
Marvel; Reborn as Asgards Eldest Prince

Second chances were deemed impossible, at least to my knowledge,. I also never expected to be reborn as the eldest Asgardian prince. nonetheless, it is a second chance, I might as well take it, and make do with what I got.

Zack_Smith_9438 · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Of Strength and Mind

"Erm..." I muttered looking towards the books on the golden glass desk with a curious look.

"Before you do anything, you need to learn how to write in our language." Ashteia explained, "you can't get started with out learning the basics of steps."

"And how is writing, relevant with training?" I asked with a skeptical, but not disrespectful tone in my voice.

"Do you expect to run before you can walk?" Ashteia shot back with a raised eyebrow at me.


"Do you expect to fight, before you can even throw a punch?" she asked with an amused tone.

"I get it..." I muttered annoyed.

Good." she said, "because for the first part of your training, you won't be doing anything until you are able to write and read, in normality."

Use this as Motivation." She raised her hand, her eyes never meeting mine, her face was normal and chill. After a couple of moments, the air shimmered around her.

Suddenly the temperature around us dropped exponentially and whistle like noise started to form.

Soon, afterwards.

Steam appeared slowly into existence, as long as this sounded, it was what seemed like a millisecond, for a cold light blue, almost clear light, which condensed into a soild object, the light solidifyed before it stretched, and formed upwards, to what looked like a glowing orb of Ice.

"This is magic dear, this is what you will be learning, after you learn how to fight." She said with a chuckle at my entranced look.

I was entranced, I loved magic, and I couldn't wait to get started, the manipulation of energy was always something of my latest dreams.

Maybe, just maybe, I could do a Kamehameha and it will actually work this time.

Don't give me that look, every single person has attempted or tried to do the Kamehameha at least one time.

A couple of months later, to be more specific, 10 months later. I was finally able to read and write, I could write the words but my language was sloppy.

It was so hard though, as I didn't have any internet to help me, nor did I have my parents help me. Only towards the end when I started to finally get it was when my mother started to help me, and guide me.

When ever I made some mistakes she would correct me.

"When I was done, she gave off a small smile.

"Well, celebrations, are in order, my dear child, for now, I will be sending you off to your father, for your father, told me that he wanted to be the one to teach you how to fight, and use a weapon."


Well it was the next day, when father was the one who was teaching me, and I was surprised that he was as patient as my mother when it comes to teaching.

I paid close attention.

"As your mother had said, you cannot run before you can walk." Buri stated, "Likewise, you will not be able to use a weapon until after you learn how to fight, So I will be able to help you, but only with teaching you what you need to do first. "

"I nodded my head.

Afterwards, I will only watch." Buri paused for a moment before he continued, "If you fail, I will be here to correct you on your errors."

I nodded my head once again, in understanding.

"Understood father."

"Good." he nodded his head, "now, After I teach you the basics, we will be training, by training, I mean, I mean you will be beaten, until you get it right. Once I am certain, that you are skilled enough for me to leave you alone, I will do so."

I gulped slightly, before ignoring my fears and nodded my head, I was an immortal so there was no way he'd accidentally kill me. thank God for that, otherwise, I would have been at this a long time ago.

"Now for the training, we are going to fight, if you do not learn you will die, this universe outside of Asgard is an unforgiven place. Do you understand?"

I nodded quickly.

"Yes, father."

Good." Buri said with a nod of his head, "then let us begin."

Did my pride diminish from being beaten till I was unconscious, with every fight, no, because like my father said, I was learning, I was learning slowly, but I was learning.

Tough love.

that is something I never had in my past life, unfortunately. Both of my parents had always smoldered me with affection, making me...somewhat spoiled. I never had a bratty attitude, I was just kind of spoiled, every single thing kind of set me off and I didn't truly know how to appreciate others.

But after the incident happened.

The foundations of my entire being was shook to it's core.

I realized, then I contemplated.

I was not the same, I was forced to change.

the first time we sparred, he knocked me out with one punch.

The second time we spared, the same thing.

The third time we spared, I learned, and I dodged it, only to be knocked out again.

I realized, that all this time, I had been training, by human standards, when I should have been training, by Asgardian standards.

But I lacked the knowledge of how Asgardians train.

I do know that in the comics, Thor fought Zeus for almost a year without stopping. So the training it took to achieve that stamina would most likely be training a normal mortal could not handle, it sounded obvious, and I was proven correct when my father and I sparred.

Every single day I would get better than yesterday.

My father was different then my mother, he had a more rough way in dealing with his training, would always have this proud look on his face in the end and says.

"Good job son, you are learning fast," Father said, "you will be a fine warrior fit to be Asgard's prince one day."



How was it?

Like it?

Hate it?

Tell me why?

Or if you can't and just hate it

You can Kiss my ass...

and get the hell out.


Have a nice day

Zack out.

Don't mind my latest story A Purifier's Journey; A Multiverse Story[No Harem] that I posted, I just posted it there because my saved stories wasn't working on my account.

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