
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

*Ben 10 instrumental Opening*

A phone started to chime as it violently vibrated over a mahogany brown desk which was cluttered with coffee stained essays and wrinkled assignments which ruffled ever so slightly due to the intensity of the vibrations. The phone stayed playing it's tune as the seconds droned on up until it gave up mere moments later.

For a couple of minutes, reprieve was felt and the atmosphere returned peacefully only to be stifled again as the ringtone replayed itself as someone called again. A groggy voice groaned as he shifted his body so it hugged corner of tan walls.

'C'mon just a couple of more minutes. Please..' He thought as he attempted to shield himself with the blanket better but the attempt still left his feet bare which where, for all intents and purposes, glued to the walled in an exposed fashion. He felt his blood fail to warm them up as the crisp cold travelled from the wall into his body. The phone made it's appearance once again and the teen who sported a chocolate brown mop for hair threw his wrist, pointing at the phone while his eyes were closed.


A dull grey, barely out of the realm of a milky white smacked an object while simultaneously grabbing it. The teen pulled quickly only to have a jar of rogue hair conditioner smack his face, inching him to closer to being awake.

'C'mon' The teen sloppy rubbed the fading throb before trying again, this time actually hitting what he wanted. He slid the answer function on the phone and absent-mindedly clicked on the speaker button.

"Hello????" He asked nasally as he stretched but trying to hold the full power of his body back causing him to shiver with goosebumps violating his body.

"Isaac, don't tell me your still in bed. C'mon, your going to be late again." A feminine voice pierced itself into his head causing his crusted over eyes to explode open only to be shut close with the sight of the unholy sun.

'Well that hurt' He turned off the speaker knowing he could hear her just as well without it on.

"So, it's not like they'll give me detention, if they did I just wouldn't show up in the first place" Isaac shot back as he shifted to get even more comfy. It barely worked as he was already holding in his urine for the sake of resting in his makeshift bed.

"Isaac,… ugh whatever. Get to school, I need you for a second." The call cut out before he had a chance to reply.

"A second, what gotta be kidding me, Why the hell-ughghhhhh''

He thought about returning to his slumber but the vague emotions he remembered feeling during his dream discouraged him from the attempt.

'Well that's what happens when you are put into a coma by your drunk waste of space father…Adopted Father. Hey at least I was a hero there too.' He thought to himself. He felt his body naturally respond as he slid down the corner of his wall and he crashed his backside onto his broken office chair. He looked at his phone and saw that it was 7 a.m.

'Fuck.' He cursed before trying to reason with himself.

'C'mon, just a couple of more months and then you'll be able to sleep until the sun goes down.' He tried to wake up by slapping his face which did nothing besides causing his hands to itch slightly. He rubbed his eyes as he opened the closet, looking at his reflection with mild interest. He took note for the umpteenth that he had, for the most part, straight hair that threaten him with the ideation of being curly. The tips of his hair even held themselves as hooks right at the level of his chin. He tied his hair back, leaving two thumb-sized strands straddling against his temples as he looked into his amber eyes, which were to him at least were the main attraction of his face- well besides his jawline which was almost as chiseled as his the rest of his chiseled body.

Isaac grabbed his usual clothes, a sweater, a shirt and a pair joggers, tossing them haphazardly on his pristinely done bed before opening the door and wondering into the cold, lavender smelling hallway. He failed to sniffed the air more than that due to his nose being clogged but he made the attempt anyways, continuing down the path until he found the door he was looking for. Isaac twisted it open, seeing that it was indeed the bathroom and he surmised that a shower was needed after a whiff of his underarms.

'I guess the benefit of having superpowers is that you burn enough calories to eat a pizza'" indefinitely' Isaac thought as tried to remember the first time he had eaten pizza, but not able to remember, his mind reminisced about his childhood. How his mom made him blueberry waffles out of the box while his sister went to a similar magnet high school that he went to now. He shook the thoughts out of his head, changing the subject to one he wouldn't feel so much pain from. 'Wasn't Maria's school Vision academy in Brooklyn. Didn't they've recently expand into Harlem for their 'Diversity Outreach' Program?' Isaac smirked at how condescending that sounded to him and chuckled, thinking about how his father would react to his son not going the way that was proven to work.

"Isaac, you should just go to you're sister's school, she's a scientist working with the brightest minds, even a country leader, Victor Van Damme." Isaac mocked, his father was someone who was proud. He was the type of father that tried to make you look up to him by flexing his federal Job outside of Yonkers.

'such an asshole,' Isaac grimaced as he compared him to his mom, who spent most of the time at home with him. He knew she doted on him more than the others but for a long time before she died, he always thought it was because usually, it would always be the two of them until their peace was trampled on by the chaotic energy of his father.

'Maria, wasn't as bad- until she got a boyfriend.' He noted as he felt a weak smile crawl on his face. He couldn't help but miss those small, loving moments. His smiled faded as he caught on to the past tense of his memories, knowing he was growing farther from the life that he had lived. He mind flickered on how he lost his mother due to the attack from the Chitauri Invasion a year ago. He was at his school when news reporters celebrated the birth of the famous avengers, trying to hide the thousands of deaths that also happened. His mother, and many others died in that attack but now that calamity was over for some people.

He ignored to what happened afterwards, skipping to his life living with his aunt D, his cousin Mark and oh so lovable cousin Elizabeth.

'Can't forget get about the charming Uncle Toomes' His face crumpled.

He sighed, thinking about crying but not even having the powers to summon a single tear. It hurt but he just ignored it, knowing it wouldn't help. He rinsed his face off for the umpteenth time and turned the water off. Grabbing the towel and drying all of the water off before putting it back in and grabbing the toothbrush instead but his head felt a buzz, an inclination of a warning sprung to the front of his mind as his the area around him slowed enough to see that the door was opening.

'C'mon. I thought I locked it.' He grimaced as he tried to grab the towel but he felt the bathmat stick to his feet causing him to worry about that instead. Isaac proceed to try to get the mat off but once he did, the door was creaked open enough for the perpetrator to come inside witness his full glory as it swung like a miniature elephant.

"C'mon Liz, knock" He chided as his slightly younger cousin blushed as she dropped her phone that was on video call with another one of her friends.

'Fuck' They both simultaneously thought but for different reasons.

"Sorry!" She squeaked, embarrassed but leaving her phone.

"Fucking hell….'ey, you left your phone."

"Hiii!" He heard the girl on the other line smile. He smirked annoyed, as he grabbed his towel.

'I guess this is the type of day it's going to be,' He dejectedly thought.


A.N. Hey, sorry about my time away. Dropped out of college, then tried to move, failed and a lot of life came at me. This is kind of a rewrite, but not really as it's now the Marvel Universe and Adjacent to the MCU(Plus other things). Still will do a DC series, maybe.... probably not, but to hell with that for right now. The Pokémon series is going through a rewrite.

I am sad, give me good comments please. Totally crying into a head of lettuce. Okay bye!

Satyr_o7creators' thoughts