
Marvel: The Flash Is...Flash Thompson!?

You know the Flash, right? Fastest Man Alive, Speedster Omega. But do you know who he is? Hated by J. Jonah Jameson for the mask he hides under, a speedy vigilante sporting a hidden identity, the Flash is an unknowable existence to both the super and normal world. But I know who he is. After all, I'm him. I'm Flash...Thompson.

Dr_Armstrong · Tranh châm biếm
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19 Chs

05 - Running

Chapter 05 - Running

Written By Dr Armstrong


->Flash POV<-< p>

His face broke through the wind as he took a long and calm breath, his feet clashing against the asphalt road, lifting and pushing him forward, the friction of which created many mock lightning bolts trailing his run.

Flash's blurry form zoomed across the road, a red streak virtually unseen to the human eye yet its existence was objectively tangible.

He felt as his feet touched the ground only to lift themselves back up once more, the kinetic energy by the action like a metaphysical extension of his body and mind.

Flash, the currently and undeniably fastest man alive, ran across the streets of New York City, feeling the lightning and electricity pushing him forward, the power and speed pumping through his veins, the crackling travelling through every nerve and bone of his body like a shock, the hunger and pump so very palpable.

He could hear the hard beating of an emblematic drum, his heart accelerated to speeds beyond any normal measure. The vibrant smell of inorganic combustion, of ozone and the mundane damp aroma permeating the city streets. He took all of it in, every single last inch of it.

It was warm, now freezing, but now it was wet, and yet it was dry. He ran through all sorts of temperatures, feeling it brushing up against the outermost layer of his skin, the humid, the piping hot, and the deathly cold...

Flash saw a myriad of scenes, that of a haunting alleyway, a street-side cafe, a road drowning in traffic. The shifting of his field of vision was an unchanging constant, it was like a theatric drama where the backgrounds, the objects, and the actors were constantly changing, evolving in real-time.

Flash felt it, he was no mere human anymore, he was now superhuman. A part of something greater, of the brave and the bold, and the dark and depraved.

Having power meant something in this world, Mutants have existed since the dawn of mankind, and humanity is not unfamiliar with those of superpowered status. Yet the powerless will always envy the privileged, such is the nature of Homo Sapiens.

Realistically, there was not much he could do besides the obvious paths. Being 'normal' meant he had to hide his power, something he wasn't willing to do when disaster struck and he was forced to do nothing. So there was only the super option...

Of course, becoming a vigilante is the most desired compromise. Having an exposed super identity wouldn't do a teenager like him any good, but the inner child in him still wanted to save people.

Every male has dreamed of this scenario at least once, right? Saving the day and becoming the hero, whether that be saving the school, or saving one's family...it is an instinctual dream, one that is now a very real possibility for him. 

Why would on earth would he throw it away?

And now an opportunity awaits him, the opportunity to make his debut.

The situation at hand? Some Russian guy in a giant Rhinoceros machine breaking through walls and shit. A worthy opponent for someone like Spiderman, but for the Flash?

With his Superspeed, dealing with such an obviously muscleheaded brute would be a breeze and a half, Flash thought to himself.

The Flash made his way to the crime scene, the costume adorning him looked rather half-assed. There had been no time to create the super suit he initially desired, there was also the trouble of finding friction-resistant materials and such—so he improvised with the Halloween Spiderman suit.

He took the mask and cut open three holes on it, 2 for his eyes, and 1 larger one for his mouth. He then made use of some coloured goggles to hide his strikingly blue eyes and wore a biker's helmet with lightning stickers attached to the sides.

As for the rest of his body? He just wore a red-coloured sprinter outfit, like the one you would see in the Olympics, plus some protective gear like knee pads, gym gloves and whatnot. 

It looked very shitty, probably because it was. But it was at least good enough for his debut, Flash thought.

"At least, I'm not a fucking Rhino..." He whispered to himself as he eyed a couple of high-quality photos provided by the Daily Bugle app. Of course, he didn't bring his phone, but he had this thing called a brain which he could use to visualize images with.

"Looks like Brock's cashing in today..." He commented as he remembered the credit for Rhino's cameraman being Eddie Brock.

As an avid Spiderman fan and with Peter as his classmate, he couldn't help but notice that the ones who captured the highest quality images of Spidey were always Parker and some guy called Eddie Brock.

He honestly had to hand it to him, Peter was one hell of a cameraman. Flash sometimes wondered how he got these shots, but on days when Peter couldn't possibly take the picture, ie school days, Brock always took his chance.

"Hey, maybe I should become a photographer too. No one's gonna see a Speedster cameraman coming, after all. And it even fits with my name, Camera Flash..." He seriously considered it out loud, not worried at all as he was too fast for his words to be heard clearly.

"Nah, no way in hell I'm gonna work for JJ. I'm not fucking Parker..." He said in distaste. Peter's part-time job was one of the reasons Flash didn't like him much. He didn't seem to appreciate Spiderman's hard work even after the guy saved their school!

Flash still remembered the day, Sandman attacked Midtown High without warning and he saw with his own eyes; that the Amazing Spider-Man saved the day!

It was most definitely the highlight of the year...but where was Parker? Nowhere to be seen! The coward even profited by taking a sneaky picture of their fight...

Yeah, no way was he going to do something like that. He wasn't an Impoverished loser like Parker, so there was no need for such opportunistic measures.

Flash was a kind-hearted individual, after all.

--->Author's Note:


Fell asleep whilst writing this chap, it felt therapeutic.