
3- Fight, or Flight.

[0:00 PM, United States California, Los Angeles, May 18]

"So, I was in this mission to retrieve a stolen object from the skrulls, together with Bron-char, Minn-erva, and Att-lass, midway through our mission we had to separate to cover more ground, after some minutes I managed to find the stolen object, a small cube made out of an unknown metal."

"I was ready to return to the meeting point and send the beacon from my team and the ships to meet me and take the object but the moment I turn around guess what?"

Kara put a finger in her chin and answered after some seconds.

"You found a space dolphin?"

"What?! no, of course not you crazy woman they are an endangered species, I found a Milnip, you know those with purple skin, big fangs, walking on four legs with flower-like tails and black/yellow eyes."

"And what did you do? kill it?"

"Well yes but actually no, I was getting ready to fight it and try to knock it out, you know, I don't like to kill animals, but the moment he jumped at me Minn-erva appeared out of nowhere and simply shot the thing."

"I hate her to this day, for some reason she just didn't like me from the start, she always acted like she was superior to me in every way, you should have seen her face the first time I beat her on a sparring match."

"So, you two are Rivals?"

"If we are someone is yet to say it to me, from my understanding we just hate each other, since entering the StarForce she was the best with the weapons while I was the best in hand to hand, our only middle ground was the emotion suppressing training, we both sucked at it equally."

Seeing Vers "funny and angry" face Kara had to hold herself not to laugh.

"But anyway, she shot the Milnip and I immediately shot her with a concussive blast, after that I went to try to save the Milnip but guess what, he starts to transform into a Skrull."

"They can do that?". Kara asked with genuine curiosity, biology was certainly not one of her strong points but she knew one thing or another, just enough not to be called a clod.

"Yes, years of war and we discovered that little bit of information in the most unlikely way, I still remember being called a hipster for the next two months."

"Alright, it's your turn to tell me a history, we are here for five hours straight and you didn't talk much about your childhood at all."

Kara made a weird face and scratched her head in an awkward way, after talking with Vers she discovered various things about the white skinned Kree, like how she hated green, loved white, how she was a little bit petty and somewhat vengeful, how she loved sweets but hated white chocolate.

Her favorite drink, that being odium cocktail, her favorite color, red, coincidentally the same as her.

She also discovered that as long as she wasn't thinking about her past she could make a perfect poker face, and funnily enough Vers had told her about how the orange of her hair shines in the roots during the day when she uses her powers, a curious happening indeed.

How she liked her hair short, and how she normally trained in martial arts to pass time and improve herself.

How she loved racing games and how once she even tried to fly using her powers, managing to stay on the air for exactly thirty seconds before falling and hitting her face on the floor breaking her nose on the process.

She discovered that Vers didn't care much about clothes but at the same time that she wouldn't change her boots for anything else, and finally she learned about her teammates, that in her own words, were a bunch of assholes.

"Well, there's nothing important really, just a normal Kryptonian studying and accidentally discovering that her world was in the brink of collapse".

"Kara". Vers said with a serious tone of voice, her new... friend? only told her about her life after she met her wife but nothing before that, and for some reason that greatly annoyed her.

Not that she was complaining, she did learn a bunch of things about the Kryptonian after all, maybe it was because of their similar past and present situations the reason that the two of them had hit off so well, it was not every day that she met someone who also lost their home planet after all.

It was funny how she got from getting captured to crashing in a primitive planet to encountering her first friend in five years, that friend being a Kryptonian, she also had to thank her captors for breaking her interface and allowing her to hear histories of Kara's life on Krypton.

Both their history and civilization were interesting and learning about an almost extinct race was, in various ways, interesting.

Looking at her communicator Vers frowned, it was much more damaged than she had first thought, her transmitter was not only fried but the dam Skrulls had made precautions and now she couldn't write a message because the little bastards had changed the configuration of her pad.

Up was right, right was enter and low was h, the skrulls messed so bad with the programming that now nothing made sense, it was only when Kara said that she was an engineer that she had asked for her help.

And that was one hour ago when she was telling her a history about how she almost got stuck inside a green planet with a broken ship and no supplies, not only that but she also had to hunt for food for one week before her team found her, she had the distinct impression they had discovered her earlier but she couldn't be one hundred percent sure.

On the other hand, she now knows some things about Kara, for example, she was extremely talented with technology like computing, programming, hacking, she was great in robotics and for some reason was also a seamstress.

She is an incredible inventor, one of those who can easily change a planet, of course, she was only 99 Krytoz old, she had no idea how that translated to Hala's cycles around its sun but she was sure Kara is mature enough to make her own decisions but on a planet where the ordinary life span is quite literally infinite she is considered very young.

