
Marvel: The Half-Blood Prince.

[(AU ) MARVEL X HARRY POTTER] ------ He looked at his masterpiece with an impassive look, one stained in blood, allowing himself to embrace the soothing touch of the rain, surrendering to the serenity of the moment. Memories flooded his mind, vivid recollections of all the lives he has taken. Of the chaos, he had sown. Among these turbulent memories, one memory stood out—the memory of his first sin. The sin that changed him forever. The sin that broke his fate, one that forced him to weave his destiny. The sin paved the path for his journey, marking the birth of 'The Half-Blood Prince.' He, who was once destined to be used and forgotten, must find the strength to sever the Cruel threads of Fate and find his destiny. One that he writes. But can he change his destiny? Will this world let him forge his path or will it crush him? _*_*_*_*_*_*_* (Necromancy) (Smut) (R18) (Shadows) (New magic) (Adaptivity) (Eldritch Magic) (Asgardian Magic) (Sorcery) _*_*_*_*_*_*_* This novel will have gore, sex, and battles, but they will come as the story progresses. Only when they are needed. This is not an instant op or overpowered character story that gets strong from just some training. Neither is Severus weak, to begin with. It will be relatively competent to strong. Like Marvel level strong. But it will take time since this is going to be a long novel. This will explore different magic disciplines in both HP and Marvel since Severus is a passionate researcher at heart for magic. Here I will try, *try* world-building for the Harry Potter universe while merging it with the Marvel universe. You will different types of magical arts of different cultures in the HP universe, so be ready. So, I hope you give this story a try and that I will be able to meet your expectations. _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/supes _*_*_*_*_*_*_* Discord Server: https://discord.gg/qSayPnpZ4A _*_*_*_*_*_*_* * The image does not belong to me.

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Chapter 24. Cursed Vault of Ice.

-Next Day-

# Severus's POV #

I watched the entire conversation that took place in the headmaster's office through my shadowy rat, which I had planted in Dumbledore's shadow upon my arrival at Hogwarts after the holidays.

After having my breakfast in the great hall, I noticed Cissy approaching me. As always, she looked stunningly beautiful.

Since I needed a date for Slughorn's party, I thought of asking her. I had never asked anyone out before, so I wasn't quite sure how to go about it. I decided to simply ask her, and if she said no, I would find someone else.

Cissy sat down beside me and observed, "I thought you would be in a good mood after what happened to them last night, but it seems like something's bothering you."

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and asked her, "You're aware of Slughorn's party, right?"

"Yes, although I can't say I'm invited. I'm not one of his favorites, after all," she replied with a bored expression. Cissy wasn't particularly fond of Slughorn's parties.

"Well, I was actually planning on attending this year, and I was wondering if you'd accompany me," I asked, a touch of nervousness in my voice.

"Why don't you take Regulus then?" she teased, smirking mischievously. It was evident that she knew what I truly wanted to ask.

"No, I want you to come to the party as my date. Will you?" I finally mustered the words.

"Yes," she responded, causing me to be taken aback.

"What?" I stammered in surprise.

"I said yes," she repeated with a broad smile.

I couldn't quite understand why, but when she said yes, an overwhelming rush of emotions threatened to break the delicate veil wrapped around my mind. It was an emotion that promised to bury all the pain I had been hiding. However, I had to remain calm and composed. I needed to maintain a neutral demeanor.

"Thank you, I'll make it up to you," I replied, a smile creeping onto my face.

"Don't thank me. I'm not going with you just for some party. I want you to take me on a real date, and you better make it worth it," she stated, her smirk never leaving her face.

She got up, kissed my cheek, and left, leaving me utterly shocked.

Her gesture of kissing my cheek caused my mind's protective barrier to crumble, filling my heart with the joy I had longed for.

She had just asked me out on a real date, even though I had only intended to ask her to the party.

A real date!

As I watched Cissy walk away, radiating beauty and talent, and showing a mischievous smile for me, I couldn't help but wonder why I shouldn't allow myself to develop feelings for her.

Why should I hold myself back from feeling this joy again?

But what about Lucius?

Well, I decided to ponder that matter later. It's not as if Cissy and Lucius liked each other. Their families had simply discussed the idea of them getting married.

I resolved to give this a chance. If Cissy wanted a real date, then I would ensure it became the most extraordinary date of her life.

