
A suspect

"The viral news today the almighty factory The Thor factory got exploded at 9:00am this morning thank goodness an unknown masked man as recorded in the camera footage came to the rescue of 10,000+ workers .He is definitely a hero and that's all for the moment see you next time in morning news show "

With an angry face expression Stacy broke her glass of wine her plan A got ruined by some random masked hero "hero my foot where was he when I was raped and killed "

she went to her study room opened her laptop and went through a research concerning the masked guy she found out he wasn't just Thor factory hero he had saved many other people .Stacy needed to wipe him away from the chapter and there is only one way to do that "DEATH "

AUGUST 20th 1979,

"Hello I am Stacy whiff and I am looking for a man proclaimed as the masked hero "

"Why are you searching for him and how did you know he lives here "

"I don't know just guessing .if you don't mind can I come in "

"No I am sorry you can't the old woman blocked the way "

"ma'am is there something you are not telling me "

"leave my house "


"I said leave "

"fine am leaving "

At that moment Stacy realized that the masked hero is living in that house pretty sure the old lady is his mum

"I will come back for you masked hero "

12:00pm (Midnight hour),

A shadow of a man with cape was seen flashing in and out

"I would be back mum "

Carlos stood up heading to his room

"Who Is there show your self "

he opened the door to his room slowly , immediately dodging a blade from his right hand side , he held the hands of the villain and flopped it below his neck

"who are you and what did you want "


The villain kicked his left leg above his head thereby hitting Carlos forehead , he was about to jump out the window when Carlos held him around the chest he could feel something like balls

"you are a woman "

"yoooou ha yes I am a woman so what's wrong with that just let go of me you are hurting me "

"Oh uhm sure am sorry "

Carlos freed his hand and put on the bulb switch he quickly pulled off her face mask and oh my God she was so pretty

"You are uhm "

"So you are the masked hero pretty handsome though watch out for your mum she might pay for your mistakes "

she jumped out of the window