

Under the morning rays where the usual dust particles float around visible. Birds are chirping with the wind passing through the window.

After meeting with Iyako, I had been enjoying her company. Talking to her as she always listened, I really hoped that it'll be like forever.




From a third person's point of view, I was clinging desperately to my blanket while Iyako kept pulling it as I tried my best to not let go of it. She could've been a little rough by pulling my hair or my limbs but chose not to.



With an irritated expression painted on her face, Iyako, who was stood by the door frame continued pulling until I won this tug of war.



Falling to her butt with a scrunched face, she then 'hmph!' -ed and left the room as it always ended whenever we did this.

Standing my ground on the bedsheets, I was left inside the room like usual wondering why it had come to this.

- - - - -

Rewinding time from where it all began, I was just talking about random things until Iyako felt a little bored staying inside this musty old room.

At first, she gestured to me that we should go somewhere fun. Well... I was just guessing from what I understood from all her charades, but I told her not to go out of the room because I was afraid she might encounter a creature similar to what tried to pull me into the elevator.

Upon hearing my reason, she only looked at me confused but still complied at first...

However, as time passed by, her urge to go out and play was starting to grow. I tried my best to entertain her with what we've got from inside this room, but it didn't last very long...


That time, the sun was setting with the afterglow lighting up the room, I was busy chatting away until I noticed I haven't gotten any sort of response from Iyako yet.

"-— —- - — -———- -——-—Hm, Iyako are you listening?"

When I turned around, I saw her slowly opening the door quietly behind my back. My heart stopped as I immediately ran towards her to grab her hand.


"❔❕" Her tail puffed out upon my shout.

"Please... Please don't leave..."

Gripping her hands tightly as mine were shaking, I went silent, not letting her go.

The air was tense between us and I feel like I'm about to snap and break down, she felt uncomfortable but I don't want her to experience the same thing I did. Even if I have to force her, I don't want the only person I could talk to, to leave me alone.

Noticing this, Iyako stayed with me until my breathing calmed down a little.



She led me to our bed and she held me with her tiny arms as she was trying her best to comfort me. My grip on her clothes loosened as if I'm not holding anything in the first place.

"S-sorry about that..."


After I managed to fully calm down, it didn't even take long for the night came along with its darkness. I could hear crickets chirping but it was only faint.

Looking beyond the window, the starry sky was our only source of light. We also haven't eaten anything as of yet, so for now I decided to skip dinner but...


Iyako's stomach began growling as she looked at me with those pair of dull blue eyes. I could guess what she was thinking right now but...

"Iyako... We can eat tomorrow... It's still dangerous outside..." I said feeling a little drowsy.


Seeing her nod as her ears drooped down, I felt a little guilty for saying that.

"...good night Iyako."

After giving me a goodnight kiss on the forehead which surprised me a little, we then snuggled under the sheet as we had to share one blanket on this cold night.


Morning came, I was laying underneath my blanket feeling groggy as my hair became entangled.


After letting out a big yawn, I haven't felt this refreshed in a long time. I rubbed my eyes with my small hands before using our blanket wrap around my neck.

To my surprise I had already gone used to the breezy feeling. But... As I thought about it, I realized my mind is already going in the wrong direction.

"Hey, Iyako..."

I called out to her as I'm about to ask where she found her clothes. It may be too late but, but thought I could still wear one just to retain some of my remaining dignity. To be honest, I didn't care anymore about wearing girl's clothing, I might even fine wearing panties for all I care.

However when I turned my head to look for her...

"...Iyako?" My eyes widened forcing me to be fully awake noticing Iyako is not inside this room.

Getting out of bed in a panic, I tried looking for her as she might be hiding somewhere around this room. This room is somewhat spacious and had plenty of hiding spots just in case something happens but for now, I tried calling out her name a few more times.

"I-Iyako? Iyako please stop messing around... Iyako where are you?"

