
Marvel: The last Timelord

The doctor is plunged into a world where Gods roam around and time is not allowed to be freely manipulated by just anyone. How will he survive when he isn't the man who knows everything and who has seen everything anymore. The story takes place in a timeline where the doctors tenth to eleventh regeneration goes wrong and at the same time, the battle of New York also happens. By an infinitely impossible set of circumstances, the wall between multiverses is attacked at the same time and he crosses through the hole above New York instead of the Chitauri.

Time_Stories · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Boxes fall from the sky

[1204 words]

Ignoring the crazy God, Tony continued to stare up at the void in the sky while consulting one of his long time friends and partner, "Jarvis, what the hell am I looking at."

A multitude of data and charts flashed across the helmets interface before Jarvis eventually replied, an incomparably long time for an AI such as itself. "Sir, it would seem that a portal has been opened up in the sky from a device atop your building and you are now looking out into somewhere in space."

Tony ground his teeth in frustration, it was his fault for expecting something from the AI after all because if even he didn't know what was going on, then how the heck would something he made know.

Just as Tony was about to reply a thought suddenly struck him, 'Why is nothing coming out?' This was supposed to be the beginning of an alien invasion, an event that should shape the future of mankind through an untold amount of destruction, death and sacrifice. Where the hell was it?

The thought did nothing to calm him and his mind was sent down the road of worse possible scenarios. What if they were invisible? What if they were just really, really small? What if they were too fast for his eyes to follow? All these questions systematically went through his mind while he used every sensor data available to him to see if something was coming out of there.

He couldn't leave anything to chance, not at a time like this. No idea was too outrageous for Tony right now, even if Jarvis came back and told him tiny green men had come out of there, he wouldn't be surprised nor what he refute. He had lost all common sense when he found out gods existed.

While Tony continued to monitor the situation, still hovering outside the windows of his building, Loki glared up at the void in the sky with a twisted expression distorting his handsome face. Loki had been promised an army so powerful no mortal planet could stand up to it, an army so powerful and endless, his dreams of ruling Asgard might one day come to fruition. Yet here he was, standing like an idiot, spouting out his goal to rule Midgard, while nothing turned up.

All of a sudden, Loki's head snapped towards the portal, utter horror adorning his face. As an Asgardian, a Frost Giant and a sorcerer, Loki was much more sensitive to certain energies than Tony and his technology could ever hope to be so when he felt the small wisps of energy coming out of the void, he was horrified. "This... how is this possible... this shouldn't be possible! You shouldn't exi-"

Before Loki could finish, the void finally changed, the blue energy that had only been burning at the edges suddenly pulsed, lightning arcing around and before everyone disbelieving eyes, a tsunami of golden energy rushed out.

The speed at which it moved was astonishing, the world itself seem to bend around it, and Tony and Loki, who were right below it, didn't have any chance at escaping it. Stark Towers seemed to take the brunt of whatever was happening as only small wisps of seemingly harmless golden energy swept across the street and on to now terrified bystanders.

When it finally ended, when the roaring energy finally stopped its cries and the void above closed, everyone finally stopped running and looked back in shock at Stark Towers.

It had gone.




"Tony! Tony! What's happening up there!" A gruff voice yelled into the mic on the console. Fury's knuckles were white as snow as he gripped the edge and called out to one of his Avengers. He had watched everything, he had seen golden light take away one of his Avengers, yet he still couldn't believe it so continued in a useless attempt to deny it.

He had formed dozens of plans for this day, dozens of plans that would ensure that even if the New York fell today, even if he died and S.H.E.I.L.D. fell apart, the avengers would do the job they were always made to do and wipe out their enemy.

Yet... it all seemed to go wrong.

He couldn't care less about the god, in fact, he wouldn't have even cared if it was just Tony who got caught up in whatever magically or extra-terrestrial bullshit that light was, he was an avenger; he was always meant to be a sacrifice. But no, it had to have gone worse, not only Tony had disappeared but also Black Widow. Two of the most useful Avengers.

The woman had been on her way up to the top of the building to stop Erik Selvig from opening the portal and in the case she fail to do so, she was to destroy it. A simple job that should have held no risks for an experienced assassin such as herself.

Fury couldn't help but curse his luck, this was supposed to be the day he could finally show The World Security Council that this initiative was essential for Earths continued survival. But now, now he would be lucky if those hungry wolves didn't gobble up what he had spent that last forty years of his life building,




In a helicopter flying above the streets of New York, a female reporter, strapped in and holding a mic to her face, looked down at the destruction below her. To be honest, she wasn't even sure if she could call what she was seeing 'destruction', nothing was broken per se, after all. It's just that the words 'it disappeared' didn't seem right, despite it being the truth.

Still, none of that mattered right now, she was getting paid more than she would earn in the next five years and a chance at a job she wouldn't get until she had put in no less than a dozen years as a street reporter, to report what was happening here because no one else would. So pushing the hair that was whipping against her face out of her eyes and behind her ears, she turned to the cameraman and she did her job; she reported what she saw.

"This is WHiH world news reporting to you from what I can only describe as one of the most bizarre sights that New York has witnessed to date." Taking a deep breath the report steadied her nerves, preparing herself for what she was about to say before she continued. "After thunderous explosions rocked the city of New York and the surrounding area, shattering the windows around the city, a golden beam of light was witnesses by thousand pouring from a hole in the sky before it engulfed the Stark Towers. The aftermath is yet to be fully seen and calculated, but what I can report is..."

Again she took another breather because what she was about to say just seemed too strange, even for this godforsaken hellhole that was New York. "....is that the Stark Tower seems to have disappeared and in its place, a blue box, covered in golden flames, now sits in a small crater in its centre!"