

Selene glanced down at the pregnancy test in her hands. To literally nobody's shock and surprise, the positive symbol appeared clear as day. The vampire queen let out a deep breath before throwing it at her partner's head, coming to join him on the back patio to watch the children play "hide or seek with knives." Adorable.

"You know I'm not gonna be able to work much longer, right?" She questioned as she nuzzled against him, already feeling the familiar glow overtake her. Pregnant by him for the 3rd time. Crazy.

"I hope your ~grand plan~ to put us in a position of power works and works quickly." Selene laid her head in his lap like a domesticated animal, which in a lot of ways she was.

"Dante wants to take fencing lessons. And Delilah wants to take ballet. Lessons are not cheap."

Victor smoked a cigar, stroking Selene's hair as she laid her head in his lap. Little did she know things were going very well. Gallio industries, a brand new company he'd created was about to open. He'd gotten help from Psylocke and Blink to drain all the funds from his old bosses accounts into offshore accounts he could use.

Gallio looked legit from the front, a private security firm that would protect anyone and anything for a price. On the darker side of things though, he had every type of drug imported to his new facility, bringing a few local mutants he'd met over the years in to help with the project.

He already had hundreds of customers ready for the debut, soon they'd be the most known security firm in the country, and then the world.

Presidents, governors, businessmen, all types wanted his protection from whatever threats, with a little intimidation he'd gotten quite a few unfair contracts signed.

$30,000 a month from each person was definitely too much, especially if they only needed security for a single event, but they'd signed the contract all the same.

Once they debuted he'd have nearly 4 million to play with. Fencing lessons? Ballet? Chump change to him. He'd even secretly bought out the strip club Selene worked at so she'd get paid even while on maternity leave.

He liked her working and knew she wanted to feel independent. If keeping one little secret was all it took to keep his wife happy then that's what he'd do.

"We'll do just fine baby, you just worry about the new little one," He said, dodging a knife Dante threw their way.

"Daddy, mommy come play with us!" Delilah yelled.

Victor smiled and got up. Yeah, he loved this life…


"You're saying your father and mother were having dinner with one of your father's employees before he disappeared?" Detective Duncan asked, writing in his notepad as his partner looked around the large mansion.

"Y-Yes sir, please find them. I don't know why they'd be gone for so long but…" The young woman burst into tears, leaving Duncan to just sigh and go to his partner.

"Let's start at that employee's house, says here his name was Victor… Gallio? Fuck kind of name is that?"

Selene had barely processed the panicked phone call when she rushed into the school, her heart hammering in her chest. The hallway to Principal Loras' office seemed to stretch endlessly, her pulse quickening with each step. The moment she opened the door, the sight of her children made her stomach drop.

Dante was curled up in his chair, his face streaked with tears, pants soaked in shame and fear. His quiet sobs filled the room, while Delilah sat next to him, her dress stained with blood. She stared blankly at the floor, completely detached, as if the gravity of what she had done hadn't settled in. Selene's mind raced. This wasn't a scrape, or a fight over crayons—this was something much worse.

Principal Loras, seated stiffly behind his desk, shifted nervously in his chair. His eyes darted between Selene and the children before he cleared his throat. "There was an incident," he began, cautiously. "Delilah was told she needed to share her toys with another student… and she bit them. The bite was… well, it was deep. Unusually deep. The nurse said it didn't seem—" He hesitated. "It didn't seem human."

Selene's hands clenched into fists at her sides. She swallowed her anger, keeping her voice dangerously calm as she addressed her children. "Go to the car," she ordered, her tone brooking no argument. "Laura and Magritte are waiting."

Dante, still trembling, stumbled out of his chair. Delilah followed silently, head down, as they left the room. Once they were gone, Selene turned her full attention to Loras, trying to mask her desperation with a composed facade. "I'll pay the family. Whatever it takes to make this go away."

Loras leaned back, his fingers tented in front of him. "The family is close to me," he said slowly, watching her carefully. "They're insisting on pressing charges. A bite like that… well, it raises questions."

For the briefest moment, Selene felt the ground slip out from under her. Charges meant exposure. Exposure meant danger—for all of them. Her thoughts spiraled, trying to figure out how to contain this disaster. But then Loras leaned forward, his voice softening, almost conspiratorial.

"But… I think I can help," he said, his tone shifting into something uncomfortably familiar. "I can talk to them. Convince them that this was just kids being kids."

Relief surged through Selene, a momentary reprieve from the crushing weight of the situation. He can fix this, she thought. But then something in his voice, the way he spoke, sent a shiver down her spine.