Although Kara is an amazing inventor she is... not a good biologist, she wouldn't be able to clone an honored rabbit even if her life depended on it, she was a good geologist too and loved history, being her third favorite, just after mechanical science and arts.

She loved to write, hated when she didn't know something in her area of specialty, could fluently talk Shi'ar, Kryptonian, Tamaranean, and two other earthly languages.

Everyone in the galaxy knew the Tamaraneans ability to understand other languages by lip contact but no one knew of their alliance with the Kryptonians, that surprised her.

She was also surprised when Kara told her of new Krypton's sun, Rao, a gigantic red sun that had lived for more than 300 billion years.

Rao nullified the Kryptonians supercharged cells but in exchange, it gave them the ability to slowly grow stronger by absorbing its radiation, not temporarily like the other stars but permanently, no other red sun's ever had this ability according to Kara.

The process made Kryptonians stronger the older they got, stronger than what Kara was at the moment, her Kryptonian friend said that she didn't know if the process would be the same for other stars, but there was a very small chance of it being possible since she can adapt and evolve.

"Alright, alright, I don't get what you want to know about me besides everything I already told you but ok".

"There are some things I can tell you, like that first time when I build a spaceship and tried to travel to krypton's moon but was immediately busted, I discovered the hard way I couldn't hide a ship when my parents could see through walls".

"My first fight in school when I was eleven, totally beat those five girls, by the way, didn't come back with a black eye and sued them or anything".

Vers raised her eyebrows while making a weird expression but said nothing.

"The day I learned that I could fly in the future but got too impatient and jumped out the sixth floor of a building, or that time I went hunting in one of the small forests of Krypton when I was nine and got out with Ghol'x all over my body".

"Ghol'x?". Vers asked while finishing with the hashes, the skrulls had made unlocking the functions of her interface infinitely more difficult with each code changing every microsecond.

Luckily kara had come face to face with a similar problem in the past and was able to facilitate her entry, it was going to be only for a few seconds but she could send a message to her team.

"It is a type of liquid that when synthesized has a calming property, it is extracted from a Dophra, although some call it a Tatzlwurm, bad name in my opinion, the thing is an invasive species that came from outside of Krypton, we just kept it because of the Ghol'x, but sometimes one ot another manages to escape."

Seeing Vers confused expression Kara elaborated.

"Imagine an abilisk without tentacles, in the form of a worm with scales and a mouth that separated in three parts, sharp teeth, no eyes, spikes coming out of the top of its body and no legs."

"And you hunted that thing when you were a kid?!". Vers shouted with wide eyes, she only knew stories of the Kryptonians Kara had told her and she didn't know much about their culture but she was sure a Kid wouldn't be able to hunt something like an abilisk.

"Pff, Of course not, I was hunting an honored serpent in the reserves with Komand'r, we stumbled on a Dophra and had to run for our lives, Komand'r wanted to fight the thing but luckily her father, Myand'r appeared, that day I got to see the best fight between a Tamaranean and a Dophra in my life!". Kara shouted while jumping and punching the air with her fist.

'Komand'r and Koriand'r rubbed on me much more than I thought they would'. Kara silently thought while thinking about her earlier pose.

"It was because of that incredible show of strength and ferocity that I decided to become the best fighter I could be, although even now in a fair fight Komand'r would still kick my ass, well, just in technique that is, she is part of a warrior race after all".

"She and her sister were the two people who stayed with me until the end, unfortunately, they were princesses so I couldn't stay with them for much time, we didn't have Phantom teleportation available to all like the old krypton, unfortunately".

Vers was about to answer when her interface suddenly opened and the neutral face of her commander Yon-rogg appeared.

"Verify CTC-39"

"GRXV-1600, I have crashed on the planet C-53, Talos and his henchmen captured me with a type of armor, some kind of exoskeleton that enhanced their physical strength".

"They have discovered something here in C-53 and are preparing to take it, I don't know what it is but reinforcements would be good".

"Underst--d, w- will take some s---s and ----".

Yon-rogg's voice became static, looking at the blurred holographic image Vers started to get worried, a sentiment that only worsened after sparks started to fly out of the interface, sensing the danger she quickly took her entire gauntlet armor piece off and trowed it to the side, just in time to avoid being harmed the now burning device.

"I thought I would at least have fifty seconds before the connection was lost".

"And you should, even if the transmitter was badly damaged it shouldn't ignite like that".

