
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Tranh châm biếm
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73 Chs


" so is this yours? " i asked the naked woman Infront of me while motioning towards the entire room.

" Mmmm, yes actually it is mine." Ororo said as she walked around and grabbed a watering can and started watering the plants.

Now this would have been just another normal thing to me, but the way she bent and showed her body to me almost, and I mean almost made me drop all pretences and just fuck her then and then but I held myself.

" It's a beautiful place, especially the green flowers over there." I said as I looked away from her and just stared at the flowers.

" thank you, they are from my home country, I brought the seeds here so I could always have a piece of her me with me always." Ororo spoke this time her voice shifted a bit seemingly having a bit of sadness contained within.

" Do you miss home?" I asked looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"….I do." Ororo simply said as she settled down and sat on the edge of one of the tables holding a couple plants.

" Then…" i said before drawing off my sentence as I walked up to her as she stared at me with fascination clearly etched on her face as I sat just besides her." Why don't you go back?" I asked.

Ororo finally allowing a genuine smile to adorn her face shook her head as she looked up at the open sky.

" I can't" She said " As much as I miss home, this is my real home, I have friend's here, family. Back home I have nothing." Ororo finished looking down.

Looking her expression I smiled and shook my head.

" You could have me" i said nonchalantly with a smile looking at her.

Ororo hearing what I said looked at me and the began chuckling.

" Are you confessing to me?" Ororo said with an eyebrow raised.

" hahaha, I may be." i said with a sly smile prompting her to chuckle even more " But it you ever do want to go back, I can always accompany you." I said with as much genuineness as I could muster.

" Thanks…I really needed that." Ororo said as she looked back at me.

" I'm Ororo." Ororo said finally bringing back the thought that we haven't introduced each other yet.

" I'm Jericho, it's a pleasure." I said as I stared at her eyes all the while giving her the most charming smile I could muster.

" Likewise" Ororo said back to me looking at me with just as much intensity as I.

So we simply just stared at each other for a while all the while initiating idiotic or just plain out of context conversations just to keep talking to each other before Ororo after an hour or so of staring at each other looked away.

" I think I should get going…" Ororo said with a frown and a shake of her head.

" Oh you busy?" I asked.

" Yeah, I have training with the other X-Men actually." Ororo answered before she stood Infront of me and started stretching her beautiful brown skinned body showing me all and then some before she suddenly looked up at me in between catching me ogling at her body.

Insntictively I wanted to look away immediately but I didn't and simply jusy stared at her body, seeing my stares Ororo instead of seeming displeased at me simply smiled before she started walking away towards the door.

" See you later Jericho." Ororo said as she walked out of the observatory still naked.

'….I'm never leaving this place am I?' i thought with a frown while looking at my boner that I had skillfully hidden from her eyes.

' and why the fuck is this shit so big?, It's almost my demon bodies size…and that motherfucker has a horses dick!.' I thought with a shake of my head before I heard a knock on the door before a goth girl walked in.

' eh?..'i thought watching as the girl walked up to me and held out keys to me.

" The name is Ellie, the professor told me to give you these, the key has the room number you're supposed to live in." Ellie spoke all the while trying and failing to not stare at my eyes.

" urhh…thanks" I said grabbing the key from her outreaches hand before I stared at her.

" Would you mind showing me this place?" i asked at the girl who suddenly frowned as she looked at me before shaking her head seemingly about to refuse.

" Sure, follow me." Ellie said as she started walking out of the room.

' ….why is every woman I meet comic book beautiful?' I thought with a shake of mg head before I started following the lady.

—Scene Cut-1 Hour later.

" That's dumb, what kind of villain does that?, That's just being idiotic" Ellie said stifling a laugh between her words.

" That's what I'm saying! It's dumb!." I said matter of factly with a shake of my head as me and Ellie leaned on the door to my room ignoring all the states of the people that walked past us.

At the moment I was chatting with Ellie about superheroes and villains who are just idiotic and why they always lose in some cases.

After Ellie agreed to help me out getting to my room we got to talking but mostly me solidifying my dumb but smart personality, we got to chatting and after a while we were laughing and throwing jabs at each other like we have been friends for a while and not gonna lie that caught me off guard as i thought she'd be hard to befriend.

" Well Negasonic Longass teenage warhead name, i gotta hit the hay." i saud with a shake of my head getting a light physical jab to the chest from Ellie who looked at me like I killed her cat before she started laughing.

" yeah, yeah wait till you gotta make yourself a superhero name and I was young when I came up with that name, and I'm not about to get shit from a guy named Jericho…what kinda name is that anyway?" Ellie said with shake of her own head.

" Okaaaay! Jericho is a great name! Annnndd that would be a great name to be called by too! Like Jericho! The Superhero! Or the Villain!" I said jokingly.

"Hah!! If your ass became a villain I'd woop it four ways to Sunday!" Ellie said with a laugh making me scoff as I opened my room door.

" Sure, like I'd allow that." I said back with a shake of my head.

" well, it was fun talking to you dude, chat to you later?" Ellie asked looking at me with a sly smile that turned into a genuine one at the end.

" If you bring beer I'm in." i said with a grin.

" Ain't we young to drink?" Ellie asked looking at me already inside my room looking at her outside my door.

" We're only young if you want us to be." I said with a grin.

" Jerry, has anyone ever told you that you're an idiot?" Ellie said looking at me as if i was an idiot.

"Ewww-Ewww! Don't ever call me that again…yuck!…" I said in a disgusted tone looking at Ellie like she was the freakiest thing I've ever seen.

" I rest my case." Ellie said shaking her head " See you later dude." She finished before she started walking away.

Closing the door the smile I had on my face seemingly started dissapearing only remaining a slight smile.

" Well…fuck me." I said out loud as I walked to my bed and dropped down on it with my face.

" Using two bodies at the same time is taxing…. especially when the other one is doing nothing but forge weopons and smelting." I said before rolled to my back and thought.

'Skills Tab.'

[About to end this arc and go to the demon arc....there will be lots of system creation since that's the whole schnick of this fic so comment down what type of malicious system types you'd like to see.

Check out my Pat! and support this lowly soul on this journey throughout the marvel multiverse!

On my patr-eon I've already uploaded till Chapter—32 so go check out the advanced chapters and leave some suggestions for the story.

also thank you guys for the stone's and the comments! knowing that you guys love my story means a lot to me really.

and also shower me with stones so this story gets an even larger audience!!]