
Marvel Unlimited Companion

Follow the daily life of Ken Ichizawa in Marvel Cinematic Universe with his summoned companions. Disclaimer: i don't own anything on this fanfic. english is my weakness. everyone is welcome to give idea, thanks for visiting this fanfic. ps. how everyone make their cover?

DoDoDoDo · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

Ken Ichizawa entered his subconscious, a place where he could summon his companions to accompany and help him in the MCU world. The process of purifying Natalia Romanova AKA Black Spider almost finished, he waited till he can summon her to help him in the cafe.

As Ken concentrated on his summoning powers, he felt a wave of excitement building within him. As the bright light appeared before him, Ken felt his heart rate increase. He had summoned two companions before, but there was always something exhilarating about the experience.

As the figure of a woman began to emerge from the light, It was Natalia Romanova. She has incredible skills as a spy and adventurer, and he knew that she would be a valuable addition to his team. As she fully emerged from the light, Ken was struck by her short red hair. It reminded him of the stars in the night sky, the inverted bob, and also a haircut often associated with the term 'Karen'. and he knew that the name Karen Star would suit her perfectly

Natalia Romanova, or now Karen Star as Ken renamed her, found herself in a completely different world from her own. Karen looked around her new surroundings, her eyes scanning the room as she tried to take everything in. She was no longer in a world filled with superheroes and adventures, but instead in a world that was still unaware of the existence of such beings. She was summoned by Ken, the owner of the Isekai Cafe, who had given her a new name and a new life to live.

Karen looked around, observing the unfamiliar surroundings of the cafe. She noticed that Ken and some of the other staff were looking at her expectantly, waiting for her reaction. She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself, reminding herself that she was a trained spy and adventurer. She gave them a small smile, trying to be polite.

"Welcome to the Isekai Cafe, Karen," Ken said, breaking the silence. "I hope you like your new name."

"Thank you, Ken," Karen replied, still feeling a bit disoriented. "I appreciate your help in bringing me here, but why did you do it?"

Ken smiled kindly at her. "I have a feeling that you will be a great addition to this world, Karen. You have skills and abilities that can be used to help people here. And in return, I can offer you a new life, away from the dangers of your previous world."

Karen was touched by Ken's words. She had never thought that anyone would care about her well-being in that way. She nodded, feeling grateful for his kindness.

"Thank you, Ken," she said. "I'll do my best to adjust to this new life."

Karen couldn't help but feel a little lost without her familiar world. She had grown up in a world of espionage and secrecy, where every action had to be calculated and every move had to be planned. Now, she was in a world where people went about their lives without worrying about spies or terrorists.

Karen spent the next few days exploring the city, trying to learn as much as she could about her new home. She was fascinated by the architecture and the people, and she enjoyed walking through the crowded streets and watching the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

One day, while she was walking through the city, Karen noticed a commotion on a nearby street corner. She hurried over to see what was going on and saw a group of people gathered around a man who was lying on the ground. Karen pushed her way through the crowd and knelt down next to the man to see if she could help.

"Excuse me, miss," a police officer said, tapping Karen on the shoulder. "You need to step back and let us handle this."

Karen stood up and backed away from the man. She watched as the police and paramedics worked to revive him, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness. In her old world, she would have known exactly what to do in this situation, but here she was just a bystander.

As she walked away from the scene, Karen decided that she needed to find a new purpose in this world. She couldn't just sit idly by while people needed help. She was determined to find a way to use her skills and abilities to make a difference.

Over the next few weeks, Karen threw herself into her new life. She found a job working at Isekai café, where she quickly became a favorite of the customers for her friendly demeanor and impeccable service. In her spare time, she began volunteering at a nearby shelter, where she used her strength and agility to help with the more physical tasks.

While She works as a waitress in the cafe. She found it strange that no one here knew about her spider-powers, but she realized that it might be for the best. It gave her a chance to start over and live a normal life, away from the dangers of her past.

Karen also made some new friends, including some of the regular customers who came to the cafe. She found herself enjoying their company and the small talk they shared. It was a welcome change from the high-stakes missions and constant danger that she faced in her previous life.

As the days went by, Karen found herself slowly adjusting to this new life. She was grateful for Ken's help in bringing her here and for the new opportunities that this world presented. She realized that she had a chance to make a difference in this world, even if it was in small ways.

She smiled to herself, feeling content with her new life. She was no longer the Black Spider, the spy, and the adventurer. She was Karen Star, the waitress, and friend. And for now, that was enough.

I would really appreciate it if you leave comments and ideas for the story.

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