"There's just one thing," Loras added, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I'll need something from you in return."

Selene's gaze sharpened. She didn't trust the way he was looking at her, the way his scent suddenly seemed to change, sharp and foul beneath the surface. "What do you want?" she asked, her voice cold.

He smiled then, a slow, slimy grin that made her skin crawl. "Take off your shoes," he said, his voice dripping with lecherous intent. "Let me… enjoy the moment."

For a split second, Selene froze, her mind struggling to process what she'd just heard. He couldn't be serious. But as the words sank in, disgust rose in her throat like bile. She stood abruptly, her eyes blazing with fury. "Go to hell," she snapped, turning on her heel to leave.

Before she could make it to the door, his hand shot out, gripping her arm with surprising force. He yanked her back toward him, his face inches from hers, his voice dropping into a low, menacing whisper. "I've seen the tape," he hissed. "I know what Delilah is. What you are."

Selene's blood ran cold.

"I used to be a history teacher. Professor actually , before some…allegations. World religions and pagan culture. And you know, Miss Gallio, your ancestors left quite a mark in the books. Swear I've seen that emblem in my research before…" he trailed off, eyeing her favorite necklace.

"I can make sure the footage disappears," he continued, a sick grin curling his lips. "But you'll have to comply. Or we both know what happens next."

For a moment, all Selene could think about was killing him. It would be so easy to snap his neck, to make him pay for even thinking he had this kind of control over her. She could burn the school to the ground, wipe away all the evidence, and make it seem like he never existed. But the thought of her children—of Dante, of Delilah—kept her rage in check. The risk wasn't worth it.

Without a word, she moved slowly back toward his desk, the air thick with disgust and loathing. She sat on the edge, her fingers trembling only slightly as she slipped out of her heels, the leather cool beneath her fingertips. Loras watched her, his breathing shallow, his eyes gleaming with lust and power.

As she set the shoes aside, a bitter thought echoed in her mind. What Victor doesn't know won't hurt him. It had become her mantra, her silent surrender to the ugliness she had to endure for the sake of her children. But with every passing moment, it felt more like a curse than a truth.

Detective Duncan knocked on the door, eyeing the upper balcony's broken sliding glass door. This was the last place they absolutely knew the Cavill's had been, and he had a sinking feeling in his gut. If he wasn't a detective he'd assume the broken door was from a struggle, but he'd dig further, never good to assume.

Victor open the door, completely naked and with a half finished tattoo of the name "Selene Gallio" on his chest. A finished portrait of his kids already on his back and another finished one of "Slaughter on his upper thigh."

"What?" He asked in a gruff tone, staring at the detectives in disgust. 

"Mr… Gallio?" Duncan said, cringing as he saw the sheer size of the man's dick. "I'm detective Duncan of the Dawson police department, we'd like to ask you a few questions… Do you mind getting dressed?"

Victor eyed them warily as Blink popped out from behind him, tattoo needle in her hand. "We're in the middle of a session, what's so important you need to question him right now?" She practically snarled out, but he just shrugged and opened the door to let them in.

He didn't put on clothes, going back to his seat and gesturing for blink to continue.

"What's this all about?" He asked as the detectives came in. Duncan looked around the quaint suburban home, searching for anything besides the broken window.

"Well, your former boss and his wife disappeared, and according to their daughter this is the last place they've been seen… So what happened during that dinner?"

Victor almost cracked, nearly rushing toward the two detectives and killing them right then and there. He was smarter than that though.

"They've disappeared?" He asked, feigning surprise. "That's strange, when they left he said he was just gonna go to the gambling hall…"

"Cut the crap, you quit your job the day after they disappeared and suddenly you and your wife pay the bills quite easily…" Duncan said, trying to press further before victor could pretend he didn't know what happened to the couple.

"Ohhh, nah it's not what you think. My wife started stripping for some extra money, and I quit my job because I finally started my own business. That's what the dinner was for, me quitting and telling the boss I can't work for 'em anymore."

Victor pretended to look shocked, subtly letting his hand shake. "I can't believe they disappeared, you don't think they're.." He let his words trail off, gulping as Blink continued the tattoo.

Detective Duncan gritted his teeth, sitting down and pulling out his notepad. "Let's talk a bit more…"

"Dad! You won't believe what your little gremlin did at school today! She totally—-ew fuck what the hell! Dad!" Laura shrieked in terror, coming home from school and stumbling upon the whole display. "I hate this family so much." She cursed as she flew to her room, trying to get the image of Victor's uh, glory out of her head.

