
Marvel; Reborn as Asgards Eldest Prince

Second chances were deemed impossible, at least to my knowledge,. I also never expected to be reborn as the eldest Asgardian prince. nonetheless, it is a second chance, I might as well take it, and make do with what I got.

Zack_Smith_9438 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Patience is a Virtue

Infinity blinked in surprise, "Oh my, I did not expect him to move so quickly."

As she looked down through the endless space and time, a smirk started to form on her face, "I am very impressed, but do not get to comfortable my son, because the second you get used to this, you'll be back to square one, I will have the gravity increased by 2."


"Moving was a lot harder now, and I figured that was only because of the gravity that had been enhanced by the great ones."

I am very suspicious that these great ones are the Cosmic Entites that were mentioned in the marvel comics. So that means that I am not in the mcu, because Cosmic Entites were not mentioned in the mcu period...

Technically I realized that I wasn't in the mcu the moment my mother was ab,e to best my Kamehameha with ease.

I was not nerfed, but I realized that I had underestimated my parents, they were really strong...really strong.

It doesn't matter, I'll just have to train harder, which is what I was trying to do currently, but my mother was having none of that...at least not yet.

"Now now..." Ashteia said with a smile, stepping in front of us, "No need to start beating up your imaginary friend..." She grinned at me as I scratched the back of my head sheepishly...well I was still struggling with the gravity of the situation.

Celestia tilted her head, confused...

"Remember dears, what I said?" Mom asked, "Walk before you run."

She pointed towards...Borr, who looked on with a confused expression, but father nodded, "Indeed your mother's right Son...before you do your usual training...I want you to complete another task. He pointed towards his Son...Borr...

Who's eyes widened in realization before his lips curved into a devilish expression.

Celestia shuddered at that look, and so did I, I didn't like it honestly, because I was so used to the chill bro that I had once knew.

He took a step forward to stand in front of his mother, Bor's fist hit his palm, as he looked at me, "Come on little brother, Hit me as hard as you can."

Tia and I exchanged looks, before we both nodded and turned to Bor, Tia outstretched her wings and got in a stance, while I got into a stance as well, both of us staring at Borr with determination on our faces.

One small step, let's do this...

We both launched ourselves at Bor, but due to the gravity increase that was restricting our movements our speeds were slower than usual.

Bor dodged all of our punches and kicks with extreme ease, it was getting old real fast, and Bor seemed like he was enjoying our irritation looks, he wasn't a jerk perse he was still cool and chill, but he was still an Older brother... and Older brothers do what older brothers do and annoy the hel out of the younger brother.

Which is something that I realized what he did and I had to stop myself from falling into it, I realized that I could use this to my advantage...and train in a different way as well.

Celestia sensing my movement stopped as well...she flapped her wing pausing midflight and floated gently back to me She tilted her head confused at me, she knew I had a plan though, so she just waited for me to respond to her.

"We are not getting anywhere with my brother..." I whispered, "Instead of trying to focus on him, let's focus on ourselves. Training the mind.

Celestia eyed widened, before she looked back at the elder brother who was smirking at them.

"What's wrong little brother, giving up already?"

She looked back to me and nodded her head in understanding, 'that way, he will be the one who looses his mind, he will get sloppy, and then we might have the advantage and land a blow on him.'

We both understood what we must do, and got in a stance. Celestia closed her eyes and took a deep breath, while my eyes stared at what was a head of me, with deep concentration.

Round two,

Celestia snapped her eyes open.

Patience is a virtue.

The two of us lunged at Borr with everything we have.

Just getting into the groove again, the chapters will be longer soon.

If you like this book, add it to your library.

Stones? Give me them stones, because Zack is back.

Zack Out.

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