Before Vers could answer a black man with dozens of vehicles behind him poked Kara on her back, turning around with a curious expression she looked down at the man and said.

"Can I help you?"

The man stayed still with an open mouth looking her up and down, he barely reached her hips and seemed surprised to see her, that was an expected reaction, she almost reached three meters in height, not only that but her musculature could be considered gigantic by the locals.

The limit of height for a healthy human being would be 2.2 meters, for a female of the same species it would be less but hence Kara is not a human, and even without knowing this the man had a feeling the woman in front of him is not human.


[Nicholas Joseph Fury, Lv 3 Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D]

Nicholas Joseph Fury, a very scientismic man, before working for S.H.I.E.L.D he served the army, managing to reach the rank of colonel before being honorable discharged he passed the next years of his life working for the C.I.A during the cold war primarily operating in Soviet territory, later he was snatched by S.H.I.E.L.D a U.S extra-governmental counter-terrorism and intelligence agency, tasked with maintaining both national and global security.

He had been working for this agency for seven years, besides investigating terrorist attacks and secret dangerous groups around the world that could disturb the fragile peace, he also investigated weird happenings around the globe, supernatural some would say.

He however would not, he knows that in the world there are people with amazing powers, Captain America is one such example but even so, that was due to the super-soldier serum not some kind of supernatural bullshit, the years of going around investigating supposedly 'Supernatural' occurrences made him numb and apathetic to such a word.

Science can explain everything for everything has an answer, he believed that, he still believes that, but, after getting out of his car and seeing the back of a three-meter tall, dark-skinned woman with a dark blue/red coat, bright red boots, a big, wild white hair covering her entire back, almost reaching her knees, and orange strands at the end of it.

But is not only the size of the woman and her hair that surprised him but also her muscles, muscles that would make the biggest bodybuilders cry in shame, all of that combined made his belief weaken.

Of course, only that would not be enough after all the woman could simply have a mutation that made her taller and stronger, no, what made him think this woman could be a being that can not be explained by modern science besides the camera footage is the feeling of only being around her, not only the feeling but also the air.

In his eyes -and the ones of his agents he was sure- the air was fuzzy, the landscape around the woman waved randomly, the buildings moved like waves, vortexes formed and twisted the images, even the form of the other woman talking with the gigantic... thing twisted stretched and compressed in such a way he wouldn't be able to describe her features no matter how much time he stared at her.

He could also feel the heat coming out of the woman, something weird considering that although he is sweating, he could not feel any heat in his clothes no matter where he touched them.

In the middle of the twisting world, the gigantic woman stood still not moving, only looking down, if he had to guess she was talking with the other woman, that only comforted him slightly because now he could be sure he won't be pulled apart by only getting near the woman or even being burned to ashes.

It may have been a sixth sense but he could feel the gigan- no, the colossal amount of energy stored inside the body of the woman.

She is powerful, incredibly powerful, perhaps in a way his brain still cannot comprehend, in a way it will never be able to but it still tried to.

The only reason he had not turned around and run away is because of a strange feeling inside him, the feeling that the woman although looking incredibly intimidating and dangerous would not harm him, it is only because of this feeling that he approached and poked her back.

He'd never admit it to anyone but when she turned around allowing him to see her shining golden eyes he couldn't help but think they were beautiful.

"Can I help you?". The moment he heard her voice he got out of his trance, without him noticing the twisting world came back to normal, he could no longer feel the heat, the images around him returned to normal, the only thing that stayed is the feeling that the woman will not harm him

"Umm... Yes miss, you see we got a camera video with a humanoid figure similar in stature to you flying to the sky and coming back with a UFO in its hands and another humanoid being similar to the woman talking to you getting out of said UFO shortly after"


"Is this a joke?". Kara asked in a mocking tone.

"No ma'am, I'm afraid this is quite serious ". The man said with a somewhat awkward tone of voice, taking out what seemed to be a card he lifted it near her face.

"Nicolas Joseph Fury, level 3 agent, please do call me Fury and If it would not be too much of a problem could I bother you to come with us? We only want to ask some questions."

Internally Kara changed her expression to a serious one, Skrulls could turn into any organic being for what she could understand of what Vers had told her some minutes ago, knowing that she couldn't trust anyone besides Vers and herself.

Using her super hearing Kara focused in the hearts of all the beings around a two hundred meter radius, and just as she thought all of them had a quick heartbeat, she could have used her x-ray vision to see their biology and try to verify if they are Skrulls but that would be useless, she doesn't know what the insides of a Skrull or a human looks like, much less of a Skrull that transforms into a human.