Magritte whistled loudly as she followed in after, covering the twins' eyes and ushering them to the backyard to play with their own personal zoo that was accumulating in the detached garage.

Selene was the last to enter, still in a foul mood and throwing her shoes in the trash. She'd just buy a new pair anyway. Through the divider between the kitchen and living room, she peered at her husband, Clarice, and the detectives. At first she was terrified Loras turned her in anyways, after what she had to sit through. But it soon flashed through her head exactly what had transpired over a month ago. In a way it was comforting. They could handle this, she couldn't stomach the thought of anything happening to her beautiful children.

"Hello, detectives. Sorry my home is a mess. This pregnancy has been taking a lot out of me. Barely can get out of bed sometimes." She laughed sweetly. "Can I interest you in a beverage? Coffee? Lemonade?"

She didn't wait for them to respond before simply pouring two glasses of water and placing it before them. "Sorry. Only thing we have in the house. I really need to go shopping more."

Selene glanced at her beautiful , hung husband, sparkles of love shining in her eyes when she saw his tattoos. She was the luckiest woman in the world.

She took a seat beside Victor, hand on his and looking at the picture of innocence and perfection.

"Is that all detectives? I'm really sorry ol Cavill didn't come home but my wife and kids are here now and I'd rather they don't get caught up in this. My little Delilah liked Bethany a lot so I think it'd be hard for her to hear the bad news," Victor said solemnly as Blink finished up, giving an appreciative glance to his dick before stepping away.

Detective Duncan grit his teeth, closing his notepad. "One more question for you two… What happened to the door on the second floor?"

His partner fingered his gun, looking at the "innocent" couple. If this was news they'd attack, and he really didn't want to shoot someone with his dick hanging out.

Victor laughed, throwing his head back against the sofa as the two detectives got more nervous. This man was dangerous, even guns didn't feel safe going against someone like him… 

"Miss?" Detective Duncan said as Victor laughed, looking for an answer as fear creeped down his spine…

Selene's gaze sharpened, an amused smile tugging at her lips as she looked between the two detectives. "The door? Oh, that... well, let's just say it's a side effect of a rather intense conception. Things tend to get... carried away when we're in the moment." Her voice was playful, but there was a hint of something darker beneath the surface, her eyes glinting with amusement as she watched their growing discomfort.

She leaned forward, letting her hand rest on Victor's shoulder as she laughed. "Is that a crime, Detective? Should I be worried about the love life of consenting adults?" She paused, her eyes locking onto Duncan's. "If it is, go ahead, take me away. But kids are upstairs, and I'd rather they not get mixed up in whatever mess you're stirring." Her voice was low, quiet, but with deadly precision. "I'm sorry about the missing family. I'll let you know if we hear anything. So tragic, so...very very sad." She was sweet, but there was no mistaking the edge underneath. She cocked her head, looking at them like a predator sizing up its prey. "So... is that all, Detectives?"

Victor calmed down, resting a hand on Selene's breasts as he looked at the detectives.

"No it's… I guess it's fine, sorry for bothering you too…" Duncan glanced down at Victor's dick once more. "Might want to take care of that, my husband has a high drive as well, gets hard huh?" He said before leading his partner out of the building.

"That woman… Let's increase surveillance on her. I thought she looked too sweet and innocent but there's something… Something I can't place."

Duncan's eyes glowed yellow before he shook his head. The woman smelled so similar to how his grandparents had smelled. He remembered those early days, when they'd told him about their family.

"I need to call my cousin in the states, he might be able to help us." Duncan said finally as they got in the car…

Selene sat stiffly in Principal Loras's office, her irritation barely contained beneath a veneer of calm. Her bare feet were propped limply on his desk, toes flexing every few minutes. The chair felt too small for her increasingly swollen belly, and her hand rested protectively over her stomach as if to shield the child from the tension in the room. Across from her, Loras sat behind his desk, cock in hand, watching her with that unnerving smile that had become all too familiar.

Her life had fallen into a deceptively quiet rhythm after the detectives stopped snooping around, their case now a forgotten mystery in the shadows of the city. But peace had its price. Managing Delilah's bloodlust had become a daily struggle, the young vampire becoming more reckless and daring with each passing week.

"Selene," he began, his voice slick and almost patronizing, "I'm glad you could come in again. I feel like we've been seeing a lot of each other lately. It's always a pleasure."

She arched a brow, her patience dangerously thin. "Let's cut to the chase, Loras. What do you want this time?" Her tone was sharp, cutting through the niceties like a blade. The last thing she had energy for was more of his vague flirtations and thinly veiled threats.

