
Marvel: The Gem Emperor


Creator3 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


[Name]: Black Diamond


• Black

• My Diamond(followers)

• Mother/Grandmother(The Diamonds and Gemkind Technically)

• Lady Black(by gems)

[Species]: Gem

[Gem Type]: Diamond


[Aura Projection] [Corruption Induction] [Corruption Reversal] [Inorganic Creation] [Gemstone Animation] [Power Augmentation] [Power Dampening] [Water Walking] [Shapeshifting] [Supernatural Strength] [Immense Durability] [Enhanced Speed] [Telekinesis] [Telepathy] [Action Inducement] [Psychic Immunity] [Psychic Detection] [Negative Emotion Empowerment] [Weather Manipulation] [Negative Emotion Control] [Size Manipulation] [Metal Manipulation] [Retrocognitive Dreaming] [Precognitive Dreaming] [Death Sense] [Draining Kiss] [Healing Kiss] [Petrifying Kiss] [Life-Force Detection]