
Chapter 3 First Day At School

I blinked, the morning sun slipping through my window and hitting me square in the face. I turned over, pulling the covers up in a futile attempt to dodge the light, but it was no use. Eventually, with a groggy sigh, I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

That's when I noticed the same old and poorly maintained room from the day before. There was no furniture in this room beside the bed and all the previous clothes were kept in two piles. One corner had a pile of clean clothing while the other had dirty clothes

This triggered memories from yesterday to slowly resurface. How I ended up in the new world where Marvel characters exist. Got a system like some protagonists in a book. It was still a lot to process but today was a new day with its own challenges, like school…

I grumbled just thinking about it. I didn't like high school the first time and I'm sure I won't care for it this time. Fortunately, I'm in my senior year so it won't last long but it still sucks. Unfortunately, nothing would change with me complaining. I just had to suck it up and go through it again.

Stepping away from my bed I began preparing for school. Which was a task in itself. I barely had any school equipment besides a binder and some pencils. 

"How could he not even afford a backpack?" I asked myself in confusion. There were plenty of ways to get school supplies for cheap. Thrift stores and second-hand markets for example would be a good option. Sometimes schools even provide for students with tough situations. So seeing him so ill-prepared was a bit surprising.

"I'll just get some more stuff after school" Moving on from that I checked the clean clothes where I luckily found a clean uniform.

"Wait a sec… Midtown high? Isn't that the school Peter Parker went to?" I practically slapped myself for realizing this so late but at the same time, I couldn't really fault myself for this. You don't wake up in a new world automatically thinking hey I'm in Marvel! 

"Still the school that Peter went to. He shouldn't be there yet right? In the movies he was probably a kid around this time" I wasn't sure this world seemed to be a mix of things so there really was only one way to find out.

Getting everything together I dressed up and made myself look as presentable as possible. Luckily I even found a bottle of axe that I sprayed lightly on myself. No need to gas out my fellow students when I arrive.

[MidTown HighSchool]

After getting ready I quickly made my way to the campus. Which was difficult I didn't really know where the school was. Fortunately, the passerby's I asked knew the direction and soon enough I found myself standing in front of Midtown High. It also looked just as amazing as it did in my memories.

The building was four stories tall and made out of brick with excellent architecture. The grounds were well-maintained and everything about this place screamed sophistication.

This truly was a prestigious school at least compared to the one I went to which used cubicle-type buildings and poor maintenance with many areas needing repair. 

"At least I'm going to a nice school this time. Hopefully, the food is good" I said as I felt a grumble in my stomach. I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and I was really beginning to feel it.

Taking a step forward I was about to enter the school when I heard a voice call my name.

"Kol is that you?" The girl asked with concern as she came over.

Turning to the voice I was surprised to see Emma Stone but similar to RDJ she had subtle differences. The blush in her cheeks looked more vibrant and her hair was practically shimmering. It was almost like she had a movie effect in real life. That was when it hit me. She had to be Gwen Stacey. That was the only character she had played in Marvel. I knew there was a chance I was wrong but I decided to test it.


"Ah it is you!" She said in response not denying her name.

So this is Gwen then. Unless she just didn't want to correct me but I doubt that.

"You missed all of last week. I know Flash has been giving you a hard time but you didn't need to do that. It's ok to ask for help alright? You are not alone"

Wait a second, what is she going on about? Ditching and getting a hard time? That was when it clicked.

The original was clearly getting bullied. It's not hard to see why. He didn't have a lot of things, and lived alone so no parent figure to help him, and to top it off he was scrawny. It also looks like it eventually became too much for him with how long he ditched for.

You really left me in a pickle, didn't you… I thought I only needed to deal with annoying hormonal teenagers but it looks like I gotta deal with some high on testosterone as well.

"Thanks, Gwen but I'll be alright" I said in a confident tone as I tried to ease her worry however it didn't really work. She didn't look like she believed me and who could blame her? I wouldn't believe me either if I was in her shoes. After she tried a couple more times to convince me to reach out and all that but I remained firm in handling things myself.

Eventually, she just sighed when she saw I wasn't going to budge. "Alright but remember if you need help just come and talk to me. My dad is a police officer and he's pretty reliable." With that, she made her exit and joined up with a group of girls who were walking into the school.

"Let's see how this goes." I said to myself as I began making my way into the school as well. Entering I saw that it looked just as sophisticated and maintained as it did on the outside. The halls were squeaky clean with neat and orderly lockers that lined the walls.

The students themselves also looked like they were a step above others. At least compared to the kids I went to school with. So at this point, everything seemed good. At least that was until I noticed that practically all eyes were on me.

t wasn't just a casual glance either—people were staring. Some looked at me with sympathy, a few with judgment, and more than a couple with open amusement. Even after all these years, high school was still its own twisted little ecosystem. I could practically feel the labels floating over everyone's heads: popular, nerd, outcast. And it didn't take long to realize where the old me had fit in.