'Are they afraid of the strength I showed or do they know what I am?'. Kara mused to herself.

Looking at the reflection of one of the cars she saw Vers tensing her body and preparing herself for a confrontation, much like everyone in the surroundings Vers could feel the tension rapidly building up in the air, and much like Kara, she knew confrontation was inevitable the only question was who would make the first move.

Birds were completely still on the rooftops, most agents had sweat running down their heads, a tense silence dwelt heavily on the air, the only sound that could be heard is that of the wind passing through the trees, shaking their leaves.

Kara looked at every agent in front of her while at the same time looking at the car's reflection with a serious expression, stopping at agent Fury, Kara gave a small, knowing smile and said. "No, I don't think I will".

Vers immediately lighted up her fists and entered a fighting stance just in time to jump down on the ground and dodge dozens of electric projectiles who passed above her, hitting the wall but not damaging it.

Looking at the rooftops Vers saw dozens of agents who surely were not there before.

"And the birds stop singing, what a coincidence". Vers said in a low mocking tone before jumping up and shooting photon blasts at everything that moved.

Kaara on the other hand extended her arm and rested it on Fury's shoulder, with a hesitant and sorry expression she said.

"I'm sorry for this." Before shoving Fury away, throwing him six meters away through the ground but being hit by bullets and electric blasts almost immediately.

'So they do care about their companions after all'. She thought happily.

Ignoring the bullets she looked at her clothes to see if they were damaged.

"No damage, good, invulnerability achieved". Kara smiled and started to walk forward, she could freely communicate with Lavender telepathically, she did it so milliseconds after pushing fury away, asking for her sister to change the molecular structure of the suit to that of Fury's shirt to see if her "Unbreakable" aura protected her clothes.

Walking forward slowly Kara used the lowest possible amount of strength she could and touched the cheeks of an agent that continued to desperately shoot her, she didn't blame the woman, her hand is big enough to hold her entire head after all.

Not wanting to frighten the woman even more Kara lowered her head and lightly exhaled a blue gas out of her mouth, the woman tried to hold her breath and started to violently shake but it was useless, her skin absorbed the venom and in less than a second she was paralyzed.

She gained this particular power after her master fough against her in a sparring match, he had gripped her neck making her unable to move, her ability helped her by creating a gland in the lower part of her mouth that could spit a gas capable of disorient her master making him release her.

Through the Krytoz her ability evolved now capable of paralyzing a living being and invade their bloodstream, draining their energy and expelling in the form of a white gas that she could absorb and recharge her own power, very useful.

Seeing the stiff body of the woman Kara smiled and gently put her down on the ground, she has to admit she is scared of the fragile nature of Earth, no, it would be better to say she is terrified.

A mishap in her strength could mean the destruction of entire countries, putting a little bit more energy on her heat vision could split the planet in half, and running a little faster could make her cross the planet multiple times smashing everything in front of her, she'd have no time to react, her haring aid lowered her reaction time and the situation just got more and more uncontrollable as she absorbed the energy of the yellow sun, her special ability just made everything worse since it inevitably made her even stronger and her cells more efficient in absorbing the radiation.

She can't use even a percentage of her strength in this stupid glass-like planet something that makes her extremely anxious but she resigned herself, she will NOT kill innocent creatures or even destroy the hard build civilization the Humans on the planet made, with her harden resolve Kara slowly walked forward, taking care to control her bioelectric aura to not let her weight destroy the ground.

Behind her, Vers was having a much harder time, she had trained for five years with Yon-rogg and in that time she had to learn how to take anyone out with or without her powers, fighting against numerous enemies coming from all sides was not new to her.

Dodging a left rook Vers punched the agent's ribs with a strong right rook, breaking his bones and getting back up while putting both of her hands on his neck only to violently force his head down and give him a knee strike that broke his nose.

Releasing the agent's head she quickly turned around and gave a Roundhouse Kick to the agent who was behind her, planting her right feet on the ground she turned to the earlier agent and gave him another kick in his stomach effectively knocking him down.

Hearing a buzzing sound coming from her back she quickly threw her body back while using both of her hands to catch herself just in time to avoid an electric blast that would have hit her nape.

Continuing with her move Vers got close to the third agent and gave a Whip Back, twisting on the air above him and locking his head with her legs, bringing him down to the ground with her weight and choking the agent until he stopped moving.

Rapidly getting out of her position she took the agent's gun and shot three other agents with it, before she could press the trigger once more two projectiles hit her back, making her drop the gun and reflexively activate her powers.