From inside the cabinets to under the bed. Yet I still couldn't find her. And when I noticed the door half-opened, my body began trembling.


I took a step back, about breaking down, but I didn't have much time before I heard footsteps coming near.


My body felt cold as I think I might be in danger. It was a different feeling when I first encountered a monster but I just wanted to be safe. When I rushed towards the door and used all my strength to close it. However...


I eventually stopped as I heard a soft thud and a familiar figure falling flat on her face before dropping some leaves onto the tiled floor.


"💦 🌼~"

After she sat up from where she fell, relief began to wash over me as I see Iyako alive and well. While she scratched the back of her head with an awkward smile, her tail stood tall as I temporarily left the room to give her a tight hug.

"Iyako... Is it really you...?"

Her body felt cold like I was hugging air but her presence was warm enough. When she noticed she felt I was hugging tightly, that's when I realized I've been hugging her for far too long.

So I immediately let go of her.

"S-sorry bout that... hehe..."

Scratching the back of my head feeling a little embarrassed, I tried to change the subject though it came out awkwardly.

"By the way... Are these edible?"

Shifting the topic to what she brought instead. I then helped her out by picking up the fallen leaves and placed them onto our bed.


When she nibbled a leaf, she closed her eyes with furrowed brows, tilting her head and her arms crossed like she's seriously trying to think about it, she gave a thumbs up, telling me it's okay to eat it.

"Hm... Maybe I should try this one as well..."

I'm guessing she just went and grab these without much thought. Well, I can't scold her as I did the same thing not long ago.

Eating the leaves meekly, I felt a little ashamed as I remembered thinking I should lock her in this room with me. As I taste of the bittersweet leaf lingering, I felt grateful for her bringing me some food.

"... Iyako... Thanks..."

I wanted her to hear my words but alas, she had a perplexed expression upon putting a handful different kinds of leaves inside her mouth.


"Hehe~ Well you'll get used to it," I said jokingly as an experienced grass eater. Despite this warm atmosphere, my concerns are still present as the fact she just left this room without my knowing.

"By the way... Did you find anything strange while you were out?" I asked after we had done eating.

"❔" She tilts her head not understanding what I meant by that.

"No... It's okay... I'm just glad you're still safe." Ruffling her hair, it was just as soft as mine, I guess that much is to be expected. After we finished cleaning up our bed, I went laid there barely doing anything productive.

"🌼~" Iyako then followed me as she took a nap beside me.

- - - - -

A day passed and we were styling our hair. Iyako's hair felt soft and fluffy and very light like air. Compared to mine, her hair is significantly shorter but I still managed to give her twin tails. Though when she tried to do mine she held it with a scrunched face.

"Oh right... I haven't taken a bath since I got here..." I rubbed my fingers against it proving the point as it feels a little oily.

She did slammed her hands on the bedsheets as she gives me an expression saying something like 'Take care of your hair!' which made me proud of myself when I'm starting to understand what she thinks. But...

"Okay, okay. I'll take a shower." I said as she tried to push me towards the built-in bathroom inside this room.

It was really convenient that it had a bathtub, toilet and a working sink but I'm questioning whether this is a facility or just a really elaborate apartment. Anyways, I'm just glad that I don't need to go out as much as needed to be.

"... Yoisho."

While I placed the blanket onto the sink, I wait for the water to fill up the tub a little. As I gazed towards the cracked mirror, I thought to myself that humans are amazing for being able to adapt quickly as I'm already used to seeing my naked body.

[Though I'm not sure I'm even human anymore...]

I sighed as I then washed my hair and rubbed my fluffy ears. It felt weird but I also had gotten used to them. Upon getting into the tub and began using the soap bar, I did touch my chest while washing myself but it didn't feel much different from when I was a guy so it didn't really turn me on.

After I had rinsed myself, I went to grab the shampoo. However, when I just popped it open and began applying it.



