
Marvelous Fated Life

Being reborn in Marvel wouldn't have been a bad thing except I suck at everything. Science, Physics, Engineering, and even Magic But with this maybe I have a chance.

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Beginning Ch 1

"Please don't...close...dammit all," I say in frustration as I grab my bag and sit on the steps leading to the New York Sanctum while holding a bag of my most prized possessions completely dejected at being kicked out

I have no skill in the magical arts whatsoever, but I tried

For fucks sake I tried, I really did

I was rejected by interdimensional begins simply due to how horrible I am at magic

Heck, I even saw Mephisto once and he flat-out ignored me

When I was reborn I decided to make something of myself

To become more than what I was

I would take this opportunity and make the most of it

So, I worked out, stayed healthy

I studied technology for years ever since I was 11, but that didn't pan out

I am not smart enough to come up with technology that would help me stand alongside the Avengers no matter how much I study or tried

So, I decided to pursue magic and managed to get into Kamar-Taj through the New York sanctum at the age of 17 and so I studied magic for 6 years straight

There was only one problem

I am terrible at magic

It took me 10 months to be able to open my first portal

It took me 1 year to be able to conjure magical constructs and weapons and another year to be able to 'fight' with them and I still suck at them as I can't keep them active for more than 3 minutes

It was obvious that Magic wasn't as easy as I had hoped so I decided to pursue Alchemy

A nice field of magic where if I worked hard enough I was sure I could get stronger

Only to get crushed by the revelation that magical ingredients that could be used in potion making were rare and I was not able to access the storages in Kamar-Taj due to not being intermediate in terms of magical capabilities

Nothing was working out for me

Science failed me, Magic was failing me, and then a thought crossed my mind

Maybe I need just a little bit more luck

I look down at my bag and rub my eyes to wipe the tears coming from them

The bag has my own personal set of alchemical tools, reagents, and a gallon of the only potion that I ever managed to complete plus my notes that I took from reading every book on magic that I could find

The potion that I dedicated 4 years of my new life was completed last week

A luck potion

Something that increases my luck

I tested it out a day after I finished it

By going over to Vegas

I had 2 thousand dollars going in

I came out with around 200,000

That was just with drinking a literal pint of the stuff

To make this potion, I made a deal with a group of leprechauns to give them a couple of tons of gold in return for ingredients that I could use for the potion

Also, 3 pairs of shoes

I glance down at the pair on my feet at the moment and smile

These are some nice shoes

I wonder how they are doing

I shake my head as I stand up and walk around town for a bit

I think about what I have on me

My ID, phone, my bag filled with clothes, and my magic stuff

I shake my head as I decide to do something nice for myself to lift my spirit up

I chuckle a bit as I realize how I feel

I feel like a dog that was kicked down

Sitting down in a small restaurant and ordering some rather expensive lobster I think about what to do

Nothing has panned out the way I imagined it would

The only solace that I can take after being kicked out for being found severely lacking at Kamar-Taj is that I made a fucking luck potion

That's it

To be honest, I feel rather betrayed too

I made friends there, people I became close to, but they didn't rise to my defense once the verdict of kicking me out came out

No one told me to stay safe or to be careful as they were pushing me out

Oh, I am sure that if I told them about my potion, I would be regarded as one of the best alchemists in Kamar-Taj

But, it doesn't matter anymore

I don't have my sorcerer robes which help with channeling magical energies, nor my sling ring which I was able to open portals with

I can barely even fight with magic

I eat my lobster with some Sprite and make my way to a hotel

I check in to the hotel, l go to my room and sit down on the queen-sized bed

I rub my hands on my face as I try to hold it for a longer and I let out a small sob as I break a bit

Being in Kamar-Taj and learning about magic was amazing

Not being able to use most magics pretty much killed many opportunities that I had

Deciding to learn Alchemy, and then learning that I was not able to access the stores that would have helped me due to not being proficient enough in magic lowered my spirits

The luck potion is my biggest chance of success so that I can make something of myself

I can become a millionaire by going to Vegas and not having to worry about anything else in my life

But, that's not what I want

I want to be able to use magic, truly use it

To control the elements, to launch fireballs from my hands, to fly

I plop my back on the bed and stare at the ceiling before I close my eyes


"What the hell," I say as I open my eyes and see something that makes me question a lot of things

[Welcome to the Simple Fate System

With this system, you are able to obtain power, items, and even knowledge from the Fate Multiverse

Ultimate Battle

In Ultimate Battle you will be teleported to a battlefield where you can fight someone from the Throne Of Heroes. However, they will be as powerful as they were when they were alive, and have access to all of their own equipment.