Loras leaned back in his chair, that same insufferable smile never leaving his face. "Now, now, no need for hostility. I was just hoping we could... come to an understanding about your daughters. Particularly Laura. She's been a bit of a... problem, wouldn't you say?"

"Laura's fine," Selene replied icily, her eyes narrowing. "If you're referring to her skipping a few classes, that's hardly your concern."

"Oh, it's not just that," Loras continued, his tone dripping with condescension. "I've noticed her behavior. Unpredictable. Unreliable. You wouldn't want that to reflect poorly on your... family's reputation, would you?"

Selene's fingers dug into the arm of the chair, her growing impatience evident in every tense line of her body. She knew exactly where this was going. He had been pushing his boundaries more and more, and it was clear he thought he had some kind of leverage.

What are you getting at, Loras?" she asked, her voice dangerously low.

He leaned forward slightly, his gaze lingering on her for just a moment too long. "All I'm saying is, there are ways to make things easier. For Laura. For Delilah. For you." He paused, his eyes flicking to her stomach and back. "But that might require a little... cooperation. Maybe you could show a bit more appreciation for all I do to keep things running smoothly. You know, she's a beautiful girl. She needs to start dressing more feminine. What's with the baggie hoodies and the converse? Why not a nice skirt and some…flip flops?" he suggested with devious intent. "You should talk to her about it. Might help her situation."

The audacity of his implication sent a wave of heat through Selene. "I'm starting to believe the 'allegations' at your last workplace were far more than just rumors, Mr. Loras."

He shrugged. "Yeah. But I doubt you of all people would turn me in. Just a suggestion…maybe you and her could get matching pedicures?" the principal stood, fat red face sweating as he shot a rope of cum all over her feet and his desk, the idea enough to make him blow. 


After cleaning her soles with a paper towel, she stood stiffly, almost robotically. Despite her rage, she cracked a smile. "Very well. I'm not in a position to argue. Tell you what. I'm going to text you an address tonight. And Laura and I are going to show you how much we appreciate everything you've done for us." The vampire rubbed his cheek, eyes momentarily flickering a sickening yellow. "Victor doesn't like fucking pregnant women and I've been so horny. And Laura…you know how teen girls are. Why don't you…help us one last time?"

Any sane man would have known it was a setup, but Loras was a greedy, delusional pedophile. Of course he took the bait.

"Hell yeah. I'll tell my wife I'm at the gym."

Psylocke hummed to herself, burning the pictures of Selene sitting in Loras's office. She enjoyed spying on people, especially when they hid dirty things like this.

"What you're doing is wrong, Victor doesn't look at you that way." Blink said from behind her, practically glaring at the older woman as Psylocke scoffed, saving one picture for herself.

"Of course he doesn't, but my universe's Victor was way worse than this one, and I still liked him." Psylocke shrugged, raking her fingers through her hair. "I just can't help wanting a taste of what I can't have you know?"

Meanwhile, Victor got four more contacts, 100k a month from each contractor. It was easy, now he just needed to actually do some jobs. 

"If my father could see me now… Would he still call me a beast?" Victor wondered aloud, his eyes glowing as he rubbed the tattoo of Selene's name on his chest, smiling softly.

"You're late." Selene's eyes flickered to her surprise guest as she lounged on the hotel bed, looking absolutely divine in lingerie, despite her growing frame.

"Maybe. Or you're just too early. Besides, our playtoy isn't even here yet."

"His wife was giving him problems. He's pulling up now."

"Whatever. I gotta take a piss."

Selene's phone dinged. *I'm here. Room 412 right?*

*Yes. The door is unlocked.*

After a few moments, Loras arrived, sweaty, out of breath, and the scent of excitement and lust already rolling off him. His eyes feasted on the vampire and he licked his lips. "Damn. Look at you. Damn." He eagerly climbed into bed beside her, hand daring to rest on her thigh. "Where uh…where's Laura?"

Selene smirked, allowing his hand to rest there. "She's in the bathroom, sorry. She's been holding it since we started driving."

"Oh. Well. She coulda just pissed herself instead. That'd be cool."

Selene stiffened, and then relaxed, fangs remaining hidden, for now. "Hah. Yes. Quite. Anyways…you know what I was thinking, Jerry?" She straddled him, his back to the bathroom door. "You know what I think would be even better than Laura sucking your cock?"

He seemed confused for a second, but he remained hard, fat greasy fingers roaming frantically over her body. "Uh…um….oh. Oh. Like..only thing I can think better is…maybe her sibling?"