I saw Iyako opening the bathroom door holding towels that probably came from the other rooms. Though she already saw my naked body, my eyes widened as she began stripping herself.



Removing her long sleeved white dress realizing she's not wearing any underwear the whole time before she jumped inside the tub with a big splash.


After wiping her face, she then began play with the water, I looked away, sat down from a small stool and began lathering the shampoo on my hair. Seeing my own body is one thing but having to see and bathe with another girl is a whole completely different matter.

[Just... Think of her as your little sister... Don't think anything weird...] Even if I'm an only child, if I think of her as family there should be no strange thoughts popping in my head.

When she finally got out of the tub to use the shampoo I just used and been bubbling it for the past couple minutes, I immediately went inside the tub to wash off the foam that's been covering my face until now.

It good that I didn't see too much, so after I got rid of the soap, I bolted out of the bathroom. Of course I took a towel to dry and cover myself.

"Haa... I already tainted myself but I don't want to have the same mistake as looking at her that way..." I muttered as the 'experiment' for 'research purposes' weighed on my mind.

"❔" Iyako peeked from the bathroom to check up on me before going back inside.

- - - - -

With our new routine that mostly consists of eat, play and sleep. Though this time when we bathe, we did it separately, she wanted to join me but I always lock the door.

It had been going on for two days and I was pretty much comfortable staying inside this room.


However, Iyako on the other hand began to worry about me being cooped up and not taking a step outside. When she climbed up on our bed, I was just lying there listlessly as she tugged my arm pointing towards the door.

Closing my eyes then opening it back up again, a moment of silence was between us.

"... Sorry, Iyako... I... I need more time..."

Her ears droop down feeling disappointed in my response.

"Don't worry Iyako, I-I'll go out when I'm ready." I ruffled her hair as it had now become a habit.

Though she cheered up a little, her concerned gaze towards me still hadn't disappeared. Looking through the open window, I guess it's already noon. Before I could say anything, I already saw Iyako bringing a pillowcase with her.

- - - - -

A voice came from an old bedroom.

"Have a safe trip Iyako~"

After hearing her words, from a metallic doorway of a musty old room, there was a girl with a bright expression as she left through the doorway.

" 🤍🌼"

When she woke up alone inside a once familiar building, she didn't know what to do at first. After all she's still a child. But all those worries faded as she met up with a girl that looked like her. She assumed she was her little sister so she was excited to play with her.

Her first impression of her was 'weird', the girl she met sometimes act like she was older but she didn't mind. As she trotted towards the indoor garden where the adults she thought were playing with the plants.

She could barely remember much as her memory was still foggy, she still knew the plants there were medicine. So she thought it's okay to eat even though she didn't like the taste.


As the girl's hand became a little bruised from all the plucking and picking of the plants. She looked back towards where her supposed little sister was staying. Her ears and tail drooped down as she wanted for her little sister to come out and play but for some reason the girl's sister was afraid of something.

Despite feeling a little disappointed in her response, she still felt grateful for the name the sister had given to her. Since she could barely remember her own name, the name given to her felt strangely familiar as well as her sister's name.

She hoped that spending more time with her would help her remember what had happened to this place but felt a little dissatisfied about their current state. To not feel discouraged—

'Iyako will try again later!' she huffed with vigor instead as she couldn't even speak.

After stuffing all the leaves inside the pillowcase as a bag, she mused to herself thinking of fun ways to convince her little sister to go outside.

- - - - -


"Iyako you're back!"

Turning my back upon hearing the door, I saw Iyako bring back the usual haul. When I went and pat her head for doing a good job, her tail was moving in delight.


It's the usual weeds and grass but I didn't mind, I have no right to be picky anyways. After putting it down, she tugged my arms once again while pointing out the door. This time she gestured along the lines of 'Let's play hide and seek! Chase! Explore!'

Though I deflected all of them, which caused her mood to go down. I made an excuse that we could do those things inside but she's a little demotivated by it.