Upon Completion of the battle, if you successfully defeat your opponent, you shall receive everything that they owned, including their power, items, and knowledge

If you fail you must wait 24 hours before being able to try again

Normal Battle

Here you can fight the Servant versions of people, upon successful completion the User can spin a wheel that will give them a boost in a random stat, a skill, or even a noble phantasm belonging to the one defeated 

But, only 1, something like the Gate Of Babylon would come empty unless you defeat Gilgamesh in the Ultimate Battle in order to receive everything

Grail War

Participate in a Grail War as a master

A completely random servant shall be summoned for you so that you can participate

Warning, you shall be sent to a random Fate Universe, also if your servant is defeated or you run out of Command Seals, you shall be sent back and will be unable to participate in Holy Grail War for a week


This tells you what stats you have. As well, as any condition that you maybe suffering from


This option gives you the ability to travel to a random Fate universe and record it

Note, it only allows you to travel back and forth between this multiverse and the Fate Multiverse]

"What the fuck, Why now?" I ask getting rather angry at this but calming down enough after a couple of minutes and look through the options

"Ok, calm down, at least it didn't screw me over,"

Playing around with some of the options, I am surprised at what it does

It is very simple

I fight a servant and defeat said servant, I can spin the wheel for a stat boost, an item like a noble phantasm, or a servant skill or I can fight the real deal and get all of their power, in the Ultimate Battle Noble Phantasms, and skills included

I can travel to the Fate Universe and become a master in a holy grail war or I can just stay there

Fate or Marvel, I don't know which is worse in terms of danger

I slap my face lightly in order to get me on track as I try to take in everything that has happened to me in a single day

I quickly check my status and sigh outloud

I am at F rank in everything

"Fuck," I say as I lay back down on the bed

I turn back to the screen and see an envelope on the bottom left screen and press it and see that it is an apology gift since I was supposed to receive this thing much earlier

I should have gotten this thing when I was 12

Better late than never I guess

I open the gift and my eye twitches in anger as I see that I have three spins

One to decide how many magic circuits I will be given, between 40 and 120 as an apology gift as well as their quality

One I will be given the powers of someone as if I had defeated them in an Ultimate Battle

Another will be a completely random servant skill or a Noble Phantasm

"Well, this is gooooooooooooooooddddd," I say as my eyes widen at that

I quickly rush over to my beg and get out the potion

I open it and take a big gulp of it before I place it back down

I quickly choose the magic circuits and spin it

"Come on, come on..." I repeated it multiple times and I screamed out in joy as it stopped at 94 magic circuits

Another smaller wheel comes up and the name of the wheel makes me gasp

Circuit quality

I see that it is about to stop on Rank F but it continues up to Rank C

Suddenly the screen emits a light that hits me in the chest and a warm feeling spreads out through my body

"I don't know how to activate them," I say after a while of thinking about it

I shake my head as I am tempted to get someone's power from Fate but I hold it in and decide to the Noble Phantasm or Skill next

The wheel pops up and it goes on for a while


"Finally the suspense is killing me," I say rubbing my face as I see what it stops at and my face falls a bit

Hades Cap of Invisibility

"Ok, ok, ok, I can recover from this...shit," I say out loud as I can feel the effects of my potion have worn off

"That is not supposed to happen," I say as the potion should have lasted for days due to how much of it I drank

My mind races at this and I begin to get anxious as something may be happening to me

The system could be affected by me using the luck potion so maybe it made it run out incredibly fast

I see the third and final spin, and I can only hope that this works as I want no...I need something good

I bring out my potion, take big gulps out of it and spin the wheel

After a few minutes, it begins to slow down

This is it everything can either be good or bad

I don't have a lot of confidence as I see it slow down on Jack the Ripper but continue on and I see it somewhat stop on Solomon and my heart stops a bit, but then it moves on to Arthur Pendragon

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding at that

I can work with this

I glance down at my potion to see it one-quarter full

I nearly drop it as a beam of light is emitted by the screen and enters my body

Power spreads out through every cell in my body

But, it doesn't hurt

It feels like drinking hot chocolate on a snowy day but way better

Memories began pouring into me as I Arthur, not Artoria, Arthur grow up, lift Caliburn, lose it, then be given Excalibur and Avalon, and Merlin got to him, as one time he used Carnwennan to peep into the women's bathhouses by turning himself invisible, him fighting Vortigern, and the events that led to his death

However, soon it was all over

"Wow," I say as I go over many, many memories of his life and I can feel that they are not affecting who I am as a person as it seems like I was the one who went through it but not at the same time

"This is unreal," I say as I clench my fists 

The strength, I feel as if I can destroy this entire building with a single punch

I blink as my mouth opens and I can feel my connection to some very powerful artifacts 

Caliburn, Excalibur, Avalon, Rhongomyniad, Carnwennan, Prydwen, Gwen and Goswhit

"No freaking way," I say absolutely shocked at everything that I got

A feeling of dread comes over me as I reach out and think about summoning...