I shifted the binder in my hands, trying not to make eye contact, but it was clear: the original Kol was low on the social food chain. Given his quiet, reserved nature and the fact that he'd been ditching to avoid Flash, it made sense. I was starting at rock bottom. 

Then, as if summoned by my thoughts, I spotted him. Flash Thompson was tall, cocky, with that too-sure smile I'd seen a hundred times on bullies who'd enjoyed picking on weaker kids. He was leaning against a locker, laughing with a couple of his friends. 

The moment he noticed me, his smile shifted, becoming something darker. It was the look of someone who'd found his favorite target.

I took a breath, keeping my expression neutral. I didn't need to start a confrontation, especially not on my first day here. I wasn't the same Kol that needed to ditch and hide away. But I also wasn't prepared to take this jock in a fight. I was still way too scrawny for that.

As I walked past, Flash called out, "Hey, Kol! You finally decided to show up?" His voice was loud enough to draw attention from the surrounding students. A few chuckles echoed around the hallway.

I stopped and turned, meeting his gaze with an even look. "I was just sick that's all but I'm better now"

My response was casual without worry like it was just another day and that seemed to throw him off a little. His smirk faded for a second before he recovered. "Sure buddy like anyone's gonna believe that. You're just a wuss and you hid away like one" his small quip elicited laughter in his group but I remained neutral. The worst thing I could do is respond to his taunts the way he wants. It'll only make things worse.

"You can believe me if you want or not. Not really my problem" Having said my piece I kept walking. I still needed to get to the office so I could find out what classes I had but it seemed like Flash wasn't gonna let that go because I soon felt a hand gripping my shoulder.

"Who said you could leave dork? I wasn't done" His little gang soon followed along with each sporting mocking smiles. 

I turned to face him, trying to keep my expression as neutral as possible. "Look, Flash. I don't know what you're trying to prove, but I've got things to do. So if you don't mind…"

Flash sneered, squeezing my shoulder a bit harder. "Oh, I do mind actually."

His friends snickered, egging him on. I could feel the hallway quieting down around us as more students stopped to watch but in the corner, I noticed a teacher making his way over. So I knew this was my chance to end things while also keeping some dignity.

I gave him a half-shrug. "If you're that bored, maybe you should find a hobby or better yet pick up a book. I doubt you've done anything like that recently"

This stunned flash, he'd never been talked to like this before. Especially not by someone he considered a dweeb. To make matters worse a couple of people in the crowd laughed making him feel embarrassed.

"You think you're funny huh? Let's see if you can make jokes with my fist in your face." Reeling his arm back he prepared to punch but he was soon stopped when the teacher made his presence known.

"Mr Thompson unhand that boy right now!"

Turning to the teacher Flash grit his teeth but he knew when to step back. He was a muscle brain at times but he wasn't stupid.

"Mrs Florence! I was just filling him in on what's happened throughout the week. You know how he missed? Right everyone?" Flash asked as he turned toward the crowd. I could tell no one wanted to agree but there were a lot of cowards. Especially in this school made for smart kids.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"There just friends Mrs Florence"

Soon they all began to support Flash but it didn't seem to work. Mrs Florence just looked at the students in disappointment but she knew that there were limits to what she could do. So eventually she just sighed and gave Flash a stern gaze.

"Alright but keep the rough play on the court and not in the halls. You come with me, you have some explaining to do with why you missed." Mrs Florence added before pulling me away from the crowd.

"It was only after we got a good distance away did she finally said something. You know you should thank that friend of yours. The moment she noticed something was up she came and began looking for a teacher." 

"A friend?" I asked with some confusion.

"Yes, Gwen Stacey. A good girl with some high morals quite brave too"

So that's why she was nowhere to be found. When we entered she wasn't that far away from me but she suddenly disappeared when Flash showed. I guess I owe her one.

"As for that Flash, I know he gives you a hard time. Trust me most of us teachers do but there's little we can do to help. His parents are on the school administration board and have funded most of the school's sports curriculum. At most, I can offer my classroom for you to stay in during lunch if you'd like. It's not exactly a fix but maybe if you're off his radar long enough he'll stop trying" Mrs Florence said in a kind tone. Getting a good look at her I could tell she was a good teacher and was definitely reliable so I saw no reason to refuse.

The real problem came from Flash and his family. No wonder why the original didn't do anything. It's because he couldn't and it looks like I'm gonna have this problem for a little while too. At least until I do something about it.

"Alright Mrs Florence I'll take you up on your offer and I also have a question. It may sound weird but by chance do you know my classes?"

Mrs Florence just gave me a weird look but nodded. "I don't know how you still don't know your classes by this point but I do remember what classes you had. Follow me"