From that then on, every time she came back she always reminded me to go outside. I kept giving her the same response, but felt like getting stabbed as I see her ears drop down every time she heard what I had said.

I need more time... it was always that excuse... As her attempts kept failing, I can see her face telling that her patience was running thin.


In the middle of noon, I was playing with my hair after drying it out after a refreshing bath. Iyako, who came back with our lunch at the usual time, but this time, she had somewhat a grumpy expression.

"... Iyako?"


Grabbing my blanket, which caused me to stop combing my hair using my fingers, I looked at her straight in the eye just when Iyako suddenly gripped it tightly, .

"Uhhh... I-Is something wrong Iyako?"


She didn't answer but instead she began pulling my blanket revealing once again my naked body.

"Wha-" I immediately held onto it not wanting a repeat of the first time she did this. However, there were more pressing matters as I was confused why she was suddenly acting like this.

"I-Iyako?! W-what the f*ck!?"


Pulling it back towards me, this caused her to let go as she was taken aback by my use of a curse word that may have slipped from my mouth. While I looked at her in disbelief, she looked away pouting a little.

"Ha... Haah... What's your problem—Huh?"

Iyako then walked towards me again and grabbed the blanket once more, this time she's a little bit more forceful.

"Wait! Wait! Iyako?!"

"💢❕" Climbing on the bed, she tried taking advantage of the blanket covering my body to drag me out of the bed.

"S-stop! Let go you little sh*t!"

As I struggled to from keeping myself get dragged by her, I eventually won in the end causing her to fall on to her back. When she hit the floor, I got concerned a bit as I saw tears forming on her eyes.

"... Uhh... Iya—"

When she stood up, she looked at me teary eyed with an expression saying 'Idjit! meany! lazy bum!' which caused me to pop some veins on my own.

"You...!" I was about to smack her on the head but she pulled out her tongue from the doorframe and ran. Clenching my fist, I eventually released them as I sighed and placed my fingers on my temple.

[What's done is done... I'll apologize later...] Is what I thought after we both calmed down a little.

...But things always doesn't go as expected...

She came back again later and tried time and time again to drag me out of the room. Night and day whenever she had got a chance or I let down my guard... If you listen closely you can hear my high pitch screams of rebellion from this abandoned building.



As each attempt of her's began being more annoying such as: Taking my anything I could wear whenever I bathe, stealing all the blankets for herself during the cold night, and another one was locking the bathroom door when I felt the urge to pee.

That time she had hoped that if I couldn't hold it any longer I would use the other bathrooms outside. But she looked at me with disgust as I used a pen holder which I then poured it later outside the window.

To much information?

Yeah I guess you're right... Anyways, her best attempt was by tying me up using my blanket while I'm asleep. Though she managed to drag me out of the door connecting to the hallway. I only woke up after she accidentally knocked my head on the doorframe.

I had a panic attack as I used all my strength to escape and run back to the bed. I was only using the pillowcase to cover myself before I realized what stunt Iyako did to me. Though she did feel a little guilty for hurting me she still pouted upon her failed attempt. And thus the fourth day came to an end...

"...ugh..." I barely had a wink of sleep as I kept my eye on Iyako who is grumbling from the other side of our bed.

- - - - -

With those events... I am back to where I am now. Sitting on the bed drenched in sweat, my stamina dwindling the more I tried to fight against her.

"Haa... Haah... She'll probably come back again..."

Laying down on the bed to catch my breath, I wait patiently on her next attempt to bring me out of this room.

I kept waiting...

... And waiting...

... Noon came and she still hasn't returned...

"...So she's not going to bring lunch this time..."

Normally this is the time she's going to return along with the leaves from the indoor garden but, I guess she wants me to feel hungry enough to go out myself.

"... Too bad I can handle not eating for 3 days!" I shouted at the door hoping she could hear it.

After my declaration, I went towards the bed I fell flat on my face against the bedsheets groaning. Feeling defeated, I was starting to regret not coming out with her.