Although a significant part of my heart was filled with pain and love for someone else, I couldn't let that hold me back.

Yes, I liked Cissy. I truly did. But I needed time to contemplate where this might lead.

Cissy had found a special place in my heart, and I had begun to realize my growing affection for her ever since my return. I owed it to myself to give love a chance, to be loved by someone.

But once again, I fortified my mind, reinforcing the barrier of Occlumency to suppress the joy I had felt earlier just so the other part of me would tear it away from me.

As I glanced around, I noticed students looking at me, and Regulus caught my eye. He wore a complicated expression.

Seeing me looking at him, Regulus remarked, "Nah, I still won't call you brother-in-law."

"Why do you keep insisting that I'll be your brother-in-law?" I asked, thoroughly puzzled.

"You must be incredibly dense not to notice the signs, Severus. You two keep stealing glances at each other, forgetting that you're constantly surrounded by people. Narcissa only lets you call her 'Cissy,' apart from her sisters, and I'm her bloody cousin, for Merlin's sake. That says a lot about how much she likes you. She'll fight for what she wants," he sighed, continuing, "Forget about Lucius. I know she likes you, so she'll have you, plain and simple. It's awkward for me to call you brother-in-law, and honestly, you're not cool enough to be my brother-in-law since you hate Quidditch."

It appeared that I had been dense enough to overlook the signs. Before taking Cissy on a date, I decided it was best to have a conversation with Regulus.

-That Night-

I made my way to the location written in the journal left behind by the professors. The first vault was said to be situated at the east end of the fifth floor of the castle.

As I arrived, however, I found no sign of the stairs mentioned in the journals. I looked around and noticed a single door in the corridor.

With a flick of my wand, I cast "Alohomora" to unlock the door.

As soon as I stepped inside, an eerie coldness began to creep over me. I surveyed the room and discovered that it was completely covered in ice.

Before I could react, my legs froze up, encased in a solid block of ice. Quickly, I cast "Incendio" to melt the ice around my legs, and I followed it up with a warming spell to ward off the biting cold.

According to the map, there was supposed to be a door in the room, but all I saw was a massive chunk of ice in its place. It seemed the door had been concealed beneath the icy coating. I aimed my wand at the frozen barrier and cast "Incendio" once again. The ice melted away, revealing the door behind it.

I tried using my telekinesis to push the door open, but it proved to be stuck due to the ice. Summoning all my inner strength, I exerted a bit more force, causing the door to break off its hinges.

I had underestimated the power of my telekinetic abilities.

Upon entering the room, I found myself in another corridor. The map had indicated that there would be stairs, but all I could see was an empty passageway.

Deciding to employ a revealing spell, I cast "Revelio." To my relief, a hidden staircase was unveiled before me, emanating the same bone-chilling aura as the previous room.

Slowly, I ascended the staircase, feeling the coldness intensify with each step. Ice spread across the walls, creating a frosty spectacle.

With a powerful nonverbal "Incendio," I unleashed flames that blazed through the hallway.

I smiled at my growing ability to perform magic without the need for a wand. While a wand provided accuracy and ease, I found that my wandless spells allowed me to focus solely on my magic without hindrance.

I was even working on mastering complex spells without the aid of a wand. In the future, I aspired to perform magic without reliance on any instrument, although I couldn't deny the usefulness of a wand.

As the ice cleared, I discovered a grand door that was also encased in a unique layer of ice. It appeared to have been crafted with delicate precision.

As I approached the door, an ice projectile was hurled at me. Reacting with lightning speed, I managed to dodge it by the narrowest of margins, narrowly avoiding being struck.

Getting back on my feet, I found myself bombarded by a flurry of ice projectiles. In this situation, attempting to use the fire-making spell would prove futile, as some of the rocks would still reach me.

Closing my eyes, I extended my hand towards the incoming projectiles, exerting my will. With a mere thought, I halted all the rocks in mid-air. Slowly curling my fingers into a fist, I crushed the ice projectiles into mere dust.

Before the door could resume its assault, I swiftly cast a fire-making spell combined with a knocking-back spell. The ice covering the walls crumbled, and the door swung open.

As soon as the door creaked open, two towering ice golems emerged, brandishing swords and shields with an agility that surpassed human comprehension. Their majestic forms stood at least 15 feet tall, adorned with sharp spikes protruding from their bodies. Enchanted armor covered their impressive frames, though its purpose remained a mystery to me.

