
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs

[Chapter —45]

As I was about to enter the building to where my classes were I was suddenly stopped by some demon in his demon form who now that I was close…looked more animalistic then demonic, he had the face…snout…he was a fucking werewolf wannabe, he was 1,5 my size had a dogs snout along with claws reminiscent of blades with red clicked demonic skin.

' so my black colour is rare….wait my normal humanoid skin is dark in the first place so maybe—' I was then brought out of my distracted thoughts by the demon Infront of me speaking.

" Hey kid, I think you're lost, this is the alpha's grounds." The demon Infront of me spoke with such ass authority I had to double take and break my well crafted mask of indifference and tilt my head to the side looking at him.

" what?…" I asked confused by the whole alpha shit even if I had already made assumptions in my head about what the fuck was happening.

" I said! This is the alpha grounds! You and your beta ass better walk the fuck back where you came from and stay there!" The demon said louder and slightly aggressive as he puffed up his chest and looked at me down and I even heard the chuckles of the others with him, two guys and I girl who looked on at this encounter with a sideglance.

Deciding this could get shitty fast I used Appraisal on the guy Infront of me to see what I was likely up against.

[Name: Beckerm H'uela G'isl Jude ASril Holman.

Age: 19

Race: Low-Class Demon.

Bloodline: Serkiret Bloodline.

Sin: Wrath.

Talent: Forge-Heart[A+]

Energy: 15,000/15,000


Body: 20{+10}

Mind: 4

Soul: 15]

'….i could take him down.' was my first thought as I studied the demon Infront of me, but what is with those extra stats?.

" Dude, I'm just getting to class…no need for the aggression, now if you can please move aside I'd appreciate that." I said calmly with my head still tilted studying him and waiting for him to show the littlest of aggression.

" Bitch! You don't listen!" The demon growled before he suddenly attempted to get me with a right hook of which I minutely dodged.

' Motherfucker is faster and stronger then this body….takedown tactics then' I thought with frown as I let go of the bag I was carrying and using the moment when berkerms body was unbalanced I jumped right Infront of him.

"Wh—?" Berkerms was about to speak but found that he couldn't as my first made it's way towards his throat and with a sickening pop he suddenly dropped holding his throat trying to scream and failing while also crying on the floor silently as his demon form reverted back to his human form.

"Berk!!"×2 the two guys that were behind Berkerm screamed looking at me in fury before they attempted to rush me.

So I used appraisal on them but this time tried to be specific.

' Appraisal: Stat—Body' I thought as I looked at the screens Infront of my eyes quickly.


Body: 12]

The first one wouldn't be a threat at all.


Body: 7{+1}]

Even worse.

So with said information I immediately got into a grounded stance and rushed then also which just took a step since we were close to each other for me to reach the first one, so with a quick cast of my shadow magic I covered my hands with energy enhanced shadows before ducking the first ones attempt to side swing me and got below him and delivered a deadly punch to his kidney making sure to punch as deep as I could.

Using my speed I then moved away from him while keeping my lower stance and got Infront of the other one and used all my strength to deliver an uppercut that cleanly connected throwing the demon a couple feet through the air before two thirds were heard.

'….that was fun' I thought with a calculative gaze which found its way towards the only other person left in the scene.

The only girl here, she looked at me with wide eyes and when our eyes met she frowned before she opens her mouth and spoke.

" I'm not your enemy, you can go wherever you want." She said noncaringly as a grin made its way to her face before she stared at the downed demon's on the floor.

" I better get to class…." She said with wave before she started walking away fast inside the building but in that time I had already used appraisal on her and what I saw made me pause for a second.

[Name: Gabriela Damiti O'Holatr Casimir.

Age: 18

Race: Psuodo Mid-Class demon

Bloodline: Hvorul Bloodline.

Sin: Lust.

Talent: Drive Eater[SS-]



Body: 97

Mind: 78

Soul: 120]

' she's strong…stronger then me, then why didn't she stop me from beating these guys….' frowning at that as my thoughts went off trying to make sense of whatever just happened.

' I don't think this was all such a coincidence now that I think about it… well it doesn't matter, I must get stronger….soon.' was my last thought before I walked back and grabbed my bag and made my way towards the building and into my class.

Entering said class I found that i had 2 minutes left before it begun and the teacher who was a beautiful Asian looking woman…demon?.

Looking around the classroom I'm not to become a part of I saw that there were a couple familiar faces.

' wait aren't those the same fuckers I went to school with before I tried running?…the higher ups kids who cheated on the exams…' I thought with a chuckle to myself as I walked towards an empty desk which was at the corner of the room by the window.

'….' immediately after I sat there I stood up and walked to the centre of the last row and sat on a chair between two white haired girls…twins probably.

' No way I'm sitting in the Protagonists seat…I don't want that life.' i thought with no expression at all even when the two white haired girls stares at me weirdly and a couple other of my soon to be classmates.

" Who might you be new face?" I heard someone ask from my left finding one of the twins looking at me funny.

" Darius." I answered and then averted my eyes off her.

" Oh?, To enter the academy just a couple months away from the sects graduation is really bold of you." The twin on my right said with an alluring chuckle.

" Mmm." I nodded not taking my eyes off the board Infront of us which seemed to have made the point clear on the demon's besides me that I didn't want to talk.

After the rest of the minutes before the class started passed entered the girl that was with those idiots Infront of the building, Gabriela.

She seemed to look for something for a couple seconds before her eyes met mine and her lips seemingly twitched into a smile before she frowned looking besides me.

Shaking her head she then walked off to a seat by the window and then class started.

" Okay let the class begin, but first." The teacher said as she looked straight at me and smiled." We seem to have a ward joining us from now on." She said garnering the wide eyes and frowns from some of the demon's in the class.

" Anyway, Mr Darius. In this class we have this ritual or passage where each new student must introduce them in this manner. Who they are, what they like, what they hate and what they are hoping to achieve here in that manner….so if you could." She said with a smile making me frown as I didn't know if she was fucking with me or not.

Choosing to just get this over with I already had created an ego that I was gonna represent while I was in here so I decided to go with that.

" My Name is Darius Morningstar" I said garnering the wide eyes of everyone in the class for giving out more then my first name like that but I continued." I'm the ward of the 7th mistress , I like being alone, I hate being bothered and I'm here to become the strongest demon the hellplanes have ever had." i made up lies just to solidify my false ego but deep down I knew that the last one wasn't so much as a lie as I thought it was.

[+13 Extra Chapter's on My Pa-Treon.

Check out my Pat! and support this lowly soul on this journey throughout the marvel multiverse!

On my patr-eon I've already uploaded till Chapter—58 so go check out the advanced chapters and leave some suggestions for the story.

also thank you guys for the stone's and the comments! knowing that you guys love my story means a lot to me really.

and also shower me with stones so this story gets an even larger audience!!]