"...why am I like this..." I said in a weak voice and closed my eyes hoping she would return.

I didn't have any time to apologize to her since she kept using all my chances to forcibly drag me out of here. So it's not my fault, right?

Facing the ceiling, I closed my eyes thinking what I should do to make up with her. It took a while but for now, I decided to pass some time alone in this room and tried making some flower crowns in the hope to cheer her up when she comes back.

The flowers were just growing outside the window frame so there's plenty enough that I could make a couple more just in case I failed.


"Will she like this...?"

After trial and error, I managed to make it look decent compared to the tangled-up mess scattered on the bedsheets.

Going to the bathroom, I tried putting it on and look in the mirror. We were practically twins since we both looked the same, so judging how I look wearing this, it should be a good idea to know how it would look like if she wore it.

"... It looks cute but... It feels weird saying it now about myself..."

[If Mouzei heard this, I bet he'd be on the ground laughing his ass off...] I sighed as I took it off my head.

After cleaning up the mess I made, I waited for her to come back with an offering on my hand.

... As I waited...

... Night came.

Iyako isn't back yet since I was just standing in the doorway taking a peek at the halls waiting for her to appear.

"S-she'll come back... She'll come back soon..." I muttered as I feel uneasy and wanting to apologize to her right now.

"M-maybe she's just staying inside another room while playing around..."

... So I tried waiting a little longer...

"... Iyako... Are you there? I'm sorry... Please come back... I made something for you..."

When I waved the slightly wilted flower crown just outside the door, but there's still no sign of her... Or anything that might be coming closer.

"... Iyako..."

As the night went deeper, I was already succumbing to the drowsiness as I had stayed up for far too long. I held the flower crown, not letting it go from my grasps.

"...Iyako... Iya...ko... I'm...sorry..."

- - - - -

After leaving the room, Iyako could be seen fuming as she grumpily stomped on the floor. When she entered another bedroom, she immediately locked the door and jumped onto an old bed and fell flat on her face.

She could be seen rolling around and flailing her arms in frustration, she tried to come up other ways to bring little sister out her room, but everything she could think of always ended up backfiring thanks to her sister.

One time, she took all Masako's blanket while she's taking a bath, when she finished bathing, Iyako had already left her clothes just by the hallway.

Enticing her sister to grab her clothes, when she saw Masako reaction, she only looked annoyed but managed to use pillow casing as a make-shift skirt. Despite that, she didn't bother to cover her chest.

She also had an idea that night, so she attempted taking the blanket for herself while they were about to sleep. Iyako felt hot because she used any fabric Masako could use to cover herself from the cold night.

'Too hot... But Lil sis should go outside to grab a blanket.'

But contrary to her expectations, Masako trapped her as she couldn't move an inch and have been used as a body pillow.

She felt stiff and uncomfortable due to her constantly sweating, and when Masako's grip on her loosened setting her free, Masako took back the blanket and went back to sleep.

Though they did a little rough housing but it didn't last very long as both of them were too tired to fight. And when morning came, Iyako who had woken up first went to the bathroom and had an idea.

She thought it would be a good to lock the door long enough to force her sister to go outside and use the other bathroom.

'Hehe~ Lil sis should be out any moment now!'

Thinking that for herself and a couple of hours waiting, she took a peek outside only to be traumatized instead. Jaws dropped as she saw Masako relieving herself on the corner as she didn't expect the pen holder could be used in such a way.

'That's gross! Why would you do that Lil Sis?!'

So she tried time and time again with different tactics until she couldn't stand it anymore and used desperate measures.

In the middle of the night, when she was sure Masako was fast asleep, she slowly dragged her out towards the doorway. She was celebrating too early as she was close to getting her little sister out she didn't notice she accidentally slammed her sister's head causing her to wake up in a panic.


