
Masked Puppets - Raise of the monster lord.

So there are many stories, many calls them fictions while other tell a real story, they are wrong and correct at the same time. There are many worlds and each one that have it's own story, some tell the tale of betrayal, some of forbidden love, some tell a story of a hero making his dream come true (or making a harem for some reason), some tell the story of the Villani but what about the monster? Not the monster that was in the previous life a person or got turned into one but the one was was born a monster? So are you interested? If so let me tell you it story that happens in the world different that your own.

Andrzejsaw · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

Chapter 3 – Unexpected one.

The party of 3 managed to reach the giant door after destroying many mannequins on their way, the door was made from unknown materials of unknown origin, no matter how a person or monster is it would not be able to leave even a single scratch.

"Does that thing even open in the first place?" – pointed out Kri while putting his hand on the door.

The boy gives a little push to a door reviling that it can be opened, he then tried to slash, but there were no results, the door was unscratched and was not even moved with that attack.

"Hey what's a deal? I moved it with little push and it moved meanwhile when I slashed with my full power, I couldn't even make it move even a bit?"

"I told you before didn't? If we go inside, we can't get out until either sides falls, we literally can't get out from there" – said Uth.

Party got suddenly obnoxious after coming face to face with the door that is leading them to a dungeon boss, they could feel their own fears manifesting them self before they eye.

"Hey do you feel that?" – said Uth.

"Yeb, I but isn't that trilling as well?" – said Hria.

"Coming face to face with fear itself? Yea, but I never though you would say that, aren't you the cowardly one?" – replied Kri with smug look.

"Shut it you. But seriously are you both ready?"

"We are, aren't we?" – replied Uth.

"Yea we, are let's go." – said Kri.

The swordman putted both of his hands on the door, pushing them open. A party entered a room, unlike the previous scenery it was quiet bright, it was still a cave but with much wider space and the ceiling was quiet, tall a four-story house could easily fit in.

In the middle of the room there was an owner of that room, the creatures looked like it was made out of the wood like the previous one but unlike the previous encountered monsters it had metallic looking parts as well. The claws, the joints and cheats were covered was reinforcement with metal like material. The monsters limbs were long, it was two time longer compare to human adult. The parts of the arms and legs that were belove the elbows and knees were noticeable thicker. The eyes of the creatures where X-shaped and the looked like was wearing a helmet it was covering entire head and mostly the area around the mouth. The cheats area looked the most reinforced, it has metallic looking ribs covering it.

"So, any plans?" – said Kri.

"See it's limbs? It probably has similar fighting style like those mannequins we encountered before, it's probably possess more programed knowledge unlike them so he will move in different way compare to them so take care. It has long limbs as well meaning that bastard have long reach as well and they are reinforced as well so they are probably are not only for offence but defense as well." – replied Uth.

"Hria how much time do you need to prepare [Thunder Cannon]?"

"About 5 minutes if you want max power"

"Kri, you and me will focus on hindering that guy movements. That guy has armor on his head and cheats so it will be harder to break, so we will have to focus on getting rid of his limbs if we want to kill him."

"Got it boss."

A prepared for battle, mage was standing the farthest away while swordman closest and the archer between them. As soon as they took their position an owner of the room begins to move, he started moving slowly at the beginning and seconds later he started moving at the faster rate to approached the invaders, swordman rushed to confront the monster while arched started shooting his arrows aiming at the puppet eyes and cheats, it dodged the attack with little movement. His aim wasn't to hit puppet but to slow him for little bit.

"[Power Strike Lvl:2] [Slash Lvl:1]!"

[Power strike – Power: Ability]

Your next basic physical attack deal 50% more damage and plus 10% for each level.

(Lvl 1 – bonus 10%, lvl 10 bonus 100%)

Young swordman used combination of his skills trying to cut down his opponent, puppet had same idea and used his long limb to smash him to bits. Swordman attack was stopped by puppet arm, the attack bounced off from each other damaging the swordman sword while puppet suffering little damage.

(Damn I putted that much power and I only left a scratch?!) – Young boy though.

At that moment young boy lost his balance from the exchange giving his enemy chance to strike, he used his other arm, this time it was using it claws in attempt to impale him.

([Power Shot Lvl:1])

[Power Shot – Power: Ability]

Your next basic range attack that uses projectile will be infused with mana making it stronger.

Uth shot his arrow hitting a creatures palm and saving his comrade life. The puppet stopped and pulled out the arrow that got stuck in him.

"Why your attack worked?! Yours had less power than mine, didn't it?" – said shocked Kri while getting up.

"It's probably because of my attack nature, with piercing effect works best against them by the look of things and when we fought those mannequins attacks with explosive force worked the best." – replied Uth while taking out new arrow from his quiver.