Suddenly, I am holding Caliburn

A golden light illuminates the room and with a thought, the light fades away to reveal Caliburn: The Golden Sword Of Selection

"So, powerful..." I say before I dismiss it except this time it turns into light that enters my arm and moves until it reaches my chest where the light disappears but I know that I can call at any time

I opened my Status and saw that it had changed to accommodate the increase in power

[Strength: A

Endurance: A+

Agility: B+

Luck: B

Mana: B+

Noble Phantasm(S): EX

Personal Skills

Magic Resistance(Rank: A)Due to possessing a Dragon Core. It grants the Resistance that Dragon naturally possesses against all types of Magic. 

Note this is downgraded from A+, A++, A+++, and EX due to not having a fully awakened Dragon Core

Riding(Rank: C)You possess the knowledge to ride mundane mounts and vehicles

Instinct(Rank: A+) Due to many years of countless combat, your senses are far better than they would be otherwise

Note it is possible to upgrade through training and new experiences

Martial Combat(Rank B+): You have mastered multiple weapons and are able to wield them like a master

Note this skill while B+ rank, only takes into account your swordsmanship, bow mastery, shield mastery, and spear mastery. If you 'master' other types of 'weapons', this skill Rank will increase

Dragon Core Unawakened(Rank: N/A) Due to possessing a Dragon Core which acts as a magical energy reactor. This grants numerous benefits such as incredible Magic Resistance, and a tremendous amount of Magical energy. However, due to never having been able to awaken it fully. Most of the benefits are nullified until it is awakened, such as increased Physical Endurance, Increased Longevity, Increased Senses, and Increased Agility

Note to awaken the Dragon Core one must perform acts befitting those of a dragon, and the Dragon will awaken gradually. The process can be sped up in the heat of a battle, and as one gets older

Noble Phantasms(False)

Caliburn(Rank B): It is the sword that was pulled from the stone to indicate the arrival of a new king. When the User is seen holding it, people WILL know that they stand in the presence of a King. It grants the Holder increased regeneration, to the point that their aging is stopped, however, it cannot regrow limbs like Avalon is capable of doing.

Excalibur Proto(Rank C-EX): It is the Sword Of Promised Victory...]

I blink as I read through all of the Noble Phantasms which are false

Reading through it I let out an O expression as these are not the Noble Phantasms made by the Throne Of Heroes but the real deal

To be honest, the only weapon that I honestly see myself using for now is Caliburn at the moment

I shake my head at that as I re-read the stuff about the dragon core

Also, holy shit what is up with it

How fucking overpowered are the bosses in Ultimate Battle cause holy shit, I am fucked in so many ways that it's not even funny

How powerful is Heracles, Gilgamesh, or even Solomon for that matter?

Heck, what is the difference between the servants and their actual selves?

I glance at the mirror and notice that I look different

"Well, now that is just weird," I say while lifting my shirt up and seeing my abs

"Nice," I say

I had abs but now they look as if I had worked out every day for years to get them to this point

My hair now has a certain shine to it that it didn't before and I could see some blond hairs peaking out, and my eyes turned a bright emerald green and I am somewhat taller now

I shake my head at that and think about the other weapons that I have gained in a matter of seconds

I bring out Avalon and place it in my soul, for safekeeping along with Excalibur

Bringing out Carnwennan, I play around with it doing some cool knife tricks before putting it away

I lay down on my bed and sigh

This day has been a rollercoaster of emotions

But, I can't deny that I am excited for the future now

I frown a bit at the world that I am in

It is not the MCU

To be honest, it reminds me of Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heroes as I have seen pictures of Wasp and Ant-man, also of Thor

After a few minutes, it starts to shake and I groan as I realize what is going on

I may not remember much, but I do remember Graviton

"Oh come on," I say as I stand up and rush out of the window after opening it and jump into action while summoning up my armor