After staying alone inside the room for a couple of hours thinking other ways to have her little sister get out. She felt a little hungry as her stomach rumbled causing her to get out of bed.

However as she was about to leave, her hands felt something hard from inside the mattress, peeking her curiosity, she tried checking it out.


When she unzipped mattress, causing some cotton to fall out, Iyako saw a black rectangular rod along with other items deeper inside.

She tried pulling out the black rod, revealing a tablet. For her it was a normal tablet but if Masako saw this she wouldn't know as the technology they were familiar with were different.

Instinctively splitting vertically the rectangular rod into two, a plastic thin film connecting to them hardens as it was fully expanded.

'This is!'

Eyes sparkled as the tablet activated revealing a picture of a happy family. A middle aged man with orange hair and heterochromatic eyes, A woman with platinum blonde hair braids over her shoulder, and their adopted daughter with white hair and familiar fox like features.

'Mama and Papa!'

A big smile painted her face as she recognize herself along with remembering the faces of her parents.

'So this is what they look like! Iyako is so happy! Can't wait to tell Lil Sis about this!'

She was ecstatic, too happy for her own good as she was excited to find her parents after remembering their faces. She hugged the tablet as it felt like she found a missing part of herself.

So when she curiously looked what other items are inside the mattress, more and more memories were clearing up as each items were gifts from her parents. Dolls, pictures, toy accessories, and even expired candies she forgot to eat.

Feeling over the moon, she stayed a little longer what she should've as she gloss over each item one by one. She brought herself some snacks from the garden which didn't really taste great as she expected.

After she's done with the toys, she looked over the tablet as she might find more memories stored in there.


"Hey there!"


On the screen, a happy middle-aged man with orange hair greeted her with a mischievous grin. He donned a lab coat, as if it were a part of his everyday attire, and this sight both surprised and delighted Iyako, for it meant she could hear her father's voice again.

"You must be surprised seeing this in your secret treasure trove, my little munchkin."

'Papa you meanie! When did you find Iyako's secret place!'

"Sorry, sorry! I bet you're surprised with me knwoing about it, well... it wasn't really much a secret since Mama also knew about it."

'Mama too?!'

As she listened to her father's playful recording, a slight pout formed on her lips, but it quickly transformed into a smile as he mentioned having a message for her. Her eyes brimmed with love and longing as she eagerly awaited his message, but then... the moment he uttered her sister's name.

"Masako... Can you find your Mama's ID? Use this tablet to scan it, and maaybee you'll be to see Mama again." His tone was still playful but there were a hint of sadness behind his smile. Hearing his message, Iyako's ears drooped down.

"Sorry Masako... But Papa won't be able to see you anymore."

But that wasn't that made her sad.

She searched for other messages that might have been meant for her, but found none. The tablet's contents were pretty much inaccessible due to it being locked by a password, only a few recordings and notes were freely available to see but... the recordings contained all of the man's loving words intended for his daughter, Masako, which soon turned off waiting for an ID to scan later on.

'Papa... What about Iyako?'

Gazing back at the toys, gifts, and memories that had emerged from the mattress. She could only stare blankly at the tablet as she felt her heart breaking along with tears dripping down from her cheeks.


- - - - -

Night came and a small girl walking down the dark hallway with a tablet wrapped around her arms. She took a peek from a room where her sister resides in, to find a wilted flower crown laying down on the floor.


With a pair of dull blue eyes, she walked away into the darkness slowly swallowing her up.

I already finished this chapter a few days ago and I've been holding it off because I'm a little unsure how to go on to the next chapter. It's not that I don't know what to write but there's so many ways I could write it so I'm took my time to choose which way my story flow to...

... So I chose the most interesting and the most unpredictable one...

If you want to know what happens next then I'm in the same boat as you guys are XD.

Anyways I guess this should also help in my skill to handle and adapt to changes because the nature of my game also handles different paths depending on player's behavior. So might as well try to control the plot while taking that account.

ProjCRyscreators' thoughts