"So, stabbing or smashing then?"

"Pretty much yes"

The puppet begins his advancement once again and the battle resumed. Battle was quiet simple, swordman was dealing with the enemy up front while archer was only shooting when a situation arises when his comrade was in danger.

"Guys! I'm ready, get away now!" – said Hria while mana was gathering around her.

As soon as they heard her, they stepped away from her line of sigh.

"[Thunder Cannon Lvl:1]!"

[Thunder Cannon – Affinity: Lighting – Power: Spell]

Gather thunders type mana under your command, forming a sphere, it's then released in the form of beam in the straight line. The longer you charge this ability the more destructive power as well as range it will possess. The maximal charge type depends on the skill lvl.

A magic shot by young girl went flying at rapid speed right at the puppet, it used it arms to cover it cheats and braced for impact. Attack connected hitting their opponent, it released an explosion that ended up creating cloud of dust covering entire puppet.

"Don't raise any form of flags and keep your guard up this bastard is quiet sturdy he probably will soon attack aga- "– Uth warning was cut short because enemy started to move again.

From the smoke the puppet emerged jumping over the young swordman, rushing towards the mage location.

"He is aiming at Hria! Stop him!" – said Kri

"Shit [Power Arrow Lvl:1] [Aimed Shot Lvl:1] [Power Shot Lvl:1]!"

[Power Arrow – Power: Skill]

Infuse your next arrow with mana increasing its speed and piercing power.

[Aimed Shot – Power: Ability]

Incises projectile based attack range, speed and accuracy.

The attack was aimed straight at the puppet head aiming to stop his advance. Unexpectedly puppet got noticeable faster and managed to dodge precise shot aimed directly at it.

(It dodged that?! Power?!)

Puppet used skills belonging to a puppet race called [Extra Gear]

[Extra Gear – Power: Skill]

Increase user speed for short amount of time, user can use it up to 3 times in the row. If this skill is used 3 times in a short spawn it will cause damage and apply slow depuff on the user for a short time. The skills can hold 3 charges and each one has their own cooldown.

The puppet managed to run past the archer as well getting very close to a mage within short amount of time. Mage tried to keep her distance by using [Little spark] to keep him away but in the respond he used second charge of [Extra Gear] and dodge her attack. He backed away his hand and then thrusted it aiming at the young girl face. She bended on her right moving the head out of the puppet attack.

(I dodge that?! Luc-) – she stopped thinking as soon as she saw puppet knee approaching her face.

Puppet predicted her movement and started his second attack half way thru second one, the knee hit the girl right in the face and she smashed against the wall. The attack smashed her head killing her instantly.

One down, two to go.

"Hria!" – said furious Kri while charring right at his enemy in blind rage.

"Idiot wait!"

"[Vertical Slash Lvl:1]!"

[Vertical Slash – Power: Ability]

Use your weapon to slash in vertical way, the attack has both nature of smashing and cutting type attacks.

Swordman in his blind rage tried to avenge his college that got killed right in front of him, however puppet didn't care. Surprisingly puppet used [Power strike] to counter young man, this time swordman sword got broken with ease, the hit connected hitting him right in the face and being throwed right at the ground. The puppet raised his leg and mercilessly ended boys life.

"Y-you are not the dungeon boss." – said Uth after coming to realization.

Dungeon boss possess same type of logic as dungeon monsters, they don't think nor they have any emotions in them, they only seek to destroy. However, this puppet realized the danger that mage possessed and ignored the other two, rushing towards his target, the puppet though. The other abnormality that puppet just used was ability not the skill, dungeon monsters are not able to use abilities since you need to learn them nonstop to manifest them into power, in other worlds a mindless creature can't manifest ability no matter how long it takes.

"You are dungeon master aren't you." – said boy while letting go of his bow.

The boy was correct, he was not a dungeon boss but dungeon master. Dungeon boss is way stronger that dungeon monster of the same rank, the same logic applies to a dungeon master, he is way stronger that dungeon boss from same rank.

The reason why he appeared instead of dungeon boss is simple, there was no dungeon boss in this dungeon. The dungeon was not born long ago, it was young and weak and because it was weak it didn't have many floors. Usually when new dungeon is discovered they usually had between 2 to 3 floors, however because there was other dungeon in that area it hindered the growth of it so it didn't have enough miasma to develop at least one new floor, there were cases when dungeon was discovered with zero floors in between but it was very rare to find newly formed dungeon that was born seconds ago. The reason why they failed wasn't because they entered a high-level dungeon, it was because they entered an extremely weak dungeon instead.

"Fuck my life…..." – said Uth right before getting his head chopped off by puppet.