Shooting two continuous photon blasts from her hand Vers threw herself backwards, hitting the agent who shot at her with her back and knocking his head on the wall on the process.

Most of the agents were Skrulls and she knew that normally she would just kill every single one of them to avoid a possible invasion but that was a small chance that even one of those people were innocent locals and she would not kill even one single agent exactly because of that.

She knew when to kill and when not to, not every mission she had been was a good one, although she hates skrulls she had never and will never kill a child, the skrulls are monsters, and she is not like them, not now, not ever.

Looking in Kara's direction Vers saw that she was... slowly walking forward and breathing on the enemy's face?

Vers only managed to regain her composure after a plasma bolt hit Kara's waist, burning part of her suit and penetrating her skin, reacting immediately she turned in the direction of the shot and shot a photon blast at the attacker, unfortunately, she had no time to aim so her shot passed centimeters away from the Skrull's head.

Looking closely at the sniper rifle that managed to harm her Kara tried to see it's components to determine what kind of weapon it was, the form was that of a sniper rifle but she could never know for sure, not before analyzing every inch of it.

The silver weapon had a gyhofrequency tumbler on its center, a universal piece every energy weapon needed to create and control its projectiles, two extended magnetic fields on the top and bottom of the rifle, both severed to stabilized the ionized particles who got out of the weapon, preventing them from simply spreading on the air or not having enough speed to hit the target.

The rifle also had an energy cell surrounding the gyhofrequency tumbler and two others on each side of the weapon, ionized energy cells to be more specific.

'High energy consumption with each shot then, they probably have five more shots, two for each cell'.

Briefly looking at the two other Skrull weapons Kara determined that they were made out of another metal, what kind of metal she didn't know but she would find out.

Using her heat vision on her left eye she shrank her pupil shooting one red beam of energy at the skrull's weapon, not destroying it but blowing the weapon away from the Skrull's hand.

'High Energy resistance then, this shot would have melted most metals without much problem'.

Thinking about the earlier shot Kara started to get worried, her skin is extremely resistant to the point that most energy weapons wouldn't be able to scratch her, but the skrulls somehow obtained one that could, she needed to know what it was made of and who made it.

Not losing the opportunity she slowly floated towards the three Skrulls and released her toxin when she was close enough, taking the rifle she started to analyze it.

'Each shot consumes a gigantic amount of energy strong enough to make a Kryptonian bleed, high range, damage, and no recoil, made of an unknown metal and unknown energy source, I will have to capture one skrull and question him after this'.

Looking behind her Kara saw most of the agents shooting other agents with electric blasts and turning into exact copies of Vers, unfortunately for them when a skrull transforms into someone it takes time for them to copy the exact voice of the person and Kara knows exactly how Vers voice sounded like, her super hearing was useful for more than one thing after all.

Jumping from the rooftop Kara floated some meters above the ground, taking a big breath she used her freezing breath to incapacitate all of the skrulls, or at least that was what she wanted to happen.

Pushing the air out of her lungs Kara unleashed a gigantic wave of hot red fire, melting every car in front of her and burning all of the skrulls almost instantly.

Seeing the destruction she caused in just two seconds she immediately stopped her attack by putting her hands in front of her mouth.

'That trip to Jupiter wasn't useless after all'.

Ignoring the destruction she made not five seconds ago Kara once again tried to use her freezing breath, this time succeeding and extinguishing the accidental fire she made, looking at the burnt flesh of both Human and Skrull Kara felt pathetic.

At least in Krypton harming an innocent creature, one that can not even resist oneself is viewed as an act of extreme cowardice, serving only to show how much of a pathetic Kryptonian one was, shaking her head in shame she turned around and started looking around for Vers, only to find her choking... herself?.

"Vers, let's go, I can hear other cars approaching the area".

"Just give me a minute" Vers quickly gave an elbow in the skrull's gut, making him drop the disguise and lift his hold on her neck.

Taking advantage of the situation Vers took his right arm and threw him on the ground while putting her left leg behind his hand and lowering herself to break his arm.

"We should get out of here, they won't stop coming and a lucky shot could take us both out".

Nodding Kara took Vers's hand and put her on her back while taking the skrull's arm and flying away at a slow speed as to not make Vers fall.

"Where do we go now?" Vers asked while holding Kara's shoulders, she was flying slowly but if she fell at that distance she would gain more than just a few bruises.

"I would like to say mercury but this guy won't survive the trip, so we are going to the mountains on the coast, they won't be able to track us there".

Vers only nodded, C-53 could be suffering from a Skrull invasion, she wasn't sure but if they were really invading, she would have to kill every single skrull she came across.