
Marvel vs dc who would win

Zane_Plays · Khác
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Captain america vs Spiderman

Since their is many variations of them from the marvel universe we will be doing the movie verse this time.

If you don't know captain America is the earliest hero in the movie verse near the end of world war two. He was injected with the super soldier serum what made him go from a twig to a buff man with super strengh near the human limits and a will that keeps him going. He participated in ever avenger movie with his stars and strips america costume he is also a stickler to the rules.His first major villian was redskull from hydra.

Now Spider-Man is our classic hishcool kid with a friend name ned and a crush on someone who barely noticed him. He got his powers from being bit by a radio active spider. He can climbs walls, perfect balance, Spider sense and so much more.He is mostly known for being the friendly neighborhood spiderman. His first major villian was Vultrure aka adrian tombs.

Now if these two were to fight it would depend on where the fight is located because different locations have different effects during battle for example spidermans would be the city because of his web shooting and wall climbing abilities. As for the captain it would be a open environment so he can fight without worrying about something happening to his negligence.

Spiderman could win if he tried his best but he usually pulls back his punches so much he forgets how strong he is sometimes.

While the capatin has his combat skills and knowledge and his strength to help if spiderman went all out the captain would lose.

So In my final opinion spider-man would ein because while captain has his strength and combat skills. Spider has his flexibility and speed plus his spidersense and web shooters for long distane entrapment.

So even if capatin git close he couldn't hit spider-man unless he got distracted.