The Queen nodded emphatically, shifting her weight and nuzzling their noses together. "You're so smart. Yes."

The sick fucking bastard swallowed hard, was this a dream? "Shit. I didn't know you..you'd be down. Uh..I mean I won't lie…Delilah really does take after you."

The bathroom door opened and soft footsteps fell towards them, as Selene's facade finally fell, her face filled with nothing short of rage, contempt, malice, and murderous intent. "Her? Oh no. No no no, silly. I never said which sibling."

A strong, tattooed hand gripped his shoulder from behind, there was a scent of Versace and indifference. Daken's claw began to emerge ever so slightly from between his knuckles. "Why want the cheap knockoff when you can have the original?"

Victor yawned, bouncing Dante on his knee as the young vampire played with his claws. He was fascinated with them, as if he hadn't had them since birth.

"Hey daddy, why does mom sometimes come back stinky and smell like humans?" Dante asked as Delilah's ears perked, looking over at the two.

Victor chuckled. "That's because human scents are so strong that they rub off on us. It helps a lot with masking our natural scents though."

Delilah scrunched her nose in disgust. "I don't want to be stinky! If any of the humans get close to me I'll kill them!" She said innocently, smiling up at Victor as he laughed and just patted her head.

"Yeah, I'll let someone else deal with that then…" he said quietly, how could he say no to his little girl?

The killers were cruel and methodical. Daken had the foresight to bring a paralytic agent that would render the man immobile, but still fully conscious and able to see, hear, and most importantly feel everything.

Selene sat there as a smug overseer as the son of her former lover and brother to her step daughter began to strip the man bare, positioning Loras on his back on the bed.

"You're definitely not going to need this anymore," Daken mused,before using a claw to castrate the predator fully, cock and balls completely eviscerated. A single tear dripped down the victim's cheek.

"You know, you almost had me exactly where you wanted me. You researched my origins and tried to blackmail me. But you're not the only one who did a little bit of digging." Selene began, opening a small manila folder and throwing the many pictures onto his still body. "My friends scanned your hard drive. They found your secret folder. You chat logs. Bad bad boy. Some of these children were in your class, weren't they? Scum." She spat on him, inhaling the scent of his sickly sweet blood that was seeping deeply into the bed. "I have killed. I have maimed. I have lied, cheated, stolen, done things that would make your blood run cold. I have been in leagues with the most vile of creatures. But you sir…Hell is too good for you."

"You're so sexy when you talk like that." Daken purred, slitting the man's neck and wrists with ease before pressing a sharp blade into the man's hand and closing his clammy palm around it. Selene rolled her eyes, placing the forged suicide note next to the man and smiling with satisfaction as his pulse grew weaker and weaker, his spurting arteries painting the ceiling. She caught some in her mouth before spitting it out. Even his blood tasted gross.

"You know, you only ever call me when you need dick or a favor…had my hopes up it was the former." Daken started, his steely gaze watching her intently. "It's been over 6 years. I really thought you were going to leave that Brute behind but no..you're domesticated. A mother of two. Three, counting my baby sister. Soon to be four…" he grinned, running a hand against her stomach, feeling movement underneath.

Selene shook her head, gently removing his hand. "That was a long time ago. Victor and I weren't on speaking terms, and your father is too dramatic. You were just my pillow princess for the time. Please, don't be confused." Her words might seem harsh, but she said it with genuine care and affection. Daken and Selene were almost a perfect match in several ways, but her heart was promised to one man alone. "Do you really think they'll buy it?"

He shrugged. "The toxin is undetectable. They'll see a pedophile who couldn't live with his guilt any longer and took the easy way out. I'm sure his wife won't miss him. Might be upset about the life insurance policy being nullified."

Mrs. Gallio hummed in approval. "I'm still not happy. Every day my kids are in danger when they're not beside me. Victor is gone for work all of the time. Magritte is off shoplifting. And Laura is always off on some bullshit. I can't protect them as much as I need to. I can't even put myself in extraordinary danger, currently. Too risky."

Daken glanced back at the dead predator once again. He'd never met Laura, Wolverine, or Victor, only heard of them. He couldn't care if they lived or died. But he did have a soft spot for Selene, perhaps the mommy issues, and it was weird to see her so fragile, so worried. It didn't suit her.

"I'll take care of it."


"Don't you trust me?"


Akihiro let out a short laugh before kissing her softly on the cheek, turning to leave. "Good. Keep it that way.

Selene let his words echo through her head as she cleaned up and drove home. As she parked in her driveway and listened to the sounds of her family within, she wondered how much longer until her house of cards completely caved in.