

[Name]: Vilgax


• Chimera Sui Generis


• Progenitor Of The Chimera Sui Generis

• Vilgax The Conqueror

• Vilgax The Benevolent

• Dagon


• Vilgaxian Empire

• Flame Keepers' Circle


• Azmuth(Father/Creator)

• Milaax(Wife)

• Myaxx(Daughter)

• Chimera Sui Generis(Descendents/Creations)


Immense Durability: Vilgax is durable enough to withstand an attack from a nuclear weapon at point blink range and still be somewhat unscathed

Enhanced Jumping: Vilgax can easily leap above skyscrapers

Limited Space Survivability: Vligax can stay a few days in space without any sort of Oxygen and or substances

Immense Strength: Vilgax has enough strength to smash apart mountains with his bare hands.

Fire Resistance: Vilgax is extremely fireproof, being able to withstand heat equal to a sun at point blank.

Enhanced Reflexes: Vilgax can stop a full speed speedster

Laser Vision: Vilgax can project red laser beams from his eyes, capable of making drastic arcs to assist the pursuit of his target. These lasers are incredibly fast able to catch a speedster.

Self-Tentacle Manipulation: Vilgax is able to perfectly control all of his tentacles as if they where extra arms.

Enhanced Hearing: Vilgax can hear sounds that are too faint for normal hearing to detect.

Wind Breath: Vilgax has breath so powerful that it can cause cyclone-like winds.

Shapeshifting: Vilgax can turn into a giant octopus-like monster, which he refers to as his true form

DNA Commune: Vilgax can speak to and through his DNA

Underwater Breathing: Vilgax can stay underwater for an indefinite amount of time

Underwater Senses: Vilgax has extremely accurate senses while underwater, allowing him to see, hear, taste, feel and smell underwater with the utmost of clarity without having to lose any clearness in any of his own senses.

Boneless Body: Vilgax has no bones, making him highly flexible. His skeleton is made up of a high density flexible cartilage.

Ink Generation: Vilgax as a Chimera Sui Generis can generate a special ink unique to his race.

Limb Regrowth: Vilgax can regrow any limb of his own separated from his body.

Lunglessness: Vilgax lacks lungs, though he will be able to function as if he still had them, such as being alive or even breathe without lungs.

Technorganic Physiology: Vilgax is a technorganic entity; describes the melding of technological and biological components into a single entity, fused at the cellular level.

• Artificially Enhanced Physiology

• Personal Computer

• Jet Propulsion

• Robotic Body Parts(left arm)(right leg: temporally)

• Metamorphic Arm(left arm)

• Spinal-Based Cybernetic Enhancement