Through my magical senses, I deduced that regular spells would prove ineffective until I could breach their armor.

As one of the ice golems swung its sword towards me, I narrowly ducked, simultaneously launching a fire spell. However, the golem shielded itself in time, thwarting my attack. The force of the swing left a deep crater in the ground, a testament to the golem's immense strength.

The golems' speed surpassed the normal pace of spellcasting. I realized that to overcome them, I would need to choreograph my spells before they even made their move.

Their lightning-fast movements demanded such premeditation. Before I could devise a plan, the other golem unleashed a powerful ice blast while the first golem swung its sword toward me once again.

Being cornered, I summoned a few bits of my inner strength, using my telekinesis to lift myself away from danger just in time to evade the swing. However, I was not so fortunate with the ice blast, which struck me, pinning me against the wall. Ice enveloped my body, rendering me motionless, trapped in its icy grip.

My wand hand encased in ice, I channeled the power of Necro through my body, strengthening my limbs and shattering the icy prison that held me captive.

With renewed strength, I swiftly evaded the incoming blast from golem No. 2, narrowly escaping its full force. Nonetheless, sharp ice spikes grazed my face and shoulder, leaving behind stinging reminders of their lethal potential.

Realizing the limitations of my ordinary vision, I closed my eyes, surrendering to my magical senses.

In this blind yet ethereal state, a new world unfolded before me, revealing the vulnerabilities and optimal targets for my spells upon the golems.

Empowered by this heightened awareness, I moved with increased speed and choreographed a precise sequence of spells to both repel the golems and create an opening for my counterattack.

The combined force of a knocking-back spell and an explosive enchantment sent the golems reeling, their immense frames pushed away from me.

Although tempted to unleash the destructive power of "Fiendfyre," I recognized the catastrophic consequences it would bring within the confines of this confined space.

Instead, I leaped gracefully above Golem No.1, soaring over 13 feet into the air, and conjured a protective shield around myself, all without the aid of a wand.

Up in the air, the world seemed to stop, for a newfound lust for battle like this surged through me.

Descending upon Golem No. 1, I intensified the Necro energy pulsing through my veins, infusing every facet of my full force with enhanced strength.

The golem retaliated by unleashing a torrent of ice, but my shield held firm, deflecting the onslaught. Sensing its imminent shielding, I balled my fist, pouring all my strength into a devastating blow aimed at its defense.


With a resounding crack, audible even with my eyes shut, I witnessed the shield shatter, and golem No. 1 crumpled to the ground, the shield cracked.

All happened in a matter of seconds.

But I had no time to celebrate this victory, as Golem No. 2 plunged forward with newfound agility at me.

Using my telekinetic powers, I repelled its advance, pinning the golem to the ground, rendering it momentarily immobilized, with just a thought.

Raising my hands high above my head, palms joined together, I summoned every ounce of strength and unleashed a fully telekinetic-aided strike, that increased the output by tenfolds, upon the already weakened shield of Golem No. 1, causing it to crumble into countless fragments.

Taking advantage of Golem No. 1's incapacitation, I swiftly leaped away from its reach, using its prone form as a springboard.

Yet, the Golem No.1 rose once more, now wielding its sword with a ferocity fueled by an intensified surge of magic. With a resolute air, it swung at me with heightened power and aggression.

Meanwhile, Golem No. 2, despite being temporarily subdued, continued to bombard me with ice, relentlessly testing the resilience of my shield.

Drawing upon my telekinetic abilities, I halted the sword mid-swing, leaving it suspended in mid-air, while I conjured a flickering flame in the palm of my hand, fueled solely by my intent.

With my telekinetic grasp holding Golem No. 1 in its suspended swing, I extended the flames I conjured toward its icy form.

The strain of restraining both golems with my mind alone took a toll on my body, evident in the blood trickling from my nose.

As the assault from Golem No. 2 relentlessly bombarded my shield, I could feel its strength waning under the constant barrage of ice blasts.

Finally, the fire engulfing Golem No. 1 began to melt its icy exterior, causing the sword it wielded to tumble to the ground, a section near the hilt showing signs of melting. The first golem crumbled to the floor, defeated.

The immense strain of telekinetically restraining the golems proved too much, and I lost control over Golem No. 2, which promptly resumed its assault with increased strength and speed. Ceasing its ice blasts, the golem charged toward me, swinging its sword menacingly.

Employing telekinesis once more, I pushed Golem No. 2 away, momentarily creating a gap between us. However, the golem quickly recovered and sprinted toward me. Seizing the opportunity due to the delay it created, I levitated the shattered remnants of my broken shield, hurling them at the golem. It instinctively shielded itself.

Seizing the advantage presented by the golem's focus on its defense, I dashed toward its blind spot, unleashing the shield pieces I controlled with my mind as projectiles.

Simultaneously, I unleashed a mighty punch upon the shield, channeling all my strength into the blow. The impact was accompanied by a growing explosive spell in my hands, amplifying the punch's force by twentyfold.


A thunderous boom reverberated through the chamber as the shield shattered into a thousand shards.

Undeterred by the shield's demise, I persisted, raining furious blows upon the golem's chest with a fist wreathed in fiery red flames.

The skin on my hand began to tear, unable to withstand the sheer force of my assault.

Bones cracked and pain surged through my arm, but I refused to yield. Time was of the essence, for I had to finish Golem No. 2 quickly.

The bright fire in my palms, a dark spell of my creation, pulsing with explosive energy.

Calling upon every reserve of Necro and my magic, I increased the spell's explosive force fiftyfold, bringing down the hammer of red flames upon Golem No. 2 with a final, devastating strike.


An earth-shattering explosion engulfed Golem No. 2, rending it into countless fragments that scattered across the room.

Stumbling away from the shattered remains, I was covered in bleeding wounds inflicted by the golem's sharp edges.

Exhaustion consumed me, both mentally and physically. My arms felt numb, drained by the strain of employing strength beyond the body can endure to such an extent.

Slowly turning around, I finally dared to open my eyes. A faint gleam lingered in the golems' lifeless gazes.

Curiosity compelled me to test the extent of my powers over these magical constructs, remnants of an intent-given form through spells.

Extending my bloodied hand toward Golem No. 1's head, I commanded,


Encountering minimal resistance, far less than when taming dogs and turning them into my shadows, I realized that these golems possessed a bare minimum of consciousness, mere puppets animated by magic, neither truly alive nor dead.

Boosting my command with additional Necro, I issued the command once more,


My shadows promptly consumed the shattered fragments of the golem's body, drawing them together to reform the once-mighty ice construct.

Before me stood a towering ice golem, standing thirteen feet tall, covered in spikes of black and blue.

It was now under my complete control, ready to heed my every command.

Expanding my shadow further, I engulfed the sword and the broken pieces of the shield, transporting them to my shadow realm.

Both items possessed special properties, notably their enchantments designed to counteract spells. I intended to study these enchantments at a later time.

Turning my attention to the remaining golem, I exerted my influence over it as well, transforming it into a loyal shadow soldier.

Now, two colossal ice golems stood before me, firmly under my command. Their sturdiness surpassed their previous incarnations.

With the knowledge that my powers extended to golems, the prospect of amassing an army of shadow soldiers filled me with exhilaration, momentarily eclipsing the pain that raged through my battered body.

Sending the newly formed shadow soldiers into my realm, I set my sights on the room they had been guarding.

Inside, a magnificent sight unfolded—a mountain of gold and books.

These ancient tomes contained the wisdom and research of wizards and witches predating even the establishment of Hogwarts, offering insights into the utilization of raw ambient magic, free from the confines of wands and incantations.

The collection also included records of dueling techniques before the era of wand-wielding wizards and witches.

Among the treasures, I discovered a broken wand and a book placed separately.

Intuition told me that they were the clues leading to the second vault. Without hesitation, I expanded my shadow to encompass the entire room, swallowing its contents into my realm.

Leaving the room with a sense of fulfillment, I watched as the door sealed itself, encasing once again in a solid sheet of ice.

The exhaustion from my wounds and the physical strain weighed heavily upon me.

Summoning my wand, I employed a healing spell to close the wounds, but the substantial loss of blood could not be reversed.

Though battered and torn, these injuries were a small price to pay for the rewards attained.

I had to make my way back to the Room of Requirement, I needed to rest within it before anyone discovered me.

As my eyelids grew heavy from exhaustion, I contemplated summoning a blood-replenishing potion.

Yet, before I could act, I noticed a figure with vibrant red hair dashing toward me, unmistakably who I anticipated.


"Ah, shit."


Give me MY STONES.

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