Inputting our destination into the galaxy map, Joker confirmed and I got to work as he back the Normandy out of dock and set us on our way. After reading through a series of small requests and other messages before I headed down to the mess, Alenko in his usual place, glancing to see Liara and Chakwas deep in conversation in the med-bay. I didn't just want to stay in my room the entire time, isolated from the crew, so figured I would head down to the garage.

Wrex was standing around doing absolutely nothing as usual. Garrus was tinkering with the Mako, and he was in a world of his own, so I left him to it. Tali was in deep conversation with Chief Engineer Adams, who had already been in my ear, and had sent me numerous messages, about how he loved having a quarian with him. Ashley was busy dealing with weapons and armour, so I figured I'd bother her.

"Enjoy your time on the Citadel, Chief?"

"Yes, sir," she replied, busy putting an Avenger back together.

"Few drinks and a dance?"

She gave me a look and smirked. "Don't want to see me dance, sir."

"You and me both. I can dance on the battlefield but on a dancefloor? New born giraffe shows more grace."

She looked away before saying, "Seemed to be enjoying yourself with Ms. Wong though."

"We had a nice night together."

"How long have you been dating?"

That made me chuckle. "We're not dating, Chief. That was our first date, though calling it that would be… Well…" I trailed off and cleared my throat.

Now she looked at me with a smirk. "So I'm assuming Wrex was correct then." She held up a hand. "You don't have to say anything, sir. I think it was rather obvious the way you came strolling towards us."

I thought I'd make a joke of my own. "Sounds like someone is jealous, Chief."

She snorted, which simply made me laugh, which made her laugh too. "Think highly of yourself, sir?"

"I've been told I have a certain charm."

She gave me a sideways glance. "Well, even if I was interested, that would be fraternisation between two Alliance soldiers. And that would be wrong, sir."

"Though technically I'm still Alliance, I think my Spectre status would supersede that."

"While that might be true, you would still be a superior officer trying to get into the pants of a non-commissioned officer. Not sure how favourably people would look at that, sir."

"Anyone would think you were suggesting something, Chief."

"Me? Not at all, sir." She glanced at me for a second. "Are you?"

"I'm not suggesting anything either. Merely having a conversation with my Chief."

"That's good. Anyway, are we off to Feros or Noveria?"


"Good. Hopefully we'll run into more of those geth bastards."

"Have you taken my advice?"

She nodded. "Chakwas has a bit of history regarding psychology, so she's offered to sit down with me once a week. That and the occasional day or two away from the ship to clear my head will help me going forward." She now looked at me in the eyes. "Thanks for actually giving a shit, Shepard."

I recognised the use of my name. "No problem, Ash. And you ever need to talk, my door is always open."

The journey from the Citadel to Feros took a couple of days, though everyone had a job to keep themselves occupied. With each day that passed, the crew was more comfortable around each other. Anderson had recruited the best possible people for every position when he'd been given the command of the Normandy. I certainly wasn't going to charge in and change everything, trusting his judgement and selections.

Joker let me know when the Normandy entered the system, and I could hear him trying to contact someone on the ground once we entered the atmosphere. Zhu's Hope was the only colony on the planet, so if they were not responding, that wasn't good. "Just take us in, Joker. All we can do is land and see what the deal is."

"Aye, sir. Taking us in. Hopefully there's some sort of dock I can slide us into."

Looking through the windows, spires sprung up from the low cloud cover, left wondering just what lay underneath. Zhu's Hope was a relatively new company. Trying to find out anything about Feros itself was difficult, almost as if it was a secret.

Joker continued his attempts at contacting someone on the ground before we broke through cloud cover to see the expanse of the ruins below us. Joker and I whistled together as he managed to get a lock on the colony at least, his fingers flying across the holographic screens in front of him, slowly but surely bringing the ship into dock.

By the time I turned around, my team was armed, armoured, and ready to move out. Putting on my helmet, I led the way to the airlock and into one hell of a shitstorm. The geth were there, and they were there in force.