
Marvel; Reborn as Asgards Eldest Prince

Second chances were deemed impossible, at least to my knowledge,. I also never expected to be reborn as the eldest Asgardian prince. nonetheless, it is a second chance, I might as well take it, and make do with what I got.

Zack_Smith_9438 · Tranh châm biếm
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"No, Tia, you don't." I snickered quietly, "you can't drink it like that."

The alicorn attempted to drink her drink by herself without bending her neck, which was a golden glass of water.

"Here." I grabbed the cup to her and turned it around.

She had an upset look on her face as she looked at me, I chuckled softly, "You will get there, I am in the same boat as you."

She shot me a deadpanned look.

"I know you do not know what a Boat is." I said, "It is basically like a boat Midgardians use to transfer things and themselves across water."

I rolled my eyes at her blank look.

"Yeah yeah, I know, you don't know that." I grinned at her, "But you know what, as I had taught you everything you knew, I will teach you all of this in the coming years."

I ruffled her mane..

Some of you might be confused at where you are at right now, but let me bring you up to speed.

It has been a total of 3 complete years.

I was so sick and so tired, of being so, weak. I decided to train on my own, early, I started small by doing push ups and sit ups, then I started to run 1 400 meters for a start. Of course I was, 2 and a half years old when I had eventually started this.

Eventually though, My Alicorn sister, or is she my daughter? I did see her hatch, and she was technically with me the entire time, and I did take care of her, despite my age.

How, this is all so unrealistic.


I am a grown adult, inside the body of a little boy. My mind, has more will, more focus, more drive.

A babies mind has none of that,, it is clean, it is pure, it is innocent, and most importantly, they are empty, and they no nothing.

So, they do not do anythjing, because they do not know anything, and their minds are empty. It is because of this, they start learning languages fast, it is because of this, they start copying movements fast, they learn faster than an adult because there brain was empty, now they know, but with an adult, the brain was already filled, so of course, it will be slower.

Do not misunderstand me, I am not calling babies stupid.

I am just calling them...


I think?

Anyway she started to follow me around and stated doing stuff herself, but I didn't want her to hurt herself too much, as she was a new born. Celestia did not have the same adult mind as my own, so she could really hurt herself without supervision, so as I trained myself, I guided her.

I guided her, and helped her, to be able to do things on her own. Here are the things I have found out about her as I trained her.

1. She is Highly intelligent.

I think that was something that I figured out even before I started to teach her, when she broke out of her shell and acknowledged me, before showing me affection.

2. She could feel and sense, the emotions of every living being, or at least, every living being that I've seen.

it comes off as a natural ability, and it was really weird, I am going to use an example from other, anime's here, you know Goku, had to train, really hard, to get him to use his five senses fully in a fight?

Well, As an Alicorn, Celestia did not need to train at all, she was born with that ability, amongst others that will be shown soon.

3. Stubborn to the bone.

She can be very stubborn at times, she just didn't know when to give up. She had that spirit that just refused to get down. It took a lot of effort just to get her to stop, because she was still as I said this before, she was still too young. She was not an immortal like me, and I refuse to be married to a horse, that would be disgusting.

Celestia looked over to me with a raised eyebrow, sensing my emotions, I shrugged.

4. She is a Protiige.

Celestia, is what one would call a protege, it was extremely incredible, to see how she learned how to do all that was taught so quickly, she soaked up what I was saying to her like a sponge in the water.

That was one of the reasons why I knew she was a very intelligent being as well too, because her motions started evolving overtime.

Although she still could not speak, which was expected, unfortunate, but expected nonetheless.

5. She was generally everything that I'd hope to find in an alicorn, besides being truly immortal. The Alicorn could probably live for thousands of years, and also.

With the reality stone, amongst other reality warping abilities I could give to myself in the future to come, I think that I could make her life extend too.

I wouldn't want someone I have grown to care about die, but I am not going to go the evil power hungry selfish asshole who becomes a...physcopath for the pleasure, no no.

I will be smart, well, try to be with the best of my ability, smart, wise, I might be selfish, a little, because it is in my nature...I won't be evil, I will be more along the sides of a good, and a chill person, if the push comes to shove, and if the time comes where it is necessary, I would have to be ruthless, I WILL kill if I have to, but not without reason, and only when needed.


How was it?

Like it?

Hate it?

Tell me why?

Or if you can't and just hate it

You can Kiss my ass...

and get the hell out.


Have a